I do not suppose that any good Saint is tried one particle, by the
plainness of the remarks just made by brother Brigham.
As to the principles just advanced by brother Joseph Hovey, and by
brother Brigham, they are God's truth, and I know that the curse will
be fulfilled upon every character that it applies to, if they do not
repent and turn from their sins, and that immediately.
I can say, with all my heart, may God grant that these words may be
fulfilled, and I know they will. I will stand by him in these things,
yea, I will stand by the going forth of righteousness until there is
not a drop of blood left in my veins, if need be, and so will every
honest, upright, good son of God.
I am disgusted myself with the evil practices which have just been
spoken of. Day before yesterday was the first time that I have been
into a court, for between 25 and 30 years. Did I stay there long? No.
I said to brother Brigham, I want to go and see about the
missionaries, because my spirit was not there, it don't dwell there.
Still I would not have left if he had not, for I feel perfectly
willing to go where he goes. These are my feelings, and have been all
the time.
When I see evil spirits working and operating, as I have seen many
times, I feel like severing the good from bad, for this people have
been broken up and robbed, and our Prophets, Patriarchs, and brethren
have been slain, through letting such spirits work in our midst, like
the leaven of the devil, until the whole lump becomes leavened with
them. I say clear out evil in the start, and sever the bitter branches
from the tree, as fast as wisdom will permit.
These are my feelings, and, if you do not listen to the warning voice,
not many days will pass before it will be done, and it will not be
allowable to introduce into the kingdom that which is against its
order, for there is order in the Church of God.
The Elders of Israel, in all their meetings and speeches, say they
are willing to do whatsoever they are called upon to do, by the
authorities of this Church. As some missionaries are wanted, we are
now ready to test whether you are willing or not; and when a man is
appointed to take a mission, unless he has a just and honorable reason
for not going, if he does not go he will be severed from the Church.
Why? Because you said, you were willing to be passive, and if you are
not passive, that lump of clay must be cut off from the wheel and laid
aside, and a lump put on that will be passive.
That is my doctrine, and it is the doctrine of Christ and of the
Father. The Lord's servant is here to guide, dictate, and advise you
what course to take, that he may mold and fashion you into the image
and likeness of the Son of God.
I will present to this congregation the names of those whom we
have selected to go on missions. Some are appointed to go to Europe,
Australia, and the East Indies, and several will be sent to Las Vegas,
to the North, and to Fort Supply, to strengthen those settlements.
We wish to have those who are appointed to go to the Vegas and Fort
Supply, immediately begin to gather up their effects, and prepare to
take a portion of their families with them, or all if they choose,
though where a family is large it will be better to take only a part,
and go as soon as the weather will permit.
I mention these things that you may not misunderstand, that you may go
to work, without running to brother Brigham and to brother Grant every
moment. Those who go north are requested not to take their families,
but gather up their teams, seeds, etc., and go as soon as practicable.
I believe that is all.
- Heber C. Kimball