As a foundation for a few remarks this morning, I will read the 18th
verse of the revelation commencing on page 337, Book of Doctrine and
"Therefore, if any man shall take of the abundance which I have made,
and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the
poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment."
Also a few verses, contained in the same book, on page 234, commencing
at the 3rd verse, which show what is required of every man in his
"3. I, the Lord, have appointed them, and ordained them to be stewards
over the revelations and commandments which I have given unto them,
and which I shall hereafter give unto them;
"4. And an account of this stewardship will I require of them in the
day of judgment.
"5. Wherefore, I have appointed unto them, and this is their business
in the church of God, to manage them and the concerns thereof, yea,
the benefits thereof.
"6. Wherefore, a commandment I give unto them, that they shall not give
these things unto the church, neither unto the world;
"7. Nevertheless, inasmuch as they receive more than is needful for
their necessities and their wants, it shall be given into my
"8. And the benefits shall be consecrated unto the inhabitants of
Zion, and unto their generations, inasmuch as they become heirs
according to the laws of the kingdom.
"9. Behold, this is what the Lord requires of every man in his
stewardship, even as I, the Lord, have appointed or shall hereafter
appoint unto any man.
"10. And behold, none are exempt from this law who belong to the
church of the living God;
"11. Yea, neither the bishop, neither the agent who keepeth the Lord's
storehouse, neither he who is appointed in a stewardship over temporal
The short time that I occupy this morning, I wish to speak in a manner
that will be for our edification and mutual improvement in those
things that pertain to our salvation. For this purpose I desire the
faith and prayers of all those who believe in looking to the Lord for
instruction and intelligence.
We should realize the relationship that we sustain to the Lord our
God, and the peculiar position we occupy. To properly discharge the
obligations devolving upon us, we require super-natural aid. The
character of the religion that we have espoused demands a certain
course of conduct that no other religion that we know of requires of
its adherents; and the nature of those demands upon us are such that
no person can comply with them, unless by assistance from the
Almighty. It is necessary that we comprehend, at least in part, the
great and important blessings that we are to derive, eventually, by
complying with the requirements of the religion or Gospel that we have
received. The sacrifices that are required of us are of that nature
that no man nor woman could make them, unless aided by a supernatural
power; and the Lord, in proposing these conditions, never intended
that his people should ever be required to comply with them unless by
supernatural aid, and of that kind that is not professed by any other
class of religious people. He has promised this aid. The demands upon
us are of a peculiar nature, and, as I before said, no man or woman
could comply with them, unless enlightened and sustained by the power
of the Almighty.
The religion we have received is not a chimera. It is not something
that has been devised by the cunning of man, but it is something that
has been revealed by the Almighty. It is a fact. It is something that
truly exists. It is something that is tangible. It is some thing that can be laid hold of by the minds of the Latter-day
Saints. It is something that can be directly understood, and be fully
comprehended, so that there can be no doubt in the mind of any
Latter-day Saint in regard to the nature and character of the ultimate
outcome of the course that he proposes to pursue in complying with the
demands of the Gospel he has received. But those demands are of a
nature that perhaps would be almost appalling to the minds of
individuals that were darkened, that had no light or understanding in
regard to the outcome that is expected to be experienced by the
Latter-day Saints, inasmuch as they continue faithful in adhering to
the principles which they have espoused.
These demands are not of a nature that have no parallel in the
history of the people of God. They were required in every age and
period when God called a people to serve him, and to receive his laws.
They were required in the days of Israel, in the beginning of that
people. They were required of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They were
required of Moses, and of the people that he led from Egyptian
bondage. They were required by all the prophets that existed from the
days of Adam to the present period of time. They were required by the
apostles that received their commission by the laying on of the hands
of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, and by the adherents of
the religion that the apostles proclaimed and taught to the people, in
their day and no man or set of men or class of people from the day of
Adam to the present time, could comply with these requirements, except
the people of God, as they were endowed with power from on high, which
could proceed only from the Lord our God. And it would be simply
foolish indeed to expect the Latter-day Saints in these days to comply
with the celestial law, with the law that proceeds from God, and with
his designs to elevate the people into his presence, except they were
sustained by a supernatural power. The Gospel promises this. It
promises the gift of the Holy Ghost, which is divine in its character,
and which is not enjoyed by any other people, and which we are told by
the Savior, should lead into all truth, and inspire those who
possessed it, and give them a knowledge of Jesus, a knowledge of the
Father, and of things pertaining to the celestial world; that it
should inspire those who possessed it with a knowledge of things to
come, and things that were past; and inspire them to an extent that
they should enjoy supernatural gifts—the gift of tongues and prophecy,
to lay hands upon the sick, by which they should he healed. Those who
received this Gospel were promised these supernatural powers and
gifts, and a knowledge for themselves, that they might not depend upon
any man or set of men, in regard to the truth of the religion that
they had received; but that they should receive a knowledge from the
Father that the religion came from him, that the Gospel came from
him, and that his servants had the right and authority to administer
those ordinances, so that no wind of doctrine should shake them or
remove them from the path in which they were walking; so that they
might be prepared for the glory that should be revealed, and be made
participators therein, so that they might endure any trial or
affliction that it should be the will of God to be brought upon them,
to prepare them more fully for celestial glory; so that they
should walk not in darkness, but in the light and power of God, and be
raised above the things of the world, and be superior to the things
around them; so that they might walk independently beneath the
celestial world, and in the sight of God and heaven, as free men,
pursuing that course that should be marked out to them by the Holy
Ghost; that course by which they could elevate themselves to knowledge
and power, and thus prepare themselves to receive the glory that God
proposed to confer upon them, and to occupy the exalted position to
which God designed to raise them.
In view of this, Jesus told the young man who came to him and wished
to know what he should do to inherit eternal life, to "keep the
commandments." The young man replied that he had kept these
commandments referred to from his youth upward. The Savior, looking
upon him, saw there was still something lacking. The young man had
kept the moral law, the law given to Moses, and for this Jesus loved
him, but saw that there was one thing lacking. He was a rich man, and
held influence in the world in consequence of his superior wealth.
Jesus knew that before he could elevate him, or any other man, to the
celestial world, it was necessary that he should be submissive in all
things, and view obedience to the celestial law of the utmost
importance. Jesus knew what was required of every man to gain a
celestial crown—that nothing should be held dearer than obedience to
the requirements of heaven. The Savior saw in this young man a
cleaving to something that was not in accordance with the law of the
celestial kingdom. He saw peradventure, a disposition in him to adhere
in his feelings to that which was injurious to him, and would render a
compliance to all the demands of the Gospel disagreeable or
impossible, therefore he told him that he should go and sell all that
he had, "and give to the poor, and follow him" This commandment made
the young man feel sad and sorrowful. He looked upon riches as the
great object in life, as bringing him the influence of the world, and
all things that were desirable; as procuring him the blessings and
enjoyments of life, and as the means of lifting him to high positions
in society. He could not conceive the idea of a person's securing the
blessings, enjoyments and privileges of life, and such things as his
nature craved, independent of his wealth. But the Gospel was of a
nature that provided for everything that was necessary to fulfil the
wants and requirements of man and to make him happy. Riches were not
so calculated; and the Lord desired him to give up these ideas, and to
dislodge them from his mind and feelings, so he might secure him as
his servant in all things. He desired this man to be wholly devoted to
his service, and to go into his work with full purpose of heart, and
follow the dictates of the Holy Spirit, and prepare himself for
celestial glory. But this young man was not willing; it was too great
a sacrifice. And the Savior said upon this occasion, "How hardly shall
they that have riches enter into the kingdom of heaven. It is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God." The disciples "were astonished out of
measure" at this, "saying among themselves, who then can be saved?"
They thought that no man could possess riches and be saved in the
kingdom of God. This was the idea they received from the remarks of the Savior. But Jesus answered, "With men it is impossible,
but not with God: for with God all things are possible."
Now, we want to look and see how this is possible. I have read in the
Book of Doctrine and Covenants the revelations that have been given in
these days to the Latter-day Saints, setting forth the requirements of
God in relation to temporal affairs. Here are remarks that are pretty
straight, which I have read, on page 337—"If any man shall take of the
abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to
the law of my gospel, he shall lift up his eyes in hell, being in
torment." Now this is straight language, and looks, perhaps, rather
severe. When the Lord revealed his Gospel in these latter times to the
world, he commenced teaching the people what was required of them in
their temporal affairs, as he taught the young man and as he taught
many others, and as the apostles were taught and others who received
the Gospel under their administration. The greatest trouble that has
ever been, probably that the Lord has had, with the people in any age,
has been in reference to their temporal affairs, their financial
matters. The Latter-day Saints at the present day, are very united in
reference to their spiritual principles and doctrines. We see eye to
eye in regard to principles that pertain to the doctrinal portion of
the religion we have espoused; but when it comes to our temporal, our
earthly possessions, and our conduct in relation to them, we seem to
be a little confused in reference to what is right and wrong and more
or less, we feel disposed to pursue our own course in regard to these
matters and, as in the days of judges, "every man is doing what seems
right in his own eyes." We seem to forget that the Lord has distinctly
pointed out our duties, and that there is a little book, Doctrine and
Covenants, that God has given by direct revelation in regard to these
matters, by which we should be governed; we forget these things as it
is natural for us to forget the things of God. We sometimes think of
the many good things that we do, and imagine, perhaps, that because of
these good acts, we are excusable in not bothering ourselves in
reference to some other things that we do not perform. In giving his
revelations to us in regard to these matters the Lord took certain
individuals and made them examples to the Saints, and he wished the
Saints to look upon these individuals and follow their examples. The
Lord did not propose at first to call upon all the people at once and
tell them what to do in relation to these temporal matters, because
they were very ignorant and more or less covetous. In March 1830, one
month before the organization of this Church, the Lord commenced to
instruct, or lay down principles which should govern the people of God
in all their temporal affairs. The foundation was raised as a
standard, or beacon shining in a dark place, that every Latter-day
Saint might look at and judge for himself what would be required. The
first revelation that I recollect of that was given in regard to the
temporal obligations of the Saints, or what should be required of
them, was given to Martin Harris. You will find it on page 111, Book
of Doctrine and Covenants. Martin Harris was a man who possessed
considerable wealth, or at least was tolerably well off. The Lord gave him a revelation touching temporal affairs, the same as Jesus
gave the rich young man. The Lord said to Martin Harris, "Impart a
portion of thy property, yea, even part of thy lands, and all save the
support of thy family." This revelation applied simply to Martin
Harris, and not to everybody, only as you consider it an example to
Latter-day Saints. But on page 161, Book of Doctrine and Covenants,
there is a general commandment in connection with the divine law which
was given in this revelation. It applies to everybody, as, for
instance, "Thou shalt not lie," is a general commandment, and
applicable to every Latter-day Saint. Here is the commandment, verse
55—"And if thou obtainest more than that which would be for thy
support, thou shalt give it into my storehouse, that all things may be
done according to that which I have said." In connection with this
subject, we find on page 233 that the Lord called together six of his
Elders, and gave them commandments and revelation, and appointed unto
them a stewardship: "Behold, and hearken, O ye inhabitants of Zion,
and all ye people of my church." Now this was quite extensive. "All ye
people of my church." The Lord was going to speak, here, something
that concerned all the Saints, wherever they might be, whether in New
York, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana or any other part of the world.
"Hearken, O ye inhabitants of Zion, and ALL ye people of my church,
who are afar off." Now here is something which concerned all the
Latter-day Saints, and which the Lord considered of vast importance to
everybody worthy to be called by that name. He wanted all the
inhabitants of Zion to pay particular attention to what he was going
to say to these six of his Elders. It concerned everybody. The fact in
the case was that he took these six Elders and made them an example to
all the Saints. The revelation continues:
"Hear the word of the Lord which I give unto my servant Joseph Smith,
Jun., and unto my servant Martin Harris, and also unto my servant
Oliver Cowdery, and also unto my servant John Whitmer, and also unto
my servant Sidney Rigdon, and also unto my servant William W. Phelps,
by way of commandment unto them.
"I, the Lord, have appointed them, and ordained them to be stewards
over the revelations and commandments which I have given unto them,
and which I shall hereafter give unto them;"
Now this was a matter of some importance, especially to these six
elders, to be appointed stewards over those things from which should
accrue great temporal advantages. Perhaps some people might be
jealous, or were jealous at that time, and supposed that they had
reasonable grounds to be jealous, that the Lord should bestow such
great advantages upon these elders, which they might use to the great
disadvantage of the people of God. But we will discover that these
matters were strictly guarded of the Lord, as also would every man who
was appointed a steward in the kingdom of God be held in check.
"And an account of this stewardship will I require of them in the day
of judgment."
Now, perhaps I do not believe as some do in regard to the United
Order—that everybody is to come together and throw all their substance
into a heap, and then come and take of it as they please, or that one
man who does not understand temporal affairs at all should be placed
as a steward over extensive concerns. I believe that there is
an order in these things—a pleasing and an agreeable order—and that
these things are arranged by the Lord in such a way that when people
properly understand them they will be satisfied and admire them. It is
because we do not get to understand the requirements of God that we
are dissatisfied. God fixes these matters up and arranges them in such
a way as will tend to the exaltation of every Latter-day Saint who is
disposed to honor them. It is because of our ignorance that we are
displeased with the requirements of the Lord.
Now, I believe in the independence of men and women. I believe that
men and women have the image of God given them—are formed after the
image of God, and possess Deity in their nature and character, and
that their spiritual organization possesses the qualities and
properties of God, and that there is the principle of God in every
individual. It is designed that man should act as God, and not be
constrained and controlled in everything, but have an independency, an
agency, and the power to spread abroad and act according to the
principle of godliness that is in him, act according to the power and
intelligence and enlightenment of God, that he possesses, and not that
he should be watched continually, and be controlled, and act as a
slave in these matters. But that the law of God should proceed forth
from him, and the constitution of the Most High God should be in him,
and he should act in accordance with that. And, as the Lord has
said—"I will write my name in the hearts of the people" —the law
proceed forth from their hearts.
And so far as the law of tithing is concerned, there is about it
something that is not of the same nature and character as the law of
the United Order. It was added because the people were not willing to
comply with this noble and high celestial law, whereby they could act
according to the light that is in them, and the power of the Almighty,
by which they should be inspired. I read on:
"Wherefore, I have appointed unto them, and this is their business in
the church of God, to manage them and the concerns thereof.
"Wherefore, a commandment I give unto them, that they shall not give
these things unto the church, neither unto the world."
Now, was it designed that these six men should go and build fine
houses, and spread abroad and obtain immense treasures of the earth,
independent of the obligations devolving upon them to other people?
There was great latitude given them, but they were held accountable
unto the Lord. "I give you this latitude to exercise, but, remember,
you are accountable; and an account of your stewardship will I require
of you in the day of judgment." Some of these Elders had seen God and
talked with him face to face, and angels had laid their hands upon
their heads. They knew that there was a God in heaven. This was made
clear to them by the power of the Almighty, and by angels making their
appearance unto them, and talking with them as one man talks with
another. Now, when we consider what the Lord said to these men that
were thus enlightened, and had this wonderful experience, we see that
it required a man to be a little careful how he acted in regard to
these temporal affairs that were given to him in charge.
"Nevertheless, inasmuch as they receive more than is needful for their
necessities and their wants, it shall be given into my storehouse;" Now here was wherein they were limited. But yet in this matter
they were left to their own judgment and philanthropy, which should be
enlightened. But their philanthropy would be the philanthropy of God,
and their intelligence, the intelligence of heaven.
"And the benefits shall be consecrated unto the inhabitants of Zion,
and unto their generations, inasmuch as they become heirs according to
the laws of the kingdom.
"Behold, this is what the Lord requires of every man in his
stewardship, even as I, the Lord, have appointed or shall hereafter
appoint unto any man.
"And behold, none are exempt from this law who belong to the church
of the living God;"
Now this law should continue as long as salvation continued. (See page
337 1st verse) It never has been repealed. The law of tithing could
not repeal this law. The law of tithing is a lower law, and was given
of God. But the law of tithing does not forbid us obeying a higher
law, the law of celestial union in earthly things. And the fact that
we do not feel satisfied in simply obeying the law of tithing shows
that it is a lesser law. Do you feel justified simply in obeying the
law of tithing? Why, then, do you contribute to our temples and to
bringing the people from the old countries, and to this object, and
that, in thousands of ways, after you have properly and justly
complied with the law of tithing? The fact that you do these things
shows that you are not satisfied in merely obeying the law of tithing.
In these contributions you are acting just as God designed you should
act—by the light of the Holy Ghost that is in you. Now, this law is
very distinctly portrayed, and the Lord has made it so plain that he
is determined that no man shall misunderstand him. When he speaks he
speaks in such a manner that there can be no dispute. He is not
satisfied with telling it over once, he tells it the second and the
third understanding; so that there can be no misunderstanding in
regard to the mind of the Lord with reference to this law of a man's
giving all, except that which is needed for his support, unto the
Lord's storehouse. An observance of this law is what he says is
required of every man in his stewardship. So that if the Latter-day
Saints are appointed unto stewardships, or are satisfied to act as
stewards before the Lord, this law is in force, and this law they
should observe. I believe many do walk in the spirit of this law to a
certain extent; and have complied with it, no doubt in a manner in
which they are justified before God, while some, perhaps, have paid no
regard to it whatever. Some so far ignore these principles that they
become very miserly and covetous, and gather around them and their
families what they consider they need now, and then lay up for future
generations, when there is distress around them, and thousands of
Saints in Europe and other parts who are groaning in poverty, under
the iron hand of tyranny, not knowing from day to day where they are
going to obtain a meal of victuals. Yet here are men among us who call
themselves Latter-day Saints, who do not impart of their substance
according to the law of the Gospel. I say God is displeased with such
covetousness, and he will never prosper the Latter-day Saints who are
guilty of such miserly conduct.
But as regards the law of tithing, it is in force upon the poor as
well as the rich, and it seems that it acts almost unequally in some
respects. There is a widow, whose income is ten dollars; she pays one
for tithing, and then has to appeal to the Bishop for support. Here is
a rich man who has an income of one hundred thousand dollars, and pays
ten thousand for his tithing. There remains ninety thousand, and he
does not need it, but the poor widow requires much more than she had
before complying with the law of tithing.
Now what would be the operation of the celestial law? The widow has
not enough for her support, therefore nothing is required of her by
the celestial law, or the law of the United Order. This rich man, with
his ninety thousand dollars, continues to increase his riches, pays
his tithing fully, and yet wholly disregards the law of stewardship,
or the law of temporal union. I cannot believe that a Latter-day Saint
is justified in ignoring the higher law. For, as we have read, "Behold
none are exempt from this law who belong to the Church of the living
God." There is not a man within the sound of my voice who is exempt
from this law, nor will he ever be until Jesus, the Son of God, comes
in the clouds of heaven to set all things right: "Yea, neither the
Bishop, neither the agent who keepeth the Lord's storehouse, neither
he who is appointed in a stewardship over temporal things." This will
apply to the Bishops who reported there yesterday, and to every
Latter-day Saint. We are under this law. We should act in the spirit
of this law according to the light of God that is within us.
Furthermore, on page 275, we read:
"It is the duty of the Lord's clerk, whom he has appointed, to keep a
history, and a general church record of all things that transpire in
Zion, and of all those who consecrate properties, and receive
inheritances legally from the bishop; "And also their manner of life,
their faith, and works; and also of all the apostates who apostatize
after receiving their inheritances.
"It is contrary to the will and commandment of God that those who
receive not their inheritance by consecration, agreeable to his law,
which he has given, that he may tithe his people, to prepare them
against the day of vengeance and burning, should have their names
enrolled with the people of God."
Now, this might be considered rather strong language, but this is a
revelation of God that we profess to believe.
"Neither is their genealogy to be kept, or to be had where it may be
found on any of the records or history of the church.
"Their names shall not be found, neither the names of the fathers, nor
the names of the children written in the book of the law of God, saith
the Lord of Hosts."
That is, those that were not willing to abide the law of stewardship
and consecration should be debarred of these blessings. It is the same
today, and it has been so since the days of Adam in relation to these
Now, when the Lord established this Church, he was very anxious to
bring the people to this order of things; and we find some thirteen
revelations in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, that are given to
explain these principles of the United Order—the law of consecration
and stewardship. Men were to have their stewardship—to have possession
of property—but they were to hold it as servants of God, not as their
own individual property, particularly, but they were to be made
stewards over that property, after they had consecrated to the Lord,
and to receive according to their abilities, and manage according to
the gifts of God that were within them in regard to temporal
affairs. If a man was capable of managing merchandise to the amount of
one hundred thousand dollars, it would be proper that he should be
made a steward over that amount. If a man was not capable of managing
extensive concerns, it would be improper to make him steward over a
large business. But every man would receive a stewardship in
proportion to his capacity to oversee it for the general good.
In order that there might be no misunderstanding, the Lord informs us
further in regard to these matters on page 237, Book of Doctrine and
Covenants. The Lord took great pains to manifest his pleasure in
regard to these principles. He called some seven, eight or nine
elders, and made them stewards over property and various departments
of business, and then told them how to act. They were to work in
accordance with this law, which will be found on page 343, Book of
Doctrine and Covenants:
"68. And all moneys that you receive in your stewardships, by
improving upon the properties which I have appointed unto you, in
houses, or in lands, in cattle, or in all things save it be the holy
and sacred writings, which I have reserved unto myself for holy and sacred
purposes, shall be cast into the treasury as fast as you
receive moneys, by hundreds, or by fifties, or by twenties, or by
tens, or by fives.
"69. Or in other words, if any man among you obtain five dollars
let him cast them into the treasury; or if he obtain
ten, or twenty, or fifty, or an hundred, let him do likewise;
"70. And let not any man among you say that it is his own; for it
shall not be called his, nor any part of it.
"71. And there shall not any part of it be used, or taken out of the
treasury, only by the voice and common consent of the order."
Now this was making things secure—pretty safe. It might not, perhaps,
be as agreeable, unless persons could conceive the whole plan of this
scheme or Order in temporal affairs for men to devote their surplus in
this way, but with the other portion, which we read further on, they
would be perfectly satisfied.
Now, we can easily conceive, that with a vast population of Saints
acting under this celestial law, there would be an immense treasury
filled after a time; and that there might not be any misunderstanding
in regard to this property and its use, among those who had thus
subscribed or bestowed their means, the Lord has made the matter plain
by giving the following instructions:
"71. And there shall not any part of it be used, or taken out of the
treasury, only by the voice and common consent of the order.
"72. And this shall be the voice and common consent of the order—that
any man among you say unto the treasurer: I have need of this to help
me in my stewardship—
"73. If it be five dollars, or if it be ten
dollars, or twenty, or fifty, or a hundred, the treasurer shall
give unto him the sum which he requires, to help him in his stewardship—"
Now a whole people, enlightened by the principles of High Heaven in
regard to these matters—filled with the Spirit of God, with the spirit
of understanding, the spirit of philanthropy, every man seeking the
interest of his neighbor, having an eye single to the glory of God,
putting his means into the Lord's treasury, and no man saying that
anything is his, except as a steward before God—would be a pillar of
financial strength, a sublime picture of holy union and fraternity,
and equal to the most extreme emergencies. Then when any misfortune
befalls a man, such as the burning of his property, or failure
or trouble in his department of business, he could go to the treasurer
and say, "I have need of a certain amount to assist me in my
stewardship. Have I not managed the affairs of my stewardship in a
wise manner? Can you not have confidence in me? Have I ever misused
the means put into my hands? Has it not been wisely controlled? If so,
give me means to help me in my stewardship, or to build up this
industry that is needed for the general interests of the whole." Well,
it is to be given to him. There is confidence reposed in him because
of his past conduct, and the course which he has pursued. He has due
right in exercising his talents according to the light of the spirit
that is within him. He understands fully the circumstances in which he
is placed, and governs himself according to the obligations that rest
upon him. He is found to be a wise, economical manager; and he is
assisted in his stewardship to the extent of the means that he should
Now, were the Saints all acting in the spirit of these revelations,
what a happy community we would be! We would all be safe, and no man
would need remain awake at night thinking what he should do for his
family to keep them from begging their bread, or going to the Bishop,
which perhaps is only one degree better. And there would be a union
that would be in accordance with the union of Enoch and his people,
when they were taken to the world above—a union pleasing to the
Almighty, and according to the principles of the celestial world.
But now how is it, with us, with the people of Ogden and in other
places? We distrust one another. Every man feels that he has no
security in his neighbor in time of mis fortune. We distrust our
neighbors, because neighbors are not seeking the interest of one
another. Every man is seeking how he can best help himself. This is
too much so with the Latter-day Saints.
Now, this law, the United Order, was given in 1831-2. Men were
commanded consecration of property. Bishop Partridge, seeing there was
some misunderstanding, wrote to Joseph for an explanation in regard to
the matter. Joseph in answer, says that in matters of consecration it
should be left to the judgment of the consecrator how much he should
give and how much retain for the support of his family, and not
exclusively to the Bishop, for, if so, it would give the Bishop more
power than a king possessed. There should be a mutual understanding
between them, otherwise it should be left to a council of twelve High
Priests. Now where is the Latter-day Saint, that cannot see a
liberality, a generosity, in this matter, and be willing to submit to
this tribunal. I would be willing to submit to the high council of
this Stake of Zion, or the high council of any other Stake of Zion,
and say, "Here is my property, say how much I ought to retain for my
wives and children, and how much shall go into the common property of
the Church?" But I think my bishop and myself could settle the
business at once. Joseph says in that explanation, "it is not
necessary that you should descend to particulars in regard to these
I see I am occupying more time than I intended. There are many things
that should be said in relation to these matters. The time is now that
the Latter-day Saints should awake. These laws were given to govern
the Saints. The Saints in misfortune would not obey them, and they
were driven out.
We have been harassed from the beginning unto this day, and I
fear will be, until we conform to this law, and are willing that God
shall rule in regard to these temporal matters.
I will now say, let every man who stands in an official station, on
whom God has bestowed his holy and divine priesthood, think of what
the Savior said to the Twelve Apostles just before he went into the
presence of his Father—"Feed my sheep." And he continued to say this
until his apostles felt sorrowful that he should continue to call upon
them in this manner. But, said he—"Feed my sheep." That is "Go
with your whole heart, be devoted wholly to my cause. These people in
the world are my brethren and sisters. My feelings are exercised
towards them. Take care of my people. Feed my flock. Go forth and
preach the Gospel. I will reward you for all your sacrifices. Do not
think that you can make too great a sacrifice in accomplishing this
work." He called upon them in the fervor of his heart to do this work.
And now I call upon all who hold this priesthood, the presiding
officers of this stake, and the bishops, and the high council, to go
forth and feed the flock. Take an interest in them. Did you ever lose
a child, and the parting struck keenly into your souls? Transfer a
little of this deep feeling to the interests of the Saints over whom
you are called to preside, and in whose interests you have received
the holy priesthood. Work for them, and do not confine your thoughts
and feelings to your personal aggrandizement. Then God will give you
revelation, inspiration upon inspiration, and teach you how to secure
the interests of the Saints in matters pertaining to their temporal
and spiritual welfare.
May God bless you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.