I have this moment been requested to address the people upon the
subject of a theocratical form of government, or upon that particular
form of government called the kingdom of God. I will read a few
passages from the book of Daniel the Prophet relating to governments
in general—
"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a
kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be
left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all
these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Forasmuch as thou sawest
that the stone was cut out of the mountains without hands, and that it
brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the
gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to
pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation
thereof sure." (See Daniel ii. 44, 45.)
"Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote
the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to
pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the
gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the
summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place
was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great
mountain, and filled the whole earth." (See 34th and 35th verses.)
"And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under
the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the
most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions
shall serve and obey him." (See Daniel vii. 27.)
The form of government given to man immediately after the creation was
theocratical; that is, the Creator became the great Lawgiver. He
appointed the officers of that government, established his own
authority, and arranged all things after his own order, which is
eternal. He himself instituted the same form of government here in
this creation that he established in other kingdoms, worlds, or
creations, so far as the capacities and circumstances of the
inhabitants would permit. Hence such a government might in reality be
termed a theocracy, because God was the author of the laws, forms, and
institution of the same. After a period of time, men departed from
God, apostatized from the form of government instituted from heaven;
and, still thinking that it was needful and necessary to have some
kind of government, in order to control the people and keep them
within due bounds of subjection, they concluded to form and establish
governments of their own, according to the best judgment and
wisdom they had. Hence the various nations, both before and after the
flood, instituted governments according to human wisdom, some making
choice of one form, and some of another; some giving the whole
authority into the hands of a ruler, called a king, an emperor, or
monarch; others reserving a portion of the power in the hands of
various individuals, termed nobles or princes; others leaving the form
of government more or less in the hands of the people at large,
something resembling a republic. But all these various forms
instituted by man were entirely different in one particular from that
instituted of God.
The Lord claims it as a right, in consequence of his wisdom and
superior power, and in consequence of his having created men, to
govern them; and if so, he claims the right of originating their laws
and of dictating the form of government by which they shall be ruled.
This is his right; and every man, when he seriously reflects on this
subject, will be willing to acknowledge that God surely has more
wisdom, power, and knowledge, in relation to the kind of government
which would be best adapted to the human family, than those finite
beings whom he has created; and if he has this superior wisdom, power,
authority, and knowledge, we ought to give to him that right.
But mankind would not permit him to exercise the right which so justly
belongs to him. They usurped the authority and denied the right of the
Almighty to govern them, and thus originated all the forms of human
governments which have existed upon this globe for the last six
thousand years. It is true the Lord had a hand in the establishment of
some of the laws connected with the government of Israel; but even
that people, in consequence of the hardness of their hearts, rebelled
against the righteous, just, and holy laws that God ordained for their
good, and desired laws of a different nature, and a form of government
more resembling the corrupt nations around them. They were a
hardhearted people, and delighted to walk in the traditions of the
Egyptians, and to follow after the imaginations of their own hearts;
and when the pure law of Jehovah came forth and was presented to that
people, it was more than they were willing to endure; it was too pure
for them: they wanted something more suited to their carnal natures.
For instance, when a man married a wife, they wished to have the
privilege of divorcing her for every trifling cause that might happen
to take place. The Lord, seeing the hardness of their hearts,
permitted Moses to give them, according to their wishes, an inferior
law. But this additional law of carnal commandments formed no part of
a pure theocratical code such as the Lord intended to establish among
that people. Many other items of law were given to the children of
Israel, according to the hardness of their hearts, that were permitted
by the Lord through Moses. We cannot, therefore, suppose that all the
Mosaic code was acceptable and pleasing to God. Some of it was given
in wrath, that the wicked among them might stumble and fall, and not
be permitted to enter into the fulness of his rest. But God originated
the most of the Mosaic code, while Moses merely permitted the
additional laws applicable to a rebellious, hardhearted people.
The Israelites continued to be governed, more or less, by some of
those divine laws, until the coming of the Messiah; but they often
transgressed them through the traditions of their Elders; they often
departed from the living God, and lost the spirit of revelation and
communion with him. The powers, privileges, and blessings of
the kingdom which were intended to continue among that people were in
a measure taken from them at different periods of their history.
By-and-by our Savior came to abolish that portion of the law of Moses
which was given in consequence of transgression, and to retain that
portion which he intended should continue; for instance, the ten
commandments given by the Lord amidst the thunderings and lightnings
of Mount Sinai: these were never intended to be done away by the law
of Christ; but when he came, they were retained as a part of the
superior law of the Gospel. The kingdom of God was built up in the
days of Christ, under this superior law; but the most of the Jewish
nation concluded to reject the Gospel as their fathers did in the
wilderness: they cast it from them, and were not willing to be
governed by it; therefore the kingdom of God, instead of being a
concentrated government among Israel, existed in detached portions
here and there. The law of God, in the days of Christ did not have
place among them in a national capacity: it did not govern them as a
people. They were not subject to it: they fought against it. Hence the
kingdom, so far as it existed, after awhile was taken from them and
transferred over into the hands of the Gentiles.
The Gentiles did not receive this transferred kingdom nationally, but
individually—few individuals only embracing the same. As nations,
they rejected it as well as the Jews. The kingdom of God in those
days, though governed ecclesiastically by Divine laws, was not
sufficiently concentrated to exercise any national jurisdiction among
any of the nations of the great Eastern hemisphere. The isolated
individuals and branches receiving the kingdom were scattered here and
there through all the coun tries of the East, subject to the various
forms and municipal laws of man-made governments. This order of things
continued down for a short period after the martyrdom of the Apostles,
when mankind again departed entirely from the ecclesiastical laws of
the kingdom. There came a falling away, so that the kingdom, which
existed in a scattered and broken condition through the Gentile
nations, began to lose all the power and blessings pertaining to it:
the gift of healing was no longer made manifest; the gift of prophecy
no longer existed; and so complete and dreadful was the apostasy, that
one might travel through the whole of the Eastern continent and not
find a Prophet, or Apostle, or Revelator, or anyone who had heard the
voice of God or received any communication or revelation from him.
Then visions ceased, angels no longer appeared, miracles were done
away, and every office and power and authority and gift characterizing
the kingdom of God, or in the least resembling a theocracy, ceased
from all the Gentile nations. They, like the Jews before them, lost
the fruits of the kingdom of God; and the few Saints who remained and
had in any degree faith in the cause they had espoused, became so
darkened in their minds, through the wickedness and apostasy which
prevailed, that they were counted worthy only to be trodden under the
feet of the Gentile nations. Hence the powers of the earth made war
with all those branches that professed to be the kingdom of God, and
they overcame and destroyed them from the earth, and the kingdom of
God no longer existed, so far as we have knowledge, on the great
Eastern hemisphere, for something like seventeen centuries.
Nearly seventeen long centuries rolled over the heads of the Gentile
nations in Asia, Europe, and Africa; and such a thing as the
kingdom of God was entirely unknown among them. It did not exist
either in a concentrated or scattered form. Instead of a theocratical
government, or one of Divine origin, you could behold nothing but
empires, absolute and limited monarchies, kingdoms, principalities,
dukedoms, republics, and heterogeneous masses of conflicting
revolutionary elements, thrown together, as if by some fortuitous
circumstances, fomenting, igniting, and belching forth the hot lava of
destruction, swallowing up millions of unhappy beings, and
overwhelming all countries with desolation, misery, and death.
Next, let us turn to the ancient history of this great Western
hemisphere. We are informed by the sacred and Divine record, called
the Book of Mormon, that the kingdom of God flourished to a greater
extent here than in the Eastern world. On this Western hemisphere the
kingdom of God was established by the personal appearance of our Lord
and Savior after his resurrection. Twelve disciples were appointed on
this land to administer the Gospel, laws, and institutions of that
kingdom. They went forth preaching, prophesying, working miracles,
receiving revelations, and administering with authority Divine laws,
Divine ordinances—calling, appointing, and ordering in every
department of the kingdom—inspired officers holding Divine authority
to judge, to execute the laws, to govern in all things according to
the mind of the King of heaven, whom they saw, and whose voice they
heard, and whom they obeyed in all the affairs of government. This was
a theocracy indeed—a national theocracy established in its pure form.
And the ancient Israelites of America became universally a favored
and happy people. Their greatest settlements were in Central America
and the northern portions of South America. However, about three
hundred years after Christ, their settlements extended from Cape Horn
in the South to the frozen regions in the North—from the Atlantic on
the East to the great Pacific on the West. Large cities were built on
various parts of the land, arts and sciences flourished, and millions
of happy beings rejoiced in the blessings of universal peace and
liberty. This happy condition of things continued for some three
centuries, when they began to apostatize and contend one with another,
building up a variety of sects and parties on this Western hemisphere,
as well as in the Old World.
At length one portion of the nation was permitted to overpower the
other. Those who survived the overwhelming judgments of war and famine
were left only to sink into the lowest depths of degradation and
misery. Their descendants are called by us American Indians. Thus we
see that the kingdom of God did not exist to our knowledge, either on
the Eastern or Western hemispheres of our globe for many generations.
It became entirely extinct from the earth about four centuries after
the Christian era, and there was nothing left on the face of the wide
earth but the wisdom of man, the governments of man, the religion of
man, the power of man, and the rule of man. God, angels, prophets,
revelators, and every vestige of Divine authority and government were
excluded from every nation under heaven and wholly rooted out of the
earth. This was the benighted, woeful, lamentable condition in which
the year 1830 found the children of men, both on this continent and on
the great Eastern hemisphere.
Governments! Yes, they have multiplied governments upon governments.
There are scores of them to be found in Europe, and scores to be found in Asia and in Africa, of all sorts and forms, from the proud
monarchy that crushes the liberty and hopes of millions down to the
petty chieftain who degradedly wanders with his little band of fifty,
all pretending to be governed by some sort of principles.
While the iron hand of despotism thus held the nations within its
withering grasp, enslaving both soul and body, the great God, near the
close of the fifteenth century, moved upon the mind of a Columbus, and
inspired him to fearlessly launch forth upon the great expanse of
unknown waters on the west of Europe; and guided by the invisible
agency of the Holy Spirit, he revealed to the downtrodden, despairing
nations, a new world.
Upwards of another century passed away, during which the shackles of
despotism began to be loosened. Dissenters from the Romish Church
multiplied, protesting against many of her abominations. Nations
espoused their cause. Wars raged—Protestants against Catholics, and
Catholics against Protestants, each nation establishing its man-made
religion by man-made laws. Dissenters from these new religions formed
other sects, the weaker being persecuted by the stronger, and all
being persecuted, more or less, by the governments from whose
established religion they had dissented. Among this heterogeneous
compound of clashing creeds and clashing swords, no voice of God was
heard—no inspiration of the Almighty to calm the troubled elements—no
Prophet or Revelator to point out the kingdom of God and bid the
nations welcome.
Human wisdom in religious or governmental affairs is the great source
of disunion and all its attendant train of evil. So great became the
disunion among the European nations, that many of the more honest,
humble souls, to escape persecution and death, came from the old
countries, and first landed in the New England States in 1620. They
are called the Pilgrim Fathers. They established morality and many
good institutions, although their laws in many respects were very
oppressive. They instituted strict laws against what they called
witchcraft, and the old blue laws of Connecticut were established. But
among all these pilgrims there could not be found a theocratical form
of government. We only find laws instituted according to the best
wisdom and judgment of our ancestors; and by-and-by they became
sufficiently strong in this country to rise up against the oppressions
of the mother country: they concluded to protest against the tyranny
and oppression heaped upon them by the King of England: hence arose
the revolutionary struggles. A new government sprang into being,
formed in accordance with more liberal principles.
Let us inquire how far this government was established in accordance
with the mind and will of God. We believe, when our ancestors threw
off the yoke of tyranny and oppression placed on them by the
Government of England, that they were not only inspired in doing this,
but the Lord had something in view to accomplish: he had his plans and
purposes all laid out before him, and our fathers were the instruments
to carry out and fulfil those purposes. Our ancestors had gained their
independence, and had framed the articles of the Constitution, and the
Government was established, giving unto the people a voice and
privilege of electing their own officers. In the Constitution, certain
rights were guaranteed to the people, such as liberty of the press,
the liberty of speech, and the liberty of emigrating from one part of
the Union to another, settling in whatever State or Territory they saw
fit. The people preserved in their own hands the power to
protect their own rights; hence, when the voice of the people is in
favor of the guaranteed rights, the whole people enjoy a degree of
liberty. If the voice of the people is declared for that which is
wrong, then the minority, however right, has to suffer with the rest.
But this, perhaps, was as good a government as could be established
under the circumstances.
Our brave and hardy ancestors were just emerging from the tyranny and
oppression of ages: the star of liberty had but just risen above their
horizon: their minds were still beclouded with the dense fogs,
traditions, customs, laws, and forms of governments in the Old World;
and in their experience, they were unprepared for a theocracy, and
could not even comprehend, as their children do, the extent of that
liberty into which they had so suddenly emerged. Before they could
enlarge their liberties, and seek for a government of a purer and more
heavenly form, it required a few years to wear off those traditions.
Half-a-century passed away, during which the lessons of liberty became
deeply implanted in the hearts of the rising generation: they began to
comprehend and develop more fully those grand doctrines embraced in
the Constitution. Proud of their institutions and of the dignity and
honor of their great Republic, they began to suppose their form of
Government perfect, and that nothing could be added to increase its
grandeur and magnificence. But with all its glory and greatness and
perfection, it was only a steppingstone to a form of government
infinitely greater and more perfect—a government founded upon Divine
laws, with all its institutions, ordinances, and officers appointed by
the God of heaven. But our revolutionary fathers, having just broken
the bonds and shaken off the yoke, had not that experience necessary
to preserve inviolate the liberties they had gained. Although they
wrote the Constitution, and obtained power over a nation more powerful
than themselves, yet this did not wholly divest them of their
traditions; hence they were not prepared to have a Prophet rise up and
say—"Thus saith the Lord God."
After the nation had struggled along, increasing in knowledge and
power and experience, and had maintained their independence and
liberty for upwards of half-a-century, and had made rapid strides in
teaching, developing, and enjoying the principles of physical, moral,
and religious liberty, the Almighty determined to assert his right and
establish an everlasting kingdom upon the unalterable principles of
eternal truth—a kingdom which could never be destroyed nor ever be
shaken, though the heavens should pass away and the worlds disappear
with a universal crash.
The Lord now saw that there was one nation upon the earth where he
could venture to begin the great work—where a theocracy could exist in
an ecclesiastical form, being legally and lawfully entitled to all the
rights and protection guaranteed in the great American Constitution,
in common with all religious parties. The kingdom of God could not be
set up without calling officers, and inspiring men, and revealing
laws, while this Republic elects its own officers and makes its own
The American Congress do not pretend to inspiration. The Speaker, who
occupies the highest and most honorable station in the Lower House,
is not a Prophet: he does not deliver the word of the Lord as law;
neither does the honorable President of the Senate say, Thus saith
the Lord God: but all the deliberations and enactments of that
illustrious body are the results of human wisdom. They would
not suffer a Prophet of God to come into their midst and dictate the
laws that should be adopted by the nation. They would show him the
door. They would call upon the officers that are appointed to keep
order in that honorable assembly to put out such a character. They
would very likely say, "We will not for a moment listen to him, though
he may profess to be inspired, and to have received heavenly visions,
and to have seen God, and talked with him face to face, as Moses,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did; yet we will let him know that he must
not come among us and undertake to dictate us as to the kind of laws
we shall pass. This is not a theocratic form of government, and
therefore we will not listen to him."
In ancient times, we find even kingly powers bowed to Prophets and
Revelators. Nebuchadnezzar, in all his glory, could give heed to the
Prophet Daniel—could listen to the interpretation of his own dream. He
believed in Prophets. But the people of these latter times have
strayed so far from a theocratical form of government that they do not
even believe in such things as dreams and visions inspired of God;
hence it would be a difficult matter for such a man as Daniel to
approach the august assembly annually convened at the capitol.
I have often contrasted, in my reflections, the faith of the present
nations of Christendom with the faith of the ancient Egyptians and
Babylonians. These nations, as wicked as they were, did believe in the
spirit of prophecy and revelation; they did receive a Prophet. Hence
we find the Egyptians exalting a Joseph from a dungeon, because he had
a dream, and because he gave the true interpretation thereof. Said
Pharaoh, "There is no man among us that is so able to dictate, guide,
and direct the affairs of this nation as this man. He has had a dream.
The Lord has revealed to him something about our future condition—what
is to take place in Egypt and in the surrounding nations. The Lord has
revealed to him that there are to be seven years of plenty and seven
years of famine. What man is so well fitted to stand next to me in
authority, to dictate and guide the affairs of this people in regard
to the approaching famine? Let him be exalted and honored."
Would they thus honor a Prophet in this day? No. They would say, "He
is a false, visionary character, and is not fit for a Justice of the
Peace, or for any other office of the least responsibility." The
inhabitants of great Babylon—one of the most popular nations on the
earth, having gone forth, conquering and to conquer, until the Jewish
nations and all nations were brought in subjection to them, still had
confidence in Prophets; and their great king Nebuchadnezzar,
surrounded with all the magnificence of power, and sitting on his
throne, dreamed a dream, and he had confidence there was something in
it. He did not despise the Spirit of revelation as the American
Congress would, or as the kings, emperors, and nobles of the earth at
this day would do; but he considered it indicative of something in the
future; and a proclamation was sent forth among all the wise men of
Babylon, commanding them to reveal his dream and the interpretation
thereof, or they should be put to death. About the time they were to
carry out the sentence of the king, and put to death the astrologers
and wise men of great Babylon, Daniel exclaimed, "Why is the decree so
hasty from the king?" and desired of the king that he would give him
time, and that he would show the king the interpretation. Through the
prayer of faith, the secret was revealed to Daniel, and he came before
the king and said, "Thou, O king, sawest, and beheld a great
image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before
thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine
gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of
brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou
sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the
image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to
pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the
gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the
summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place
was found for them; and the stone that smote the image became a great
mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream."
I will now relate the substance of the interpretation. This great
image which you saw represents the successive kingdoms of the world,
down to the setting up of the kingdom of God. The head of gold
represents the great kingdom over which you reign; the breast and arms
of silver represent another kingdom inferior to thee, that shall
succeed thy kingdom, which all commentators agree was the kingdom of
the Medes and Persians. The belly and thighs of brass represent
another kingdom which shall succeed the Medes and Persians, which all
agree in saying was the Macedonian empire. The legs of iron represent
the next in succession which shall have universal dominion. All agree
that the fourth represents the Roman empire. The feet of iron and clay
represent the ten kingdoms which shall spring out from the broken
fragments of the Roman empire. Governments in their weak and divided
state were to have place on the earth until the kingdom of God should
be set up in the last days.
The kingdom of God was entirely distinct from this great image. It
formed no part of it, but it was represented as a stone cut out of the
mountain without hands. That stone smote the image on the feet—not on
the head, nor upon any other portion of the body: it was first to
commence its operations upon the feet and toes of the great image; and
then the feet, toes, legs, breast, arms, and head were to be broken to
pieces, and become like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and
the wind was to carry away the whole image, and there was to be no
place to be found for it, while the little stone was to increase to
such a magnitude that it should fill the whole earth; and the
dominion, even the greatness of the dominion under the whole heavens
was to be given to the Saints of the Most High. This is the true
interpretation of this remarkable prophetic dream.
It is not my intention this morning to say much concerning the
particular relations which the kingdom of God will have towards the
religious views of men and nations. This department of this great
subject was so ably investigated by our President, Sabbath before
last, that I should esteem it a folly for me to attempt to throw any
new light upon it. Indeed, it would be very difficult to find language
to express the ideas more clearly and plainly than they were expressed
by him.
My object has been this morning to take another branch of this
subject, and show you the times and the seasons of establishing a
theocracy upon the earth, and perhaps say something about its final
From what has been said, we can perceive that some parts of Daniel's
prophecy have already been fulfilled. The predictions were of such a
character that no man by his own wisdom, in the days of Daniel, could
have possibly foreseen those far-off events. What man, by his own
human wisdom, could for a moment have supposed that the kingdom of the Medes and Persians would overthrow the great empire of
Babylon, in the way that it was foretold by Daniel? Again, what man,
uninspired, could have foreseen that the Greek empire, under the
government and rule of Alexander, would go forth and overthrow the
Medes and Persians, and bear rule over all the earth; and finally,
that he should die, and the kingdom be divided among four of his
generals?—which is all clearly foretold in the 7th and 8th chapters of
Daniel. What man, by his own sagacity, without the inspiration of the
Almighty, could have understood that a great iron kingdom should
arise, and be diverse from all the other kingdoms, and should break in
pieces and devour the whole earth, and stamp them down with oppression
and tyranny?—which it is well known was done by the great Roman
empire. All these things were fulfilled literally.
Again, what human foresight could have predicted that this great
kingdom should be overcome and broken up, and that the fragments
should compose the modern kingdoms of Europe, together with those
governments that have emigrated from Europe to this western continent?
All these prophecies have been literally fulfilled. Why, then, not
look for the kingdom of God to arise literally from the mountains as a
little stone, to break in pieces the great image? If one portion of
the prophecy has been literally fulfilled, why not look for the
literal fulfillment of the balance? I expect the literal fulfillment of
that prophecy relating to the Saints of the last days arising like a
small stone unconnected with this image, and disunited from all forms
of government, both civil and ecclesiastical. I look for such a
kingdom to arise, with a separate form of government, and to continue,
and prevail, and progress, until the dominion and the greatness of the
dominion under the whole heavens shall be given to the Saints of the
Most High. I look for that to be fulfilled literally, just as much as
I know the other to have been fulfilled literally. I know that it is
often argued, by those who profess to be wise men, that the kingdom
represented by this little stone cut out of the mountain took its rise
1,800 years ago. Let us examine this, for it is of the greatest
importance that we should understand the times and the seasons.
Daniel said that the kingdom which was to be established in the last
days never should be destroyed, nor left to other people, but should
exist forever, and increase until the whole earth should be filled by
the Saints of the Most High. How did it happen with the kingdom of
Christ that was set up in ancient times? I have already related it;
but I will again briefly state that the kingdom of God, set up 1,800
years ago, did not fulfil the terms of the prophecy. It was not set up
at the proper time. The whole image which Nebuchadnezzar saw was not
then standing complete from the head of gold to the feet of iron and
clay, which should have been the case before the stone is cut out of
the mountain without hands. Did it stand complete 1,800 years ago? No.
Where were the iron legs in all their power and grandeur? Where were
the feet and toes, that were part of iron and part of potter's clay?
Or, in other words, the ten kingdoms which were to succeed the great
empire of Rome? In the days of the ancient kingdom of Christ they were
not in existence. The image was not complete: it lacked the lower
portions; it lacked the legs and feet of iron and clay. It is true,
the Roman empire then existed, but not as the great western and
eastern portions. It is known, that it was long after Christ before
Rome was divided into two kingdoms representing the two iron legs. The
capital of one was at Constantinople, and the capital of the
other at Rome, in Italy. But where were these legs, feet, and toes, a
few centuries before, when the kingdom of Christ was on the earth?
They did not exist.
In those days there was no stone from the mountains, and there were no
feet and no toes to be broken in pieces. Instead of the ancient Church
fulfilling the prediction in breaking the image, events proved a state
of things directly the reverse. Some of the governments forming the
image made war with the Saints and overcame them, and the ancient
kingdom of Christ was destroyed from the earth.
Hear what the prophets predict in relation to the ancient Church.
Daniel says, "And I beheld, and the same horn made war with the
saints, and prevailed against them." (See Daniel vii. 21.) Again, he
says, "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; and he
shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall
destroy the mighty and the holy people." (See Daniel viii. 24.)
He further says—"And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he
corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be
strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people
shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by
captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they
shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with
flatteries." (See Daniel xi. 32, 34.)
John, the Revelator, in describing this same power under the figure of
a beast, says—"And all the world wondered after the beast." "And
it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:
and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."
(See John's Revelation, chapter xiii.) Therefore, instead of the
ancient Church overcoming the image, it was itself to be overcome by
the image. History shows the sad fulfillment of these predictions.
Therefore the former-day kingdom was not the stone of the mountain.
The ancient kingdom being overcome, fled to heaven, and the Priesthood
was caught up to God and to his throne; and there the Saints are
reserved in heaven until the coming of the Son of God to reign on the
earth, according to the predictions of the Prophets. Then he will
bring that kingdom which is in heaven with him. He has to set up a
kingdom on earth preparatory to that which will come from heaven. This
preparatory kingdom must be established on the earth, where man-made
governments exist. It will be a kingdom increasing in greatness and
power and glory on the earth for many years preparatory to the coming
of the King with the heavenly kingdom, at which time both the heavenly
and earthly will be united in one, under their great Head and
Having demonstrated the fact that an everlasting kingdom is to be set
up in the last days, let us next inquire whether the period has
arrived for such a grand event to be fulfilled. Is there anything that
should be fulfilled before we ought to look for such a kingdom? Can
anyone show one prediction that needs to be accomplished before the
kingdom of God is set up on the earth, never again to be destroyed?
The remnants of the old Babylonish empire, under the form of other
governments, will be found mostly in Asia. The breasts and arms of
silver will also be found in Asia. The belly and thighs of brass will
be found part in Asia and part in Europe. The broken iron kingdom
still exists in Italy, Europe. The feet and toes exist throughout
Europe and among the governments of America of European
origin. Thus the location of the image is known, its head being in
Asia, and the other extremity in America. No part is lacking. It lies
stretched out over lands and seas, occupying nearly the whole of the
two great hemispheres of our globe. The old, wrinkled, worn-out
monster seems ready to break in pieces. All that seems to be necessary
is for some power, distinct and independent, to set the old thing
crumbling, and its final dissolution will soon follow. Such a power
will be the kingdom of God cut from the mountain. The location of the
stone of the mountain could not be in Asia, Africa, or Europe, nor
upon any distant island of the sea; but it must be in America, near
the extremities of the feet and toes. This mountain kingdom could not
be found in the low countries of America, but in some high, elevated
There is no country which would better answer the terms of the
predicted location than that elevated region bordering upon the great
Rocky Mountain chain. A kingdom in that high region might well be
called a mountain kingdom, and be thus designated by the inspired
Daniel. Its proximity to the western extremity of the image would
almost preclude the idea of any other mountainous location.
But to establish such a kingdom, some one must receive Divine
authority. And what is the testimony of the Latter-day Saints in
regard to the calling of anyone in this Church? We want now to test
ourselves. Are we the kingdom of God that was to be established in the
last days? Or are we not? Have we the characteristics of that kingdom?
Have we been called in that way and manner that the servants of God in
ancient days were called?
To answer this question, let us go back to Joseph Smith—the one that
organized this Church by the commandment of the Almighty. When, where,
and how were you, Joseph Smith, first called? How old were you? And
what were your qualifications? I was between fourteen and fifteen years
of age. Had you been to college? No. Had you studied in any seminary
of learning? No. Did you know how to read? Yes. How to write? Yes. Did
you understand much about arithmetic? No. About grammar? No. Did you
understand all the branches of education which are generally taught in
our common schools? No. But yet you say the Lord called you when you
were but fourteen or fifteen years of age? How did he call you? I will
give you a brief history as it came from his own mouth. I have often
heard him relate it.
He was wrought upon by the Spirit of God, and felt the necessity of
repenting of his sins and serving God. He retired from his father's
house a little way, and bowed himself down in the wilderness, and
called upon the name of the Lord. He was inexperienced, and in great
anxiety and trouble of mind in regard to what church he should join.
He had been solicited by many churches to join with them, and he was
in great anxiety to know which was right. He pleaded with the Lord to
give him wisdom on the subject; and while he was thus praying, he
beheld a vision, and saw a light approaching him from the heavens; and
as it came down and rested on the tops of the trees, it became more
glorious; and as it surrounded him, his mind was immediately caught
away from beholding surrounding objects. In this cloud of light he saw
two glorious personages; and one, pointing to the other, said, "Behold
My Beloved Son. Hear ye Him!" Then he was instructed and informed in
regard to many things pertaining to his own welfare, and
commanded not to unite himself to any of those churches. He was also
informed that at some future time the fulness of the Gospel should be
made manifest to him, and he should be an instrument in the hands of
God of laying the foundation of the kingdom of God.
Some few years after this, having proved himself faithful before the
Lord, he was commanded by an holy angel to go to a hill about three
miles from his father's house, and to take from the ancient place of
their deposit certain plates, on which was recorded the ancient
history of this great Western continent from the earliest ages until
the records were hid up by an ancient Prophet some four centuries
after Christ.
In the year 1827 he was permitted to take those plates from their long
deposit, and with them the Urim and Thummim—a sacred instrument such
as was used by ancient Prophets among Israel to inquire of the Lord.
He was commanded of the Lord, notwithstanding his youth and
inexperience, to translate the engravings upon those plates into the
English language. He did so, and others wrote from his mouth. Here,
then, was the way that the Lord commenced a preparatory work for the
raising up of the kingdom of God. What use would it have been to have
raised up the kingdom of God without giving new revelation on
doctrine? If a church were raised up without the Spirit of revelation,
it could not stand forever: it would be broken up and scattered, the
same as the other systems of the day, into numerous fragments, one
contending that he was right, and another that he was right; and thus
it would be anything else but the kingdom of God: it would be a
perfect bedlam. But, to prepare the way, the Lord gave a lengthy
revelation, contained in the Book of Mormon, including prophecies and
the fulness of the Gospel, as taught by the mouth of the Savior
himself on this vast continent 1,800 years ago.
With such a revelation, the kingdom of God could be set up, having an
unerring guide in doctrinal subjects—a something to show the true
points of the Gospel of Jesus and the first principles of the laws of
the kingdom, and thus remove all cause for any division of sentiment
and opinion.
This inspired book was revealed to Joseph Smith in fulfillment of those
prophecies which I have often repeated before you, and which clearly
predict that such a work should come to establish the kingdom of God
on the earth. The book was printed in the early part of the year 1830,
after which the Lord gave express commands to this young man to
assemble together a few who believed in the work, and lay the
foundation of the Church. Accordingly, on the 6th of April, 1830, the
Latter-day Kingdom of God commenced in its organization, consisting of
only six members, in the town of Fayette, Seneca County, State of New
York. Was this in reality the kingdom of God? Yes; it was its
beginning, or merely a nucleus around which proper materials were to
gather and be organized. In the beginning of January, 1831, the Lord
gave a revelation for the few members of his kingdom to gather
together from the State of New York and Pennsylvania to the State of
Ohio. They gathered to the place called Kirtland, Geauga County. They
stayed there a few years, during which the Gospel of the kingdom was
extensively preached in the United States and the Canadas. The Saints
continued gathering to Kirtland and to Jackson County, Missouri.
The enemy was on the alert, and knew the difference between the
es tablishment of the kingdom of God and those systems
established by man. If the Church was permitted to prosper, he feared
that his time was short. With the hopes of destroying the kingdom, the
Devil waged war against the Saints in Jackson County, and 1,200 men,
women, and children were scattered abroad in the cold months of
November and December, 1833, wandering houseless and homeless, without
food or fire, over the wild prairies and desolate wilderness of that
country, pursued on every side by ruthless mobs. After this they
settled on the north side of the Missouri River, in Clay County, where
they resided some two years; they were again forced to leave, and
sought refuge from their persecutors still further north, in the
unsettled portions of the State. In the meantime, the Saints in
Kirtland were forced to leave their homes, fleeing from their enemies
into Missouri. In 1839, they were driven out of Missouri into Illinois.
In 1844, the great Prophet of this last dispensation was murdered while
under the pledged protection of the Governor of Illinois. In the
winter of 1846, some fifteen or twenty thousand were forcibly expelled
from their homes in Illinois. In the summer following, the sick, and
the poor, and the aged, whose circumstances had not permitted them to
accompany their brethren, were cannonaded out of Nauvoo.
In the midst of these most inhuman and dreadful persecutions, the
United States called for five hundred of these suffering, wandering
exiles to leave their families upon the Plains in the midst of wild
savages, without shelter or food, to fight the battles of the nation
against Mexico. In 1847, after incredible hardships and suffering, the
Saints arrived in these mountains.
The object of our persecutors in driving us here was to destroy the
kingdom. They threatened us with utter extermination if we stopped
short of these mountains. They supposed that, when once here, our
destruction would be inevitable. "On those arid and sterile deserts
they cannot subsist; famine will speedily waste them away: we shall be
rid of them." These were their expectations. But the Lord had another
object in view in suffering us to be driven into these elevated
regions: he intended to fulfil the prediction of Daniel, that the
stone might be located in its appropriate place, and be more fully
organized and prepared against the day when it should be taken from
the mountain to fulfil the purposes of Jehovah, and itself to become a
great mountain and fill the whole earth.
While down yonder in those low countries, the stone was not in the
right place: it was not fully organized. They drove us into these
mountains; and when we arrived, we found now and then a small valley,
and here and there a bush growing, covered with crickets so thickly
that you could scarcely see the limbs. It looked dreary to many to see
nothing but parched grass, barren land, and crickets in abundance,
eating up everything in the form of vegetation. We began to build
houses; but I need not give you the history of the particulars during
the twelve years of our sojourn here. Look abroad in this Territory:
behold the flourishing settlements, forming almost a continuous chain
for some 400 miles north and south. Look at this city for a sample. Do
not our comfortable buildings, our public works, our extensive
improvements testify before heaven and earth, God, angels, and men,
that the Latter-day Saints have been an industrious people, if nothing
else? Look at the amount of labor required of men here to make a
living that is not required in a more fertile region. A man has to
spend two or three tedious days to get one small load of wood
from our almost inaccessible mountain canyons. He has to irrigate the
land, and spend as much labor in that one thing as the Illinois
farmer would in raising his whole crop. Independent of all this, look
at the scores of cities which have sprung up as if by magic; the tens
of thousands of houses that have been erected, many of which are large
and commodious, and may be pronounced splendid for a new country.
All this immense labor has been within the short space of twelve
years. By whom has it been done? By a downtrodden, persecuted
people—a people who had already been driven five times from homes and
farms, suffering the loss of millions. We might query here, Have the
Latter-day Saints had much time to do evil, even if they had been very
much disposed to do so? You generally find that an industrious people
are a moral people—that a people whose hands are engaged, whose
physical powers are exerted from sunrise till sundown, whose weary
limbs are obliged to be active in irrigating the soil by night as well
as by day, and who are obliged to ascend the mountain heights in quest
of wood and timber, exposed by night to the chilling blasts and
drifting snows of those elevated and dreary regions, have not much
time to devise mischief. On the other hand, you go among the nations
where they are eating and drinking and feasting on the best, and what
do you find there? All manner of evil, drunkenness, lasciviousness,
blasphemies, and every species of degradation and immorality. Such a
class of lazy, indolent loungers can imagine up more mischief in
twenty-four hours than what the whole people of the Saints would live
to do in twenty-four years.
But the Devil is as mad as ever. His wrath has not ceased. He feels as
indignant, and a little more so, as when we were in the States. We
really thought, say our enemies, that they would have perished in
those deserts: we supposed that there could not be an ear of corn
raised in the neighborhood of the Rocky Mountains, and that if we
could only get them there, we were sure they would come to naught.
But behold, they prosper! What shall we do? We cannot organize mobs
now before breakfast, and go up against them as we did in Missouri and
Illinois. Mobs are out of the question now. We must get something more
plausible to operate upon them, to make the people think that we do it
legally. We must persecute them anyhow. And off went the officials
that were here to spread all manner of lies, that they themselves and
everybody else knew were lies; and the people have since proved them
to be such.
But, without appointing a committee of investigation, and without any
further information, the Chief Executive puts an army on the march,
while nothing but devastation, death, and utter extermination were
denounced by the whole nation, as well as the army, upon the heads of
the devoted citizens of Utah. The mail was withheld, and months passed
away before the peaceful, industrious citizens of this Territory knew
that an army were approaching, or that anything had occurred to
disturb our peaceful relations with the General Government. Under
these startling circumstances, it was concluded to preserve our heads
upon our shoulders, if possible, until we could get some official
intelligence as to the intentions of the Government and the army. In
the providence of God, the army did not reach our settlements, as they
intended, until the following summer. No battles were fought, no blood
was shed, and we still lived. Commissioners arrived from Washington,
when we were for the first time informed that the whole
nation, with ourselves and the army, had been laboring under an
entire mistake—that the President had no intentions against the
people of Utah, but was merely wishing to establish some military
If the nation had been informed of this one year before, what terrible
commotion and excitement would have been avoided? But the President,
no doubt, enjoyed the joke at the nation's expense. The kingdom of God
is destined to stand forever and fill the whole earth. How are our
enemies going to help themselves? They have tried to do something, but
we are here in our habitation yet; but if not, the kingdom of God
would roll on. We are occupying our farms yet; but if not, the kingdom
of God would roll on. Generally speaking, we are alive yet; but if
half of us were dead, the kingdom of God would roll on. And as yet our
houses are not burned, our crops destroyed, nor our cattle killed off;
but if they were, the kingdom of God would roll on.
Neither the United States' army nor all the armies of the earth can
destroy the kingdom. All that we claim is, as I have stated
heretofore, in relation to ourselves, the right guaranteed to us by
the American Constitution. We do not ask for any other rights: we ask
for no more privileges under that Constitution than what are enjoyed
by the people of every other Territory of the American Union. And even
these rights we do not ask for: they are ours without asking for them.
We do not beg for them: we will not bemoan ourselves so much as to
crouch to the Congress of the United States to ask for rights that we
are already in possession of, and that every American citizen should
enjoy here upon this boasted land of freedom.
What! Ask for that which we already possess, which is guaranteed to us
by the great Constitution of our country, and which was purchased for
us by the blood of our noble ancestors! No; we will do no such thing!
We will take the privileges already ours, and enjoy them, until force
shall deprive us of them; and this is the feeling which every American
citizen should have. Every person in the States, as well as in the
Territories, who has the least particle of the blood of freedom
running in his veins, should maintain the dignity of the Constitution
of our country and the national laws, and should esteem them as the
great shield and bulwark of our defense against tyranny and
oppression, and should maintain them inviolate, and claim them, if it
be necessary, to the shedding of the last drop of blood that runs in
his veins. We should claim them to the last, and say, Those rights are
ours, and we will maintain them or die! These are my feelings.
The kingdom of God is here. Is it a theocracy? Yes, so far as
ecclesiastical law is concerned. Is there anything in the Constitution
of this Government that prevents us from establishing any kind of laws
that we please to govern us ecclesiastically, so long as we do not
infringe upon the laws of the United States, or go against any of the
rights guaranteed in the American Constitution? No. What is guaranteed
to us in that noble instrument handed to us by our fathers? It gives
every class of people, whether few or many, the privilege of
organizing themselves, and establishing whatever laws they please to
govern them in a Church capacity; and no one has a right to molest
them. Do we hold ourselves subject to the civil laws? Yes. God,
notwithstanding he has given us Church laws, has not freed us from the
authority of the civil law. We are subject to the Constitution as much
as Kansas is, and to the laws of the United States as much as
any Territory of the nation. Have we in any respect transgressed? If
we do not transgress the law, then let us be free, like any other
American citizens, and let us worship God according to the dictates of
our own conscience. Search the Book of Doctrine and Covenants of this
Church—go through all the sections of that book, and you will find
that the voice of the Lord is unto the people, Do this, do that, and
the other thing. That is the word of the Lord: it is the law given to
govern his Church; and the Lord says in that book, You are bound to
keep the laws of the land; and he that keepeth my laws hath no need to
break the laws of the land.
The Lord has not come out and said to the Latter-day Saints, Do you go
against all human or civil laws; but the reverse: he has given these
heavenly laws while in our infancy to govern us in a Church capacity;
and in so doing, we do not infringe upon the laws of man. Again: Here
is the Book of Mormon, which contains a theocratical law to govern the
Saints of God. You can find nothing in this book that comes in contact
with the American Constitution or the laws of the United States.
Where, then, are we transgressing by establishing a theocratical form
of Government in the midst of this republic? We are not transgressing
any more than the Methodists or the Baptists, or any other religious
sect. All have equal rights. I would as soon take up the weapons of
war to defend the rights of the Presbyterians as any other sect and
party on this American Continent: they all have equal rights with the
Latter-day Saints, and therefore they should be protected with them. I
do not know all things which are in the future; but Daniel's prophecy
has pointed out that the little stone will smite the image on the
feet, and break in pieces the feet, iron, clay, brass, silver, and
gold, and that the whole great fabric should come tumbling down
together with a mighty crash. That is not fulfilled. But one thing we
do know—if they will let us alone, we will let them alone, and do them
good; but if they illegally and unlawfully trample on our toes, I do
not know but we shall try to fulfil that which is in the prophecies.
If they undertake to oppress us and bring us down into bondage, and
deprive us of our just rights guaranteed by the Constitution, I do not
know but the great Jehovah has it in his mind to do unto them as they
would do unto us, if they had the power; and I do not know but we, as
American citizens, will be compelled to rise up and defend our just
rights and fulfil that which is spoken by the ancient Prophets, while
merely acting in self-defense.
We calculate to maintain the Government of the United States and the
principles of the Constitution. They were given indirectly by the
voice of inspiration to our ancestors: they were given to maintain
inviolate the principles of civil and religious liberty to all people
under heaven. Can the idolater come here and build a temple to worship
idols in? Yes. Go into California and you will find one erected by the
Chinese: they are worshipping dumb idols there. The people undertook
to punish them by law; but judgment was given that inasmuch as they
did not infringe upon the rights of others, they had a right to
worship idols. Is it the privilege of the idolater to worship here? Is
it the privilege of the Mahometan to come here with his many wives? It
ought to be; but so far as the local State laws are concerned, they
have deviated from the Constitution. These State laws make the
Mahometan divorce all his wives but one, or else they will confine him
in prison for years. These State laws will break up his family
and make him disown and turn out his children upon the wide world,
fatherless and unprotected. They say to the Mahometan, You can live
here in Missouri, or in any other State, if you will only do this.
What wonderful liberty! Shame on the State which will thus pass laws
in open violation of the Constitution. I would see them all in heaven
or somewhere else, before I would thank them for offering me liberty
on conditions of breaking up my family.
Where can you put your finger on a law passed by the American Congress
which deprives a man of the rights guaranteed to him relative to the
government of his family, no matter whether he takes one wife or many?
Undertake to deprive the people of this one domestic institution, and
you can, upon the same principle, deprive them of all others.
Imprison the polygamist for having more than one wife, and you have
the same right to imprison a man for having more than one child, or to
punish the slaveholder for having more than one slave. The same
Constitution that protects the latter also protects the former. It is
just as much the right of the people to have twelve wives as to have
twelve children. What would you think of a State law that would
undertake to deprive you of the privilege of having only one child?
This would be no more barefacedly unjust than the State laws against
The Mahometan can come to Utah with his wives; anybody can come here,
without having his family broken up, his wives torn from his bosom,
and his children cast out to the world. We say to all the world, Come
to Utah; and so long as we have the power to elect wise legislators,
we will protect you in your domestic rights, according to the national
From what has been said, we begin to understand something about the
kingdom of God. It is to originate in the mountains and roll down out
of them, like a stone; and as it rolls it will gather force and
greatness, until it shall become in due time like a great mountain,
and fill the whole earth. And when the great King shall come, sitting
upon the throne of his glory in the midst of the armies of heaven,
every eye will see him—every ear hear his voice. Then shall all the
proud and they that do wickedly be consumed as stubble; then all who
will not give heed to the Prophets, and Apostles, and Jesus will be
cut off from among the people, as was predicted by Moses; then shall
all people, nations, and tongues who are spared upon the face of the
whole earth serve and obey the great King—then there will be no sects
and parties—no idolaters or unredeemed heathens; then will be
fulfilled the prediction of Zechariah—"And the Lord shall be king over
all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one."
(Zech., xiv. 9) Then shall the knowledge of God cover the earth as the
waters cover the bosom of the great sea.
But between the time of the setting up of the kingdom and its final
triumph, there will be successive stages of its increasing greatness
and glory. Many of the Saints will see their King long before he comes
in the clouds of heaven. Before that great day the Saints will have
great dominion and rule on the earth. Zion will send forth her laws
and her institutions, and her peace officers to protect every sect of
Christendom and all flesh in their religious rights, as was so clearly
and eloquently laid before you by our beloved President two Sabbaths
ago. While time shall last, the free agency of man should be
protected; but when the archangel shall stand forth upon the land and
upon the sea, and swear, in the name of Him who liveth
forever and ever, that time shall be no longer, then woe be unto the
wicked and those who have rejected the servants of God, for they shall
be consumed by the brightness of his coming and punished for the abuse
of that moral agency given them, and in the exercise of which they had
been so carefully protected by the laws of Zion.
You see the difference between the period of time in which the kingdom
is growing and spreading forth and enlarging its dominions, and that
more glorious period when the kingdom of heaven shall come to meet the
earthly kingdom—when all the powers of heaven shall be made manifest
and have place on our transfigured and sanctified earth. May the Lord
our God, our great King and Lawgiver, bless the people! May he open
the eyes of the honest, that the words of truth may penetrate them!
May the power of the Holy Ghost, like a gentle stream, flow over them!
May the Spirit of truth rest down mightily upon the Saints of the
latter days! May they be armed with power and with the righteousness
of God in great glory! May they rise up in mighty faith, like the
people in the days of Enoch, that the heavens may clothe them with the
glory of God! And may they go forth, conquering and to conquer, until
the false tradition and evils and sins and abominations of the
children of men shall be swept from the earth, and until the King of
kings and the Lord of lords shall reign triumphantly with omnipotent
power! Amen.