We are assembled here this afternoon as a congregation of worshippers;
we have come together to worship God according to the dictates of his
word; according to the revelations of his divine will, as it has been
made known to the people of the Latter-day Saints. We represent a
faith, a spiritual constitution, an organization of ideas which
incorporates our sense of duty, our duty to our God and our duty to
our fellow men. This is not a new occasion; this is not a new
announcement. We have existed as a people in the midst of the nations
of the earth for a third of a century. Our doctrines are not new, our
principles of which these doctrines are composed, are not of the 19th
century; they are not the outgrowth of the intelligence of this age;
they are not the products of that intellectuality which is by many
regarded as the biggest standard of advancement, as the most elevated
platform of thought. Our principles are from eternity to eternity. The
Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the name commonly applied to
the religion we profess, was preached aforetime unto Abraham; was
revealed unto our fathers, the ancients. Many of its fundamental
principles, several of its divine ordinances and very many of the
hopes that inspired and caused to heave with heavenly emotion, and
delight the bosoms of the purest men and women of this age, or of ages
preceding this of ours, were principles that had been re-revealed in
ages and dispensations gone by. But we claim to have received this
Gospel in the dispensation in which we live as a new revelation; not
new principles, but a new revelation of old principles, of ancient
doctrines, of institutions that the greatest benefactors,
philanthropists and humanitarians that ever graced the human race,
were more or less made familiar with. We are here today, beloved
friends, as the result of the operations of the ministry of this
Gospel, as a people occupying this section of country called the
Territory of Utah. We are fruits, we are results of the ministry of
reconciliation brought forth through the mission of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ in its fulness and primitive purity in the day and age in
which we live, and to us as a people when we thus address each other
and reiterate these truths in each other's hearing, we are not an nouncing that which we do not understand, but we simply do
so to remind each other, to stir up our thoughts, to put into activity
our reflective powers and calling forth those intellectual energies
which are awakened by the revelation of these principles of life and
immortality in the development of our faith, and to stir up our minds,
that they may become more pure and to bring to our remembrance things
that are past, as well as cause to pass before our minds the
circumstances, the duties and the incidents of the present, and thus
carry with us the history we are creating, and produce by the combined
action of our past and present labors those results which the Gospel
in its entirety and its power and influence exercises over the heart
of man in bringing to pass that human regeneration so long spoken of
by the prophets; so long ago sung of by the inspired psalmist and the
songsters of Israel, which should characterize the features, that
would mark the development of God's purposes in this humanity, in this
great mass of intelligence, which he has created and given a conscious
existence to upon the earth.
In speaking in this manner, my brethren and sisters, I desire to do so
as making a few preparatory remarks to what may be said by my brethren
who may follow after me, as I shall not occupy your attention but for
a limited portion of time this afternoon. I wish to say, however, in
addition to what I have already said with reference to the character
of the Gospel, that we need not look to any other source for an
evidence of the divinity of the mission in which we are engaged, the
divinity of the revelations which have been entrusted to us in this
dispensation of the fulness of times, for an evidence of its divine
character and heaven-born nature, or for the proofs of its practical
result as to ourselves. We can, my friends, examine our own
experience; we can review, each individual one of us, the several
chapters which each day's acts, conversations and the results of our
labors as individual members of this body ecclesiastical and of this
Church militant, and see what have been the fruits which these
principles have borne in our lives, and moreover see how far we have
conformed to those conditions upon the blessings of the second birth,
the regeneration of the human heart under the inspirations of the
spirit of the Lord have been vouchsafed, and see whether our
professions are professions merely, whether they are simply wordy
acknowledgements or whether we preach those most practical of sermons
in the actions of our lives, in the practices of our everyday conduct,
so as to verify the correctness of our testimony and to justify our
friends and ourselves in the conclusion that we are honest and sincere
in the worship of the Lord our God according to the revelations of his
Brethren and sisters, we have received revelations from God, the
unbelief of the world respecting those revelations to the contrary,
notwithstanding. We have received those glorious truths pertaining to
the regeneration of man, pertaining to his further development and to
his final and complete redemption; or, in other words, to use,
perhaps, language more familiar to some minds, the more perfect
development of man. We have received those glorious principles; we
have accepted them in the simplicity of our hearts as truths from
God, and we have realized in our individual experiences that
our testimony is true; that the principles we have embraced are true;
that they have verified themselves in our experiences and verified the
promise made by our Redeemer in the declaration to his disciples: "And
ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." "If the
Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Our
principles are simple; they are perspicuous; they are clear; they are
self-evident: they become self-evident to every mind capable of
perceiving the relation which these principles bear to our conditions
of life, including the physical and mental.
The plan of human redemption, which we call the Gospel of the Son of
God, is composed of principles and doctrines that are pure, that are
in perfect harmony with every want of our natures, with every rightful
desire, with every legitimate unfoldment of our being, physical or
mental, material or spiritual, whichever terms we choose to select to
express the materiality or spirituality of our being. I repeat, that
the Gospel of the Son of God contains every provision and is enriched
with every quality, is endowed with every element necessary to the
perfect enjoyment of all the powers of man and of all the capacity
with which he is endowed for the development of his power and
In speaking upon this subject, my brethren and sisters, we are led to
the further consideration of the eternity of our being; we are
conducted thereby into premises which spread out on the right and on
the left; we are guided in our reflections under the inspiration of
principle—for every truth possesses its own principle of life, its own
quality of power, its own characteristic energy, and whenever that
truth is received by a sentient being, by a conscious being, by a
being possessed of consciousness of the quality of the ego feeling,
and when the complement of his intellectual faculties are not
impaired; when they are awakened to a beautiful exercise by the laws
of thought, by the force of principle, by the impress of objects, and
when the man is awakened as a thinking intellectual being, he is
unavoidably open to receive a portion of the inspiration which they
inherit; and the more advanced he is, the more elevated he becomes in
the plane of intelligence, the greater will be his susceptibility and
capability to receive of that inspiration; and the more he indulges in
the contemplation of the higher and loftier aims of life, the more
value he attaches to every principle of morality and virtue, to every
principle of revelation from God, to truth of every kind and more
especially those truths that have an immediate bearing upon his
present condition, as well as those truths which affect his future
There is much of the knowledge that has been conferred upon the family
of man, there is much of that intelligence and understanding which man
has been brought into possession of that we cannot use immediately in
regulating our affairs socially, or in any other work in the structure
of society. But the principles to which I am now directing your
attention; the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, are
fundamental principles; they are cardinal elements, they are the
foundation stones, if you please, of the great superstructure of
humanity; they reach the fundamental conditions of its being; they
possess the virtue of delving down into the most intricate recesses of
our natures and of causing to well up from our inmost natures
those qualities and excellencies, those virtues, those deeds which are
praiseworthy and of good report, and command veneration, those deeds
which have adorned the lives of all men who have made themselves
benefactors to their race, and who have shone as the reformers and
regenerators of society. No matter by what name they have been called,
if they have done good in any capacity or sphere; if society today
owes anything to the past, to the great motor force that has affected
the interests of humanity or guarded the conditions of its welfare, or
has directed its energies in any degree to produce a condition that is
desirable in the history of our race, we owe it to that class of men,
we owe it to men that have been firm and true to their convictions of
what was right; we owe it to men who have stemmed the current of
popular prejudices or who have dared to row against the stream of
popular opinion; we owe it to men who have sacrificed the good will of
those who were floating with the tide of popularity, and to men who
have stood firm and true and inflexible to their convictions of right.
Have there been such men? Yes, my brethren and sisters. I rejoice that
through the sable darkness, that through the almost impenetrable
clouds that intervene between us today and the ages of the past we
can see glimpses, scintillas of light that illumed time, and I revere
and honor the memories of such men who did what they could to fulfil
the purposes of their Great Creator, the Father of the human race, and
the Creator of all things that are. I honor their memories. If they
were not in the possession of so much truth as those who followed
them; if their philosophy was not as sound, and if in their theo logy
there were greater incongruities, yet it must be remembered that they
were not so far advanced as to be able to perceive their errors, and
if they were devoted and sincere in the course they pursued, living up
to the best light they possessed, I, for one, cherish with fond
remembrance the memories of such people.
But there is a very anomalous mental state existing in the midst; of
the human family, which is not a new one, however. It is the constant
battle that is being waged by antiquated theories and principles,
which are perhaps established in the hearts of the majorities,
whenever a new truth is introduced to the world; whenever a principle
that has not been recognized distinctly as such has not entered into
the constitution of their own religion, philosophy, politics or
science. Whenever a new truth is introduced, the stubborn and
inflexible conservators of antiquated notions and ideas are unwilling
to widen the area of their thoughts, and extend the boundary of their
reflections still outward. And it is refreshing when we discover one
here and there the world over entertaining the sensible views
expressed in the language of Humboldt, the German naturalist: "Weak
minds complacently believe that in their own age humanity have
attained to the culminating point of intellectual greatness,
forgetting that by the internal connection existing among all natural
phenomena, in proportion as we advance, the field to be traversed
acquires additional extension, and that it is bounded by a horizon,
which incessantly recedes before the eyes of the inquirer." How
forcibly true, how substantially correct are these words spoken by
this noble man, one of the brightest minds of the 19th
century! Are we able to extricate ourselves from these thoughts, from
this dwarfed condition of ideas? No, I fear not. And is it not as true
today as it ever has been, that whenever an individual or a community
of individuals introduce into the world any principle or doctrine which
they conceive to be in the most perfect accord with the principles of
truth already revealed, they are sure to be met with the same old cry;
the same weapons of warfare that are strewn around over the battle
grounds of the ages are eagerly clutched by some of the sturdy
veterans who will grab at anything—infidel, skeptic, heterodox,
fanatic, immoral, and it matters not what the odium attached to such
words may be, as long as they think they can be used to arrest the
progress of truth, of principle, of doctrine which has not been
incorporated in their views.
We talk about our progressive enlightenment; we talk of our advancing
intelligence; we speak eloquently of the march of intellect, and yet
we are free to condemn every effort that is made by the world's most
staunch advocate of human progress, in feeling after the foundation of
society, in feeling after the foundation of faith, in seeking to
determine the soundness or the unsoundness of principles, and if we
discover that our fathers ate sour grapes, and we their children have
had our teeth set on edge, we wish to administer some panacea to
remove the difficulty, to change the elements that are sapping the
foundation of that society which we are trying to build up, and supply
its place with elements of a homogeneous texture, of a more durable
fiber, and reconstruct it upon the basis developed by the principles
of the everlasting gospel, which brings life and immortality to light,
and we are confronted with the cry of "fools," "fanatics" and a
very great number of uncomplimentary terms. But I have long ago, my
friends, come to the conclusion that there is a great deal said when
there is a very little meaning to be drawn from what has been said in
relation to these men. They are "as sounding brass or a tinkling
We, as Latter-day Saints, have embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is that Gospel? It is faith in God; it is an avowed confession of
the existence of a Deity, that there is a supreme intelligence that
not only governs, but built the universe, the great architect of the
heavens. We believe in his existence; that he is a rewarder of all
them that diligently seek him. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
his only begotten son, who came into the world in the meridian of time
to announce the message of mercy, who proclaimed principles of eternal
truth, who made known the conditions whereby mankind could attain
salvation, could elevate himself by the means provided in this great
scheme of man's redemption from his low estate, that he might ascend
the ladder that Jacob saw, having its feet placed upon the earth and
its top reaching to heaven, whereby he might climb round after round,
receiving line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and
there a little, until he shall become a perfect man in Christ Jesus
our Lord. We believe then in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world.
We believe in the gospel he received and the principles of that gospel
which have been handed down to us by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the
four historians who compiled the history of his ministry and recorded the principles he taught. We believe them to be eternal truth;
we believe them to be essential to the salvation of mankind. We
believe in repentance of all past sins; a genuine and sincere
repentance—not a professed repentance, but a repentance which need not
to be repented of; a repentance which brings forth fruits meet for
repentance, namely a forsaking of sin, a forsaking of every evil habit
of which we have a knowledge of their being evil, turning away
therefrom and seeking to the Lord our God with full purpose of heart,
adorning our lives with his doctrine, with his sacred precepts and
principles, believing that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom; and before honor is humility." We believe in baptism for the
remission of sins and in the laying on of hands for the reception of
the Holy Ghost.
Now, we believe all this and much more. Our doctrines have been before
the world for many years. Our Church works contain a very full and
clear exposition of our views in relation to our faith, in relation to
our principles affecting our life here and hereafter, and yet we
discover, my friends, that we are unpopular, that we are not to be
included among the Christian elements of society; we are considered
Pagans, heathens, outlaws, barbarians, an immoral and reprobate race.
And let me ask, how was it in the days of Jesus, this great prototype
of human perfection, this great master-teacher of the purest of all
truth? Our Christian ministers today speak eloquently from the pulpit
to their congregations, telling them that there is no name given under
heaven whereby man can be saved but the name of Jesus; and yet when
men go forth as our Elders do, declaring in all soberness that they
have the message of life and salvation revealed from the heavens,
which is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe and obey,
and ask these men permission to preach to them and their people the
Gospel of the meek and lowly Jesus, this same once despised Nazarene,
in their pulpits or lecture platforms, and they at once express
themselves fearful least we should inoculate them with this dreadful
contagion. What do we preach? The selfsame principles that Jesus
taught. We do not take it as expressive of a high and lofty mind to be
combative, to court discussion, but we are at the defiance of the
unbelieving world to prove one principle of our fundamental doctrines,
revealed to us in this age by Joseph Smith, or by Jesus Christ as the
Savior of the world, that is not in perfect harmony with the highest
conceptions and the most pure natures the world ever had, and is not
in perfect consonance with the declarations of holy writ. We have had
men contradict us, we have had people tell us that we are duped and
led astray, but their simple assertions are of no weight or value
unsupported by legitimate argument. Our doctrines are biblically pure,
they are doctrinally sound according to the embodiment of divinity
contained in this most ancient of books, called the Bible; not only
our first principles, but all other principles pertaining to it,
including our social institutions, which is the great bone of
contention with the moralists of our day. I dare not permit myself to
talk upon this question at the present time. I am so thoroughly
disgusted with the rottenness and the canting hypocrisy of society,
and with the infidelity of its social relations, and with the entire
degeneracy of the morality of our age, to talk upon this
subject, particularly with men who have jumped at conclusions and who
have reached them without measuring every step they have taken,
without analyzing the elements of the doctrines they call in question;
but we can say in meekness of heart and in confidence, without
hypocrisy and without a zeal that is not in accordance with knowledge,
but with a zeal that is being fanned into a glow that becomes honest
men, that we know our doctrines are of God and the whole world who
oppose its principles lie in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds
of iniquity.
I feel grateful, my brethren and sisters, that we have a religion that
is self-sustaining; that we have a faith whose foundations are God and
heaven, whose bulwarks are immutable, indestructible truths. We may
fight them as did the ancients; our enemies may fight those doctrines
as did the unbelieving Jews, and the surrounding unbelieving Sadducees
and Pharisees, and the various discordant faiths, during the ages that
are past; but truth, like the diamond, is unchangeable in its nature,
it is unbedimmed in its own eternal luster. You may heap upon it the
odium of grosser materials; you may endeavor to conceal it from the
gaze of the world or cover it up in reproach, it is a diamond still,
and like truth, it will one day triumph and conquer, and roll forth in
its own, naked and unborrowed luster and brightness and vindicate its
own claims. So it will be with the truth of the Gospel we have
embraced. We have received it from God, and we have but one thing to
fear. I am not afraid of the prejudice of the world; I am not afraid
of the influences that are and might be brought to bear against us by
people and communities or the universal world who are opposed to the
progress of humanity, who are stereotyped in their views, who make no
advancement in that path of the righteous which shines brighter and
brighter unto the perfect day; but I fear more for our own neglects,
our own selfishness, our own yielding to the depravities of human
nature, our own backslidings from God and the covenants we have made,
than anything else. I have no fear of the final triumph of truth; I do
not shake or tremble while contemplating the results of the great work
which the Lord has recommenced in this dispensation, which is one of
the many dispensations which have preceded it, for God will so conduct
the issues of his work, the labors of His Priesthood, the operations
of His ministry and the final consummation of His purposes as to cause
to be torn asunder all false systems, false politics, false religions,
false philosophy and false bonds and obligations of society; and in
the place thereof he will fill the earth with true and correct
knowledge. Then every man in every place shall meet a brother and a
friend; then no man shall have need to say to his brother, Know ye the
Lord, for all shall know him, from the least to the greatest. This
will be the final result; this will be the finish, the consummation of
the purposes of Jehovah in perfecting the earth and the sanctification
of his children who dwell thereon. They shall no more see as through a
glass, darkly, but face to face; becoming heirs with God and joint
heirs with Jesus Christ to a kingdom and government in which dwelleth
righteousness and peace. This will be the final triumph, fight it who may.
I will conclude my remarks, thanking you for your attention, and
feeling pleased for the opportunity of expressing my feelings
with regard to the great, latter-day work. Let us carry out the
oft-repeated precept of President Young, which he reiterated in our
hearing: "Brethren and sisters, live your religion;" "Fear God and
keep his commandments; this is the whole duty of man." And then we
shall learn one day that all things work together for the good of them
that love God; that truth is mighty and will prevail. And that this
may be the result of the experience of each and every one of us, is my
prayer, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
- George G. Bywater