It is with pleasure that I arise to speak to you for a few moments,
and to bear my testimony to the truth of the work in which we are engaged. I desire while I am before you that I may have the
support of your faith and prayers, that what I may say may be dictated
by the spirit of truth.
I rejoice in assembling with the Latter-day Saints, in looking upon
their faces, in mingling with them in the exercises of devotion which
we are accustomed to pay our Father and God. I rejoice in the society
of Latter-day Saints, because in their society I recognize a spirit of
purity, of holiness and virtue, that in contrast with the state of
things that predominates in the world is as the heavens to the earth.
I love to be with our people in times when the wicked assail them, for
I feel among them a sense of safety, a feeling of security, of
contentment, of happiness that I do not believe can be realized to so
great an extent among other people.
We have among us our differences and evils. We have causes to mourn;
occasions that make us feel sad; but I know of nothing that produces
this feeling to so great a degree among the Saints as the growing
consciousness among them that what is called the Christian world has
concluded not to receive Christianity as it was revealed in the
ministry of Jesus Christ. We know that God has revealed in the day in
which we live the principles of truth as they were in the beginning,
as they ever have been, as they ever must be in time and all eternity.
We know that that which He has revealed in our day and generation is
identical with the truths that fell from the lips of our Savior in the
meridian of time, and challenge the world to a comparison of the
doctrines to convince themselves. This challenge has been sent abroad
to almost every nation, and kindred and tongue and people, of the
whole earth. It is open today. We ask the investigation of mankind.
We ask our fellow men, brethren and sisters, sons and daughters of the
same God, to listen to the truths of heaven, eternal truths that God
has revealed. But mankind prefers, apparently, even in this
enlightened age, the truth that men by their own wisdom are enabled to
discover to the truths which God by His infinite wisdom reveals. This
is true to so great an extent that the foremost thinkers even among
what is called the religious world, have concluded to lay aside the
old truths of Christianity—the old doctrines of Christianity—as
unfitted to the age in which we live. I had the pleasure, I think
eight weeks ago today, to listen to the first of a series of sermons by
perhaps the foremost clergyman of this age, certainly of the country,
in which, in his inimitable manner, he said he had concluded, after
the profoundest thought and research, that people should wipe out many
of the old ideas of religion that have prevailed in Christendom for
1,800 years, so as to maintain harmony with the modern discoveries of
science—with the Darwinian theory and philosophy. He has also
sacrificed the book upon which their faiths and beliefs are founded,
and as the surest possible evidence that faith in that sacred record,
the Holy Bible, is a thing of the past, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher
declares that if it is true then "Mormonism" is true! We are exactly
of the same opinion as Rev. Beecher in that respect. But it does not
prove altogether the falsity of that which has been accepted in the
world as Christianity. The Bible contains the doctrines that the
Latter-day Saints preach, that the Latter-day Saints have the courage
in the face of all the world to practice. They are doctrines
of truth, of holiness, of progress and advancement, designed to save
men, to build them up, to develop the best thoughts in them, and
prepare them for greater light and greater knowledge and understanding
than dawned upon mankind in ages past; to prepare a people by their
intelligence, by their fully developed characters, for that glorious
day when the Son of God shall come among them and dwell with them. It
is true that it is impossible for the Christian world to harmonize
many of the doctrines that are growing in favor with them today with
the holy Scriptures, and for that reason the Latter-day Saints mourn
that their brethren and sisters of the world, though professing
Christianity, should be averse to receiving the principles of
Christianity as they were revealed by the Savior Himself. Today with
all the Christianity that prevails in the world, where do you find men
who are willing to receive the very first, the fundamental principles
of the doctrine of Christ? Where are those who will receive the
ministry of such as conveyed Christian principles in the meridian of
time to the understanding of men? What! The administration of angels
in our day and age of the world? A greater absurdity could not be
proposed. What! Faith as the first principle of salvation? No, reason
is the first principle of salvation in the day and age in which we
live. But it is not so written in the doctrine of Christ. "Believe and
thou shalt be saved" is the doctrine of the Savior. It is belief, it
is faith, that underlies that knowledge which secures mankind an
entrance into the Kingdom of God. We teach and have been taught that
we must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ: that we must believe in
the words of truth that have been revealed from Him; that we must put
our trust in God who has delivered His people in times that are past
and gone; that we must rely upon His direction and walk in the path
that He shall lead us in, fearing only Him, fearing not man who can
destroy the body but fearing God who can destroy both body and soul.
In our endeavor to keep the commandments of God, to practice them, to
heed the teachings of angels sent from the throne of grace, to put
away our sins, to live pure lives, holy and righteous in the sight of
God and our fellow men, to enter into sacred places and administer the
ordinances of everlasting life for ourselves and for our dead—in
endeavoring to do these things we have incurred the displeasure of an
unbelieving world, of those who have substituted something else as the
first principles of life and salvation for those which were given 1,800
years ago by the Savior of the world. The world has assumed to sit in
judgment upon us for this belief. The world has assumed to say that we
have done wrong in accepting these truths and living according to the
law which God has revealed for our guidance and our government. Now,
for one I do not believe that the judgment, in this respect, of the
world will materially affect us in practicing and carrying out the
purposes of Jehovah. Certainly it cannot change the truth. If
Mormonism is truth the adverse criticism and judgment of mankind
cannot materially affect its practice. They certainly cannot stand
against that power which ever accompanies the promulgation of truth.
Because of this Latter-day Saints have no fears of the future. We are
dauntless in our advocacy of these principles because we know that
they are true and must therefore prevail.
There is very little endeavor, I may here remark, on the part of those
who seek to abuse, and misrepresent us and to bring down upon us
evils—there is among them very little disposition to examine the
principles that we profess and teach; there is very little disposition
among them or desire to ascertain if these things are not true, or to
find anything in the way of argument against that which we teach and
practice before the world. They have sent up the strong religious men
of the nation to show us the error of our ways. We have gladly met
them. We have met them in this building in discussion for the purpose
of having them bring forth their reasons to show that we are in error
and that the judgment of the world is right. What has been the result?
The faith of the Latter-day Saints has been increased; they have been
confirmed and strengthened in their belief; and we have heard very
little boasting of the success of those who were sent to show us the
error of our ways. I imagine that if there had been success we would
never have heard the last of it.
This judgment of the world against us, assuming that we are wrong,
assuming that there is something up here in Utah that is not right,
that is not consistent with Christianity, or the enlightenment of the
age, has caused, perhaps, some distress, caused us to witness scenes
that have a tendency to try the faith of the Latter-day Saints, to
prove their integrity. For one, viewing the matter in that light, I
thank God for it. I thank God that we are permitted to live in a day
and age of the world when He has not forgotten His people, and has
demonstrated to them and to mankind as well, that they are in
possession of the truth. If we were of the world the world would love
its own; but we have come out of the world, therefore the world hate
us. They have in various ways manifested their evil disposition
towards us, since the commencement of the Church and Kingdom of God
upon the earth in this generation. Since the day that Joseph Smith
received the revelations of God through the administration of angels
from heaven, there has been a hue and cry raised against our people—an
endeavor to blot out the work that the Saints have been engaged in.
But let me tell you, my faith and belief and testimony is that the
world has lost its opportunity to destroy that which is called
"Mormonism;" that God's eternal truth, as received and practiced by
the Latter-day Saints in these mountains, is rooted and grounded so
deeply and firmly that it will never, while time and eternity lasts,
be uprooted or destroyed. I cannot conceive, my brethren and sisters,
of the destruction of a truth. If mankind will assume that there is an
error here that needs to be rooted out—if their assumption were
correct—I would not deny their power to succeed in the effort. They
have said—that which they say most is—that our homes are not pure,
that our homes are not constructed upon the right plan. They forget
that the homes that God most honored in ages that are gone by, were
constructed upon the plan that the Latter-day Saints advocate and hold
out to the world as the plan of God. They forget that Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, delighted in tracing His earthly lineage through the
homes of polygamists. They have undertaken to destroy such homes. I
feel in my heart sorry for the man who conceives that he has the power
to succeed in such an unholy work. But they say fifty millions
have declared against us. I do not take any stock in this assumption
on the part of a few that fifty millions have condemned us—have said
that we are wrong, and that we must go. There are those who have been
throwing dust in the eyes of the fifty millions who say so. But let me
tell you how it can very readily be discovered whether we are wrong or
not. We have petitioned, we have plead with the powers of this
government to send among us a commission of honorable men to
investigate the situation here, and to let all the world know what the
great error and crime is that we are accused of.
The kind of commission we want is this: We want the government—if it
is possible in all this land of enlightenment, among all these people
that are offended at the immorality of the "Mormons" —to select a
commission of men who are perfectly true to their marital relations,
who are virtuous, and we challenge the commission of men to prove us
an immoral people. Let them go into our homes and what will we show
them there? We will show them respect of husbands for wives, wives for
husbands, parents for children, children for parents and for each
other. We will show them faith; we will show them virtue, and we
challenge them to deny the truth of our showing to the American
people. Then if we are not immoral, why this hue and cry raised
against us? Can you answer who have passed laws to send men, whose
lives are above reproach, into prison, and to scatter their families?
Can you who have passed such wicked laws answer if we prove that we
are a moral people?
They may say that we are independent. Well, I thank God for one that
I trace my lineage back through a race of independent men, who had the
courage over 200 years ago to stand up in the face of inimical laws
against their religion and say, "My conscience is my own. If need be I
will leave my native land that I may serve my God." And they did so,
and helped to form a government upon this land that God in His
infinite mercy and wisdom had held in reserve for many ages for a
people that would accord to his sons and daughters the right to
worship and honor Him according to the light that was in them. We do
not see, unless "there is something rotten in Denmark," why the
American people should fear the independence of the "Mormons." I do
not see why there should be any dread at giving us our equal
rights—the privilege to elect our officers and administer the laws
according to the wisdom that is in us. God knows, our fellow men know,
these hypocrites and liars who are misrepresenting us to the world
know we are capable of self-government, and of instituting and
preserving the securest and safest government, and the most economical
of any people in this land. I say that without boasting. But we would
not have that reputation if we elected our vilifiers to the offices,
and I do not think we will do it. I cannot see, my heart cannot
conceive, my understanding is not broad enough to fathom the reason
why we should not, because of our religion, be accorded equal rights
with our fellowcitizens of this country. We have the stability of
commerce and society; we have the wealth; we have the population; we
have every requisite qualification for self-government, and in the
light of freedom I have yet to hear a reason assigned for withholding
from us our rights. The nearest thing to a reason I have heard
is that we are an unpopular people with the rest of the citizens of
this country, and then the next reason is—and that which I really
believe is deeply felt—the jealousy of the east with respect to the
west—the feeling that the great commercial interests of the east
should have greater representation in the halls of Congress than the
sparsely-settled regions of the west.
But I look forward, my brethren and sisters, to the time when the
truth will dawn upon this nation with respect to this people. I look
forward to the day when they will discover that there has been "a
great bugaboo" raised over this question of "Mormonism," which they
will be ashamed to think they have paid much attention to, or taken
much notice of. I may say in a word that I look forward to the time
when the powers that be in Washington, having raked and scraped the
country as with a fine tooth comb, will perhaps find half-a-dozen men
of the character I have referred to, who will look into this question
out here in the mountains. And when that time shall come perhaps we
shall be vindicated in the eyes of our fellow men; perhaps there will
be a blush of shame mantle the cheeks of some; and perhaps they will
discover some slight improprieties nearer home that it will be well to
regulate before mending all creation up here to set as right.
There is one thing and only one thing for us to do that I can see, and
that is to maintain our fidelity, to be true to that which we know is
true. We ought not to be threatened or put in jeopardy for that. We
ought to be protected in that. All the strength, all the power, all
the influence of the land, of the government, of Christian sentiment,
of enlightenment, of civilization—all these ought to sustain us in
maintaining our fidelity to that which our conscience teaches us is
truth. If we quail, if we vary one iota from that which we know to be
true, we should be undeserving of support; but if we maintain our
integrity in the opposition we may meet, God will not forsake us, and
the better sentiment, the genuine and true civilization that is to be
found in the world—for the world is full of truth, notwithstanding
there are errors and wickedness alongside of it—will aid us in
maintaining our integrity. I have yet failed to meet the man of honor,
the man of sense, the man of discernment, the man of good judgment who
would condemn me for maintaining the position that in my heart I feel
to take respecting this question, even in these times. I have but
recently returned from visiting among men in various classes of
society in the east, and I have talked over this question of
"Mormonism" in various forms. I have put the question in this manner
to a great many, and the reply I have received, I must confess, has
been one of encouragement, and one that has been gratifying to me.
There have been gross errors committed in regard to Utah. For some
cause the nation has received the idea that the "Mormons" are a wicked
people. Their record disproves it. There has been a law passed which
makes a crime of a principle of the Latter-day Saints' religion, but
there is no people in this land who have so free a record in the
criminal courts. What was the percentage, as shown by the crime
records in this territory, before the operation of this law against
the "Mormons?" I believe, as nearly as I remember, while five-sixths
of the population of this territory are "Mormons," and
one-sixth non-"Mormons," eighty-five percent of the criminals were
from the ranks of the one-sixth, and fifteen percent of the
criminals were from the ranks of the five-sixths, who are "Mormons."
Now it is intended, it appears to me, to change that by making a
feature of the "Mormon" religion a crime, and sending just as many as
possible into the ranks of the criminals, so-called, for practicing
that principle. I maintain that it is a mistake to say that the
Latter-day Saints are criminals, and have asked men everywhere to
carefully, candidly, and honestly examine the situation for
themselves. I would undertake to show that in our homes there is not
the element of crime or sin or wrong, but that they will compare
favorably with the homes of any. But to call that which I owe my being
to, a crime—to take that position, when I know it is God's eternal
truth, I would be a coward and a poltroon, I would be undeserving the
respect of any man if I should thus reflect upon the holy institution
to which I owe my being. I know there is virtue in it; I know there is
purity in it; that it is right in the sight of my God and my
conscience, and when I deny that, put a stone round my neck and cast
me into the sea. I would have no courage to live and meet face to face
any honorable man; I would slink and cower as a miserable lying
hypocrite. So I consider those who deny "Mormonism." The homes of the
"Mormon" people are homes constructed upon the principles of purity
and virtue. Those men who are abusing us and sending lies broadcast
through the land concerning us know that I speak the truth. Of course
the facilities are not so good today for them to enter our homes as
they were before they showed the cloven hoof, before they proved
themselves ravening wolves in sheeps' clothing, going about seeking
whom they may devour. Their aim, purpose and ambition is to bring
reproach upon this people; to see if they cannot in their insidious
efforts introduce sin in the midst of our pure homes and society.
Think you they would hesitate to lead the women of "Mormondom" astray?
No, not they. Think you they would hesitate to destroy the virtue of
the sons of "Mormondom?" No, not they. They have the effrontery, they
have the shamelessness to advocate lechery, to advocate prostitution
as a remedy for "Mormonism," as a corrective of "Mormon"
society, as a
means of liberation from "Mormon" influence. Oh, freedom at such a
price! Give me the thralldom that the world thinks the "Mormons" are
subjected to, and let such freedom be embraced by those poor slaves to
passion and to sin. God has given us the truth, and the truth has made
us free. And we are indeed free if we have that freedom which comes
through obedience to the will of God. If we are pure men; if we are
virtuous women, though chains should bind us, or prison walls hold us,
yet we are free in the sight of God, and are better prepared to judge
our persecutors than they us. I know that is the prevailing condition
among the Saints; I know that we are a pure people in the main. We
have those among us who sin; we all have our imperfections and
weaknesses; but God knows we are pure in our intentions and desires.
He knows that this people, gathered from the four quarters of the
earth, have been brought out from Babylon through faith in Jesus
Christ and repentance of their sins, entering into holy and sacred covenants not to repeat them; a people gathered here for the
purpose of honoring and serving God, and not for committing sin of any
form, shape, or description. That is our character. The world, so far
as they will judge us candidly, gives us the reputation for sobriety,
temperance, industry, frugality, virtue; but still we are called the
most immoral people that the sun ever shone upon. What absurdity!
Brethren and sisters, I look to see the day when the refuge of lies
shall be swept away, and we as a people, clothed upon with the power
and favor of Almighty God, shall go forth in the world promulgating
the principles of peace, preaching true holiness as it comes from the
Eternal Father; and the honest, the pure, the upright among men shall
lift up their hearts and rejoice, and shall say, Welcome, welcome,
thrice welcome are those who come to us in the name of the Lord. May
He bless and preserve us that we may be among that valiant throng is my
prayer and desire in the name of Jesus, Amen.
- Junius F. Wells