The privilege that we enjoy of meeting together again in Conference I
believe is highly appreciated by the Latter-day Saints. The dry
details of our reports are somewhat tedious I am aware; but no doubt
many are interested in the reports of their several Stakes, for there
is a feeling in the hearts of this people that causes interest to be
felt for all the stakes of Zion, and I believe that the present
organization together with the reports that are made quarterly,
semi-annually and annually are drawing the people together in their
interests. We are better ac quainted with each other than ever before
within my recollection. Our general assemblies bring us together, and
pleasant reunions are made, and the good Spirit of God being
disseminated among us makes us feel more like the children of one
common parent than when we are widely dispersed and seldom behold each
other's faces.
Many reflections have passed through my mind during this Conference. I
have listened with interest to the remarks which have been made, and
to the reports which have been read. Zion is growing, financially and in numbers. It is wonderful! I was astonished, as well
acquainted as I have been with this people for the number of years
that they have inhabited these valleys, to know that one-third of the
entire population of this Territory—as far as the Latter-day Saints
are concerned—are children under eight years of age. But such is the
fact. These reports do not take in the entire population of this
Territory. There is quite a number of children over eight years of age
who have not been baptized and consequently they are not represented
in these reports. I presume that there are hundreds, if not thousands,
of cases in the midst of the Latter-day Saints where we have neglected
to administer the ordinance of baptism to our children, who, according
to the revelations of God, ought to be numbered among the members of
this Church. The instructions which we have received are plain and
pointed; perhaps I may not be a competent judge for all mankind, or
for my brethren, yet to me they are full of the inspiration of the
Lord and are calculated to lead and guide his children in the path of
everlasting life. And it does seem impossible to me for any man, or
any set of men, to refute the testimonies that have been borne to this
It is proper and consistent that we look for counsel to those who are
advanced in the knowledge of the Gospel. We should do the same in
regard to law or politics. If I were to go to Washington among the
politicians of the country and set myself up as a politician,
pretending to understand all the ins and outs of political life as,
say, one of the representatives of our nation, I would find myself
greatly deficient, and I would gladly seek some experienced man on
whom I could rely to instruct me in regard to these thing. It is true,
I might read the Congressional Record, in which the speeches of our
statesmen are published; I might go to hear them delivered, and exert
myself otherwise to inform myself; yet though through diligence and
perseverance I might acquire very considerable knowledge of this kind
of business, yet I would lack a most important part, namely: the
experience, and I would willingly and gladly avail myself of the
teaching of an experienced man. If I were to start in the business of
law, it would be reasonable to suppose, of course, that I, like the
seventy men or more who follow that business in this city, would have
a smattering of legal knowledge; but like them too, if a more
experienced man were to come along, and especially if he were a genius
in his profession, I would gladly learn of him and it would afford me
pleasure to listen to him. This is the case in all things. Suppose a
member of my family is sick; I am at once prompted with a desire to
consult some experienced nurse who is more competent than myself in
administering such things as one in that condition ought to receive.
Perhaps a finger of one of my children may need amputating. I might
take an ax and cut it off in my way, but I could not do it like our
Dr. Anderson for instance, a man who is a skilled surgeon. I would
naturally yield my way to theirs in regard to these things. And so it
is through all the branches of business transacted in this life—the
influence, opinion or knowledge of somebody else controls or affects
that of ours.
Today we may be acquainted with a man who is really excellent in his
profession, but another man comes along who can surpass him,
and the former is glad to learn of the latter. And so we may follow it
through until we come to the subject of religion. But the moment that
subject is touched men rise up, no matter how ignorant they may be
with regard to the principles which are calculated to exalt mankind,
and say, "I must think for myself; no man must be trammeled in those
matters; every man must have the privilege of worshipping God
according to the dictates of his conscience." So say I, but I do know,
and we have indubitable evidence of the fact that the men who stand at
the head of this people are skilled in the things pertaining to the
building up of the kingdom of God in the last days. This fact is
proven to the satisfaction of the Latter-day Saints, to those at
least, who have followed them the last 15 to 30 years. We know that
they understand more about these things than we do. When questions
arise, whether in politics, finance, morals or law, requiring the
judgment of sound and experienced men, or when circumstances arise in
our individual lives which are perplexing and of such a nature as to
exhaust our ability, we naturally seek the counsel of these our
brethren; and our experience has proven them to be masters of the
situation; that they are skilled in their profession and abundantly
able to direct us. Why should I not follow the leaders whom God has
placed over me? Why should not this privilege be granted me? Is it
more inconsistent in me showing my principle and desire for right in
following these men than in acquiring the art of mechanics, in being
taught by a more experi enced mechanic? Or in politics or law or
surgery, by men who are farther advanced in those professions than
myself? Certainly not. And besides this the Spirit of God which I have
received which is an unmistakable guide, bears witness to me that it
is right for me to be taught of them and that their teachings are the
teachings of heaven to the children of men, and that they are
calculated, if lived up to, to lead men back into the presence of God
the Father. Yet I, in connection with this whole people, am accused of
yielding my own will and free agency to an overbearing priesthood,
thus becoming their dupes and slaves. This is in short, the judgment
generally passed on the Latter-day Saints by the American nation. And
while they say this of us, their better sense would tell them that
they do the same in law, in morals, in mechanism, in politics, etc.,
directly, and in religious matters they do the same indirectly. Well,
for one—and in saying this I speak the sentiments of this whole
people—I intend to follow the men appointed and ordained of God to
lead and direct his Saints, as they follow Christ. "Know ye not," says
the apostle, "that to whom ye yield yourselves to obey, his servants ye
are whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto
May the blessings of God rest upon this people and the peace of heaven
be with them in all of their locations and settlements, and give unto
us strength to continue faithful in the cause of truth, that we may do
our part towards the building up of his kingdom, and at last be saved
with the faithful, is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.