I can say, as I have said, a great many times, that we are one of the
happiest people that ever was upon the earth, but some do not
appreciate the blessings which are bestowed from day to day; some do
not appreciate that they are settled in the valleys in peace, and that
they are with those whom God has been pleased to call to lead His
people. If they could appreciate their position, and acknowledge the
hand of God in all things, then they could appreciate the things
connected with this kingdom. It is with many as it was with my son
William, and brother Brigham's son Joseph, and others who have been
about home all the time. They did not realize and could not appreciate
their blessings, but in their missions they are sensible of the
blessings which we enjoy in these peaceful valleys. William writes,
"Father, I often think of your relating the corruptions of the old
world, and what you saw and heard, but I now see and feel them by sad,
personal experience. I hear the groans of nations, of war and rumors
of war, of famine, desolation, and distress in all the world, except
in the happy land of Zion, in the valleys of the mountains. How I
desire to see them! And we all say, that when we return home we shall
know how to prize our fathers and mothers, and the society of the
Saints, where we can sit down and worship God with none to molest nor
make afraid."
Those are their feelings, after being absent only a short time. Those
who go forth to preach the Gospel see the corruptions and abominations
of men, and have joy in contemplating the signs of the times, for they
know that those things are tokens of the coming of the Son of Man;
their eyes are now open to see that God is at work among the nations.
Some of them hardly knew that "Mormonism" was true, until they were
sent forth to preach. They believed it—why? Because they were taught
it by their parents. Their parents taught them in their infancy, and
childhood, that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but they have
never before been brought into a situation to know that the God whom
we serve lives and reigns in the heavens. Some of you may say, "We
wish we could have a knowledge of these things, that we might
appreciate our present blessing;" faith and obedience will give you
that knowledge, and it will be the best day that we have ever seen,
when men will appreciate their blessings, when they can feel assured
that God lives above.
The world look upon us as the filth and offscourings of society, and
the most corrupt people upon God's earth. But those who do right, and
keep themselves pure and clean, as brother Brigham says,
inside and outside, will have houses and lands, wives, and children.
They are the ones who will enjoy those blessings, sooner or later,
and do not you thank the Lord for it? Those who live upon this land,
or any other that God gives to His people, have peculiar promises made
to them. Then do not pollute this land, nor pollute yourselves or your
fellow creatures, but let us keep ourselves pure and clean, and do as
we would wish to be dealt with ourselves. Deal honorably with your
brethren, and if you have wronged any person, even of a pin, make
proper restitution. If you will cultivate yourselves in this way, not
even daring to take a pin or a needle which is not your own, you will
have a spirit of doing right in all things. If a person will cheat you
out of a pin, he will out of a darning needle, and then out of our
dimes and dollars. Why does not every person live up to the principles
of right and justice? Jesus says, "Do unto all men as you would have
all men to do unto you." If you have wrongfully taken anything,
restore it, whether it be little or much, and sin no more. I pray for
the day to come when the principles of restoration will be carried out
to the letter.
I was talking with brother Brigham yesterday about the crops, and he
feels that the Lord is about to try this people. Why is this? It is to
chastise this people, that they may learn to give heed to counsel.
When I see a prospect for scarcity of food stare me in the face, I
feel as well as ever I did in my life, and if I was obliged to see
either the Saints or the food cut off, I would say let the bread
perish and the Saints be preserved; yes, I would pray for this every
time. And my prayer to God is, that He will let the fanning mill blow,
until it blows out the chaff, that nothing but the pure article may
remain. As for my regretting the loss of the crops, I do not one
particle; and as for you, you have been told for years, to save your
wheat, corn, oats, and all other products, and to increase your stock
upon the mountains. You were told that there was a time coming when
they would be wanted. Much grain has been wasted and destroyed, much
sold at a very low price to feed horses and mules. Brother Brigham, in
the beginning, offered a dollar and a half a bushel for all the wheat
that people wished to sell, but many sold their grain to others for a
dollar and a quarter, lest the tithing should be required if they sold
to him.
I will tell you a dream which brother Kesler had lately. He dreamed
that there was a sack of gold and a cat placed before him, and that he
had the privilege of taking which he pleased, whereupon he took the
cat, and walked off with her. Why did he take the cat in preference to
the gold? Because he could eat the cat, but could not eat the gold.
You may see about such times before you die. I wish to speak of these
things while they are present with us, and I wish I could impress them
upon your minds. The first season that we came here, I recollect that
brother Brigham proclaimed the policy of our laying up grain, and told
us to lay up a seven years' supply, and prepare for a famine. If our
crops are now cut off, it will be one of the best things that has
happened to this Church. When a servant of God counsels you, it is
your duty to hear and obey his words. I am fully aware that the world
do not like the idea of one man ruling this entire people with his
word, but I would not give one farthing for this community if they
could not be governed by one man, beloved and chosen of the Lord. You
have no salvation only what you get through that source, and every
true hearted Latter-day Saint believes so.
Our crops are almost entirely de stroyed, and what good will
that do? It will bring us into a position where we can appreciate the
blessings of Providence. Brother Brigham says, that he does not fear
earth, hell, nor the devil, if this people will do as they are told,
and listen to counsel. Do you suppose that the world could ever come
through our bulwarks, if this people were to obey counsel? No, they
could not. We generally proclaim what is about to take place, and we
tell them that sore judgments are about to fall upon the nations of
the earth, but they will not believe us. If you believe us, you will
be able to escape.
Dr. Bernhisel has just remarked, that he thought the cat was let out
of the bag, when plurality was preached, but I suppose that he did not
happen to think that the cat might have kittens, and the kittens grow
to be cats, and thus increase to a vast number. Revelations of
principles, of one truth after another, will come forth until the work
of God is accomplished on the earth. We have to press forward under
the banner of Christ, and the more faithful we are the sterner will be
the warfare. When I related to brother Joseph the view I had of
certain evil spirits in England, he said, that the closer we observe
the celestial law, the more opposition we shall meet. These are my
feelings, and I should feel better if you would all hearken to the
counsel given, from time to time, from this stand.
We are a good people, and we shall eventually triumph over wickedness
and prosper, and be built up in the truth. The Lord our God will
con sider our cause and have mercy upon us; and if we do taste of
hardships, does it not read that judgment shall begin at the house of
God? If the Lord lets us taste of the cup when there is no milk in it,
what does it matter? We may just as well do it now as at any other
time. Why bless you, this people will live and look better without
bread than the wicked can with it. If we are to have chastenings, I
say, Father let them come, and I will do my best to endure them and
profit thereby. But when those times come, you will see a great many
murmurers and grumblers, and they will hunt up their filth and rubbish
to circulate about the Saints of God, and never go off so long as they
have enough to fill their bellies. The Lord blesses those who bless
His servants, and keep His commandments. If we all do this, we shall
have good times, we shall be blessed, and will not be required to shed
man's blood, if we do right. Have I ever seen the day, when I felt
like shedding blood? No, never in my life; I always wished that I
might not be called upon to do it. Though I will say that once in
Nauvoo I was sorry when peace was declared, for I had got pretty well
warmed up through the oppression of the ungodly, and I really felt
like fighting.
Because outsiders come here and say that we are foolish for being led
by one man, does that make us so? That man and that woman that are not
willing to be led by one man, I wish would clear out, for we can get
along without them. God bless you and help you to be faithful. I ask
it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Heber C. Kimball