It is with pleasure, brethren and sisters, that I rise before this
small assembly to address them upon such subjects as may be put into
my heart. However much learning and information may be in the
possession of a speaker it does not matter, God is able, by his
Spirit, to make use of the most unlearned, if they will but seek unto
him, and have faith in him, that he can speak through them to the
edification of the people who hear. We have a vast amount of
information which the Lord has revealed from on high in different
periods of the world's history, as well as in our own day; information
that is of the greatest importance to the human family; information
that has relation to our eternal happiness and welfare in the world to
come, if we can but obtain enough of the spirit of truth to impart
that information to our minds.
We, Latter-day Saints, are living in a peculiar age of the world; we are called by the Almighty, by new revelation. We have not
taken this name upon ourselves, it is a name the Lord gave by direct
revelation through the prophet and seer, Joseph Smith. The Lord spoke
to him, as he always did to those who were sent forth to build up his
Church On the earth; hence, this Church has not been built upon the
opinions of men, neither upon the learning of men, neither upon the
doctrines and covenants of men; but in the very beginning, before
there were any Latter-day Saints, or true Church, the Lord gave a
revelation regarding the time when the Church should be organized. A
few had believed, a few had repented, a few had been baptized for the
remission of their sins, and a few had been confirmed, by the laying
on of hands, for the gift of the Holy Ghost. They were organized into
a Church by commandment, and on the same day that they were thus
organized, the Lord pointed out the duties of the members, and also of
the officers of the Church. It was also revealed that in the Church of
the living God there should be inspired apostles. We did not assume
the apostleship ourselves, we did not pick up this information in and
of ourselves, but the Lord gave revelation respecting it. And, indeed,
there is not one doctrine believed in or practiced by the Latter-day
Saints, but what the Lord our God has given revelation upon that
subject or that doctrine. In the first place, before the establishment
of the Church, the Lord intending to set up his kingdom again on the
earth, made preparation for it by raising up a boy—a young man,
unlearned in the schools of theology. This youth was inspired from on
high. God sent his holy angels to minister to him, and gave him power
to bring forth a sacred record of a branch of the house of Israel, a
record, in other words, of a remnant of Israel, who inhabited the
great western continent. Their records were brought forth by this boy,
this young, unlearned, uneducated youth. He did not attempt to
establish the Church while translating those records. This was the
first duty required at his hands—namely, to translate from the plates
of gold, which he discovered, by the aid of an instrument, called the
Urim and Thummim. This sacred instrument was used in ancient times to
inquire of the Lord. This young man continued the work of translation
from the autumn of the year 1827, until 1829, as time and
circumstances would permit. He was a man whose father was in poverty,
and consequently a portion of his time had to be occupied by himself
in laboring to obtain the necessary comforts of life; but he, after
some two years and a half, succeeded in finishing and printing the
record, a record which contains about 600 pages. After this record was
translated, and the manuscript placed in the hands of a certain
printer in Palmyra, State of New York, and after it had been printed,
and the Lord had prepared all things, he then gave commandment to this
young man to organize the Church, that is, to establish the Latter-day
kingdom spoken of by Daniel, the prophet, on the earth, and gave the
name by which the same should be called—namely, "The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints."
In regard to our forms of Church government, we are also guided by
written and printed revelations. We were not left to ourselves, to
conjecture, or merely to base our opinion, in regard to what the
various duties of the officers of the Church are, but the Lord
did distinctly point out the duty of an apostle, telling us that that
was one of the officers of the Church, that it is his duty to receive
revelation—to receive communications from the heavens, as the apostles
did in ancient times, and to administer in all of the ordinances of
the doctrine of Jesus Christ, and to regulate the Church and watch
over the same, and to administer in all spiritual things. The Lord
also pointed out the duties of Elders, and of the lesser priesthood.
Now we should not have known anything about, what is termed, the
"lesser priesthood," if it had not been for new revelation. We read
about two priesthoods in the Bible; one was called, the "higher
priesthood" the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek; the other
was called, the "lesser priesthood," or the priesthood after the order
of Aaron, the Levitical priesthood, some would term in. But we knew
nothing about these things only so far as the Lord revealed them.
There were none to take us by the hand, and say to us, "we have the
priesthood of the Church, we can teach you what the duties of the
respective officers are," but these things had to be learned anew.
The Lord did not see proper, at the first, to give us the fulness of
the authority that he afterwards revealed. He gave us the lesser
priesthood. And how did he do it? It was not on the earth. You might
have searched all the various Christian churches, built up among all
the nations, and you could not have found among any of them, what is
termed, the "lesser priesthood," after the order of Aaron, and yet we
are told, in the Jewish record (the Bible), that the priesthood of
Aaron is an "everlasting priesthood," that it was intended to be
continued while the sun and the moon should endure—that is, when men
were acknowledged sufficiently worthy, to have that priesthood on the
earth. It has never died out. It has been in the heavens all the time.
Death takes no authority of a divine nature, from any human being,
when it is once conferred upon him, if he is faithful until death;
consequently there were persons in the heavens who held that
priesthood, but no one upon the earth, no one that ever pretended to
have it, among the Christian denominations. And the Jewish people, who
pretend to have the Levitical priesthood, rejected and do still reject
the true Messiah, consequently, their priesthood is null and without
authority, and they could not, therefore, administer baptism, for the
remission of sins, as John the Baptist did, the forerunner of Christ,
who held that priesthood.
There was no other way, therefore, for this priesthood to be
established again on the earth, only for it to be sent down from
heaven; and the Lord did this. Without it, all of our ministrations
would have been in vain. We could not have officiated, without some
kind of authority, or priesthood. How did the Lord restore it? In
answer to humble, solemn prayer, before the Church arose, the Lord
sent his angel, John the Baptist, to two of his servants, namely, the
translator of the work, and also the scribe who was writing from his
mouth. This angel came, and laid his hands upon their heads, and
ordained them, unto the same priesthood which he himself held. They
were also instructed, by that angel, concerning the nature of the
duties of that priesthood. They were told that they should baptize the
people, as John did in ancient times, for the remission of
sins, but they had no power, by this priesthood, to lay their hands
upon baptized believers, that they might receive the Holy Ghost; that
authority did not belong to the lesser priesthood, but required a
greater power than the Levitical priesthood, to administer that divine
ordinance, for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Therefore these persons
could, as yet, only baptize in water; but they sought diligently,
knowing from the Bible, and also from the Book of Mormon, which they
were translating, that the laying on of the hands for the gift of the
Holy Ghost, was a sacred and holy ordinance, and that without it, the
Church could not be organized on the earth. Knowing this, they pleaded
before the heavens, that God would condescend to give them a higher
priesthood, that would enable them also to administer in those higher
Gospel ordinances. The Lord heard their prayers, and three heavenly
personages were sent to them. What authority did these three angelic
personages hold? They held the apostleship. They were the ancient
apostles, Peter, James and John, three of the most conspicuous of the
ancient apostles. They were sent as ministering angels. They also
conferred upon them the apostleship. The apostleship holds this higher
priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek, a priesthood greater than
that of Aaron; and hence, when they received the apostleship, or this
divine authority, they were commanded to call the baptized believers
together, and lay their hands upon them, and confirm upon them the
gift of the Holy Ghost.
In this way the Church was organized, on the 6th day of April, 1830,
in Fayette, Seneca Co., New York, or rather began to be organ ized, for
there are many things besides these first principles of the Gospel I
have named, that are essential duties necessary to be practiced
amongst the people of God. After they were thus organized and
confirmed by the laying on of the hands, and became members of the
Church, then it became necessary, that there should be other officers,
as leaders, and guides, and persons, holding different authority, to
administer in their respective callings, among the people and hence,
deacons, teachers and elders were given, and after a while bishops.
Now, we had but little knowledge of the duties of bishops. We knew
what the sectarian religionists expressed, in regard to bishops, that
they were to administer principally in spiritual things, but the Lord
gave us altogether a different view of this subject, from what we had
learned from sectarian religion. He gave by revelation, the duties of
bishops, that, they were to hold the presidency of the Aaronic
priesthood, that they were to administer in all temporal things, and
not spiritual things only, And finally other officers were pointed out,
from time to time, as the Church increased and among these, the Lord
had told his servants, about a year before the organization of the
Church, that there would be Twelve Apostles appointed, and that the
Lord should designate to them, who these Twelve Apostles should be.
These Twelve, in due time, were called and ordained, by the
commandment of the Almighty, and they also had their duties specified
by revelation. Their duties were more particularly, to see that the
gospel was preached to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
people, upon the face of our globe; first, to carry it to the Gentile
nations, and after we had completed our mission to the
Gentiles, then our calling and duties would be to the house of Israel
scattered in the four quarters of the earth.
We have been now almost one half a century, in fulfilling the first
part of our duty, namely, in publishing the Gospel to the gentile
We have sought diligently, year after year, to publish glad tidings of
great joy, to all the different peoples on the face of the earth, so
far as the governments, and the laws of the respective governments, of
these nations would permit the Gospel of the Church of Christ, to be
established amongst them. We have sought diligently, therefore, to
perform our mission to the Gentiles. We have not gone to the house of
Israel, because that was not the commandment. We were commanded of the
Lord our God, to preach to, the Gentiles first, to warn them, to
testify to them that their times are nearly fulfilled; and that then
the Gospel of the kingdom should be turned from among them, and
transferred over to the house of Israel. We have been faithful, I
believe, in England, in Wales, in Scotland, in Ireland, and upon the
Continent, among the European nations, so far as their laws would
permit, and also among the various States of the American union, and
in the British dominions, the Canadas. And we have tried to be
faithful in carrying out our testimony also to the British Colonies in
India; and also in the Southern portions of Africa; and also at
Gibraltar, and in South Australia, and New Zealand and in all those
various countries, trying to warn the Gentile nations, concerning that
which the Lord; our God is beginning to do here on the earth. Having
established his kingdom, he offers it first to these Gentile nations,
if they will receive it; and when they shall account themselves
unworthy of the kingdom, unworthy of eternal life, unworthy of the
message which God has sent to them, and shall persecute his servants
and his people all the day long, and shall close up their sanctuaries,
their Churches, their chapels, their meetinghouses, and their places
of worship against this message, and when it can no longer find place
among them, so as to bring them to a knowledge and understanding of
the truth, the Lord will, after a while, designate by revelation, and
say unto his servants, "It is enough. You have been faithful in
laboring in my vineyard, for the last time;" for it was the decree of
heaven, that this shall be the last time, that he will labor in his
vineyard. It is the eleventh hour, the last warning that will be given
to the nations of the earth, first to the Gentiles, and then to the
House of Israel.
When they shall render themselves unworthy of this great and joyful
message, that has been presented to them, the servants of God will, as
I have already stated, have it revealed to them, to confine no longer
their mission to the Gentiles; but they will receive a commission from
the Almighty to go to the scattered remnants of the House of Israel,
wherever they may be located.
The American Indians are the descendants of a remnant of the tribe of
Joseph with a mixture of the descendants of one of the kings of Israel
of the tribe of Judah; hence, Judah and Joseph are mixed together, and
God will send his servants among them, and they will receive the
records of their fathers. They will believe in those records, which
their forefathers kept by inspiration, and believe in the revelations
that are contained therein. It is their Bible, the same as the
Old and New Testaments are the Bible of the Jews, that lived at
They, the Indians, will not reject it, but obey it, and practically
receive it, and become a powerful branch of the House of Israel. The
servants of the Lord will also be sent to the Jews, some of whom are
here in London. Some are mingled with the various nations of Europe.
Many hundreds of thousands of them are in Asia and among all nations.
These Jews must be warned, when we get through with the Gentiles; and
they will begin to believe in Christ, according to the prophecies,
that are contained in the Stick of Joseph. They will begin to believe
in the true Messiah and gather unto their land, the land of Palestine;
and there will be many of the people of Israel, that are scattered
upon the Isles of the sea—on the Pacific Isles—who will receive the
work; and the Lord will perform in their midst, miracles, and signs,
and wonders, and make bare his arm, just as is prophesied by Isaiah in
bringing about his covenants to the House of Israel. And he will make
bare his arm very differently from what he has done among the
Gentiles; for among the Gentiles, he has, it is true, healed the sick;
he has opened the eyes of the blind; he has caused the tongue of the
dumb in some instances, to sing; and he has healed them of various
diseases; and there has been a certain degree of the power and gifts
of the ancient Gospel, manifested as in ancient times, among the
ancient Gentile Churches. But I do not call this the making bare of
the arm of the Almighty in so great fulness as it is predicted in the
Jewish record, the Bible. It is making bare his arm in some small
degree. And we have great reason to be thankful, when he does hear the
prayers of his servants, when he does heal those who are sick, when he
does show forth his power as in ancient times, in these spiritual
gifts and blessings, which belong especially to the Gospel of his Son.
But when I speak of the Lord making bare his arm in the eyes of all
the nations, I have reference to that what which is predicted in this
book, called the Bible, when the waters will again be divided, and
Israel will go through dry-shod, as they did in ancient times. When the
great deep will have a highway cast up through the midst of it and
Israel will pass through it dry-shod. When I mention about the Lord
making bare his arm in the eyes of all the nations, I have reference
to that tremendous power, that is specified by the Ancient prophets,
which will be made manifest before all people, all governments,
nations and countries upon the face of the whole earth. Israel will
return with power. Will God be with them when they return? He will. He
will go as literally before their Camp, as they go out from among the
nations, as he did in ancient times when he brought them out from that
one single nation of the Egyptians. Then there was a display of great
power, great signs, great wonders. The Lord condescended to talk with
men from heaven. He descended upon Mount Sinai and his voice was
heard, like the voice of thunder, by the numerous multitudes of Israel
that were gathered at the foot of the mount.
Upon that mountain he manifested his power by causing it to tremble
exceedingly, his lightnings and thunders were seen and heard and
therefore this was making bare his arm in very deed; and from that day
to this, Israel when scattered among the nations, and when they wish to speak of the greatness of their God and magnify his
great and holy name, still refer to the signs and wonders that were
wrought in delivering their fathers from the land of Egypt, in
dividing the waters of the Red Sea. They still refer to the cloud they
saw over their camp by day, and to the shining of the flaming fire by
night. They still refer to the numerous revelations, given to them
while they so sojourned forty years in the wilderness. They still
refer to the waters of Jordan which were divided, as they went into
the land of Palestine.
But that was only a display of the power of the Almighty before the
nations that were in that immediate vicinity. There is a day coming
when this will be manifested over all the face of the earth, when the
Lord God shall organize the camps of Israel among the various nations
and bring them home to their own lands.
Ezekiel, the prophet, being filled with the spirit of inspiration, and
looking forth by the power of that spirit to that time when they
should be brought back and assembled into one body, in the wilderness,
says that the Lord should plead with them face to face, like as he
plead with their fathers in the wilderness and the land of Egypt. (See
Ezekiel xx.) So we see there is a day of power coming, and a day of
wonders and a day of mighty deeds, when the power of the Lord, in
great judgment, will be upon the nations of the wicked; and also when
his glory shall be upon his covenant people who shall be restored to
their own lands. The message with which we are now entrusted is a part
of the great and last warning message to the nations of the earth,
first to the Gentiles, and last to the house of Israel. And when we
get through warning the Gentiles, the proclamation which the Lord has
given us, shall be delivered to Israel in the islands of the sea and
among the various nations; and they shall gather home to the land of
their inheritance. Then Jerusalem shall be redeemed and a temple
established upon its former foundation in the holy land. Then the
nations of the earth will see a fulfillment of our words. We have told
them for the last forty-nine years that the Lord God had commenced a
work to prepare the way before the face of his coming, to prepare a
people to endure his presence, to gather his people from the four
quarters of the earth into one, in order that they might be prepared
against the day when the veil of eternity shall be rent, and the voice
of the Lord shall be heard unto the ends of the earth. Then they shall
behold a fulfillment of our words, they shall then know of a surety,
if they do not before, that there is a God in this work, that he has
commenced a proclamation and message for the last time, to prepare the
way before the face of the coming of his Son from the heavens.
But before that great day shall come, let me foretell, before this
people, that which they may look for, that which will most assuredly
come to pass, and that which will eventually cause their ears to
tingle, and the sound thereof will cause them to tremble exceedingly,
namely, the judgments that are decreed by the Almighty, to be poured
out upon the nations of the Gentiles, that do not repent.
While this message is going forth, in your midst, it is a time of
comparative peace, it is a time when the Lord our God is granting
unto you the proclamation of mercy, and has given you peace in
your homes, peace among yourselves; no civil wars are raging in your
midst, though there are some foreign wars that occasionally disturb
the peace of the people; but the Lord has been specially favorable to
the people of this island, while the proclamation has been sounding,
during the last forty-three years in your midst. But this will not
always continue. You may be assured, that there is a change coming as
you may be assured of the fulfillment of anything that has ever been
spoken, by the mouth of the ancient servants of God. A change is
coming over the political affairs of these nations. Great Britain will
not escape. What will be this change? There will be various causes
that will bring it about. One change will be this, which you, without
being prophets, can by a little reflection, understand for yourselves.
You know that England, for many years past, has been the great
manufacturing nation for the whole world. They have looked to you for
your manufactures and such merchandise has been carried unto all parts
of the earth; and this has kept your workmen and poor people employed.
They have had abundance to do the most of their time. You have sent
forth a vast amount of your manufactures to the continent of America,
to the people of the United States, but the scene is changing; for any
person, with a little reflection, can see that the change is already
beginning to come, and that too very readily. The nations, to whom you
have exported your products, are beginning to manufacture for
themselves. This cuts off the trade with Great Britain.
The American nation is beginning to manufacture for themselves, and
not only themselves, but they are actually sending their manufactures
to this little island; and the people here are beginning to purchase
American goods and manufacture in preference to their own. This cuts
off in your country a great many of the manufacturing establishments,
and you have a surplus population, of many millions, thrown as it were
out of employment, who can scarcely get sufficient to sustain
themselves from day to day. Is this state of things going to get
better? No, it will not, there may be prosperous times for a short
season, but they will soon pass away; and such times are coming, such
as this nation has not experienced, neither they, nor their
forefathers for many generations.
I might go on and tell you many things, in relation to the
consequences of people being thrown out of employment. I might portray
it, but I do not wish to harrow up the people, in regard to this
matter. You yourselves can see, that when people are pinched, for the
want of bread, for the want of clothing, for the want of the necessary
comforts of life, and are driven to desperation, you can judge for
yourselves what must be the state of things that will ensue. I have no
need to portray them. But I would say to the Latter-day Saints who
have been taught these things for many years, gather out from this
nation. And inasmuch as we have pointed out the way of escape and
shown you that the Lord has provided in regard to these matters, for
all that will believe in him, and repent of their sins, and obey the
gospel, do not be dilatory, do not be slack, do not be extravagant in
your expenditures, but strive to lay up means, and so far as you
possibly can, by being faithful, and serving the Lord your God, gather
out from these countries; for a day of great tribulation is
coming, a day of desolation, a day wherein the Country will be
revolutionized, wherein the poor and the afflicted, and the needy,
will contend earnestly for the lives of themselves, and their little
ones, instead of seeing them perish by hundreds and thousands in the
streets. And inasmuch as such a day is coming, Latter-day Saints, it
would be far better for you, to be out of the country, than in it. And
would to heaven we could Sound this message, not only to the
Latter-day Saints, but to every good, upright, honest-hearted soul,
throughout Great Britain. That they might take warning, and escape,
before the terrible time shall come.
Now let me point out some other things which will occur, before the
coming of the Son of Man. The Lord has a controversy among all the
nations of the Gentiles. He has sent to them a warning. He has sent
his servants to prophesy to them. He has sent them to preach and bear
record of the truth. He has sent them to call upon the nations to
repent, both high and low, rich and poor, religionist and
non-religionist, priest and people, for all of them to repent and
receive the Gospel in its fullness, and not only to do this, but to
gather out from these nations. Will they hear? They will not. We know
they will not; but this does not justify us in being slack in
delivering our message. We have a responsibility placed upon us, and
that responsibility we must fulfill, whether the people hear, or
whether they forbear, we must warn them, so that they shall not have
any excuse, when the tribulations shall come which I have named.
The Lord, therefore has a controversy among them, the same as he had
with the Egyptian nation, with this difference, that the Egyptians did
not have the same length of time to consider the message which you
have. They only had a few days, and if they would repent and receive
the word which Moses and Aaron delivered to them, well and good; and
only a short time, a very few days were allowed them to decide this
matter. You have had a portion of a whole generation. Your times are
not quite yet fulfilled, and hence you have had the privilege to
consider it from your childhood up to middle age, and some of you from
middle age to old age, to see whether you will receive the latter-day
message which God has sent or not. How, the consequences will be, if
you receive it, you will save yourselves by fleeing out from the midst
of this nation. You will save yourselves and your children temporally
speaking as well as spiritually. On the other hand, if you do not
receive it, the Lord, who is long-suffering, will, after he has borne
with the people all the day long, withdraw his servants from your
midst. When that day shall come there shall be wars, not such wars as
have come in centuries and years that are past and gone, but a
desolating war. When I say desolating, I mean that it will lay these
European nations in waste. Cities will be left vacated, without
inhabitants. The people will be destroyed by the sword of their own
hands. Not only this but many other cities will be burned; for when
contending armies are wrought up with terrible anger, without the
Spirit of God upon them, when they have not that spirit of humanity
that now characterizes many of the wars amongst the nations, when they
are left to themselves, there will be no quarter given, no prisoners
taken, but a war of destruction, of desolation, of the burning of the cities and villages, until the land is laid desolate.
That is another thing that will come before the coming of the Son of
What about my own nation—the American nation? What can I say more than
I have said in times that are past? They have had a great desolating
war; a war between the North and the South in which many hundreds of
thousands were destroyed. This war was foretold twenty-eight years
before it took place; the very place where it should commence was
marked out by the Prophet Joseph Smith, that young man of whom I have
spoken. By him it was designated that the revolution should commence
in South Carolina, and it did so. By him it was pointed out that this
war would be great and terrible, and it came to pass although
twenty-eight years intervened, before it commenced. These revelations
and prophecies have been published by hundreds of thousands and
circulated in your midst here in Great Britain. The people are not
altogether ignorant about these matters; they have been forewarned.
But what about the American nation. That war that destroyed the lives
of some fifteen or sixteen hundred thousand people was nothing,
compared to that which will eventually devastate that country. The
time is not very far distant in the future, when the Lord God will lay
his hand heavily upon that nation. "How do you know this? inquires
one." I know from the revelations which God has given upon this
subject. I read these revelations, when they were first given. I
waited over twenty-eight years and saw their fulfillment to the very
letter. Should I not, then, expect that the balance of them should be
fulfilled? That same God who gave the revelations to his servant
Joseph Smith in regard to these matters, will fulfil every jot and
every tittle that has been spoken, concerning that nation. What then
will be the condition of that people, when this great and terrible war
shall come? It will be very different from the war between the North
and the South, Do you wish me to describe it? I will do so. It will be
a war of neighborhood against neighborhood, city against city, town
against town, county against county, state against state, and they
will go forth destroying and being destroyed and manufacturing will,
in a great measure, cease, for a time, among the American nation. Why?
Because in these terrible wars, they will not be privileged to
manufacture, there will be too much bloodshed—too much mobocracy—too
much going forth in bands and destroying and pillaging the land to
suffer people to pursue any local vocation with any degree of safety.
What will become of millions of the farmers upon that land? They will
leave their farms and they will remain uncultivated, and they will
flee before the ravaging armies from place to place; and thus will
they go forth burning and pillaging the whole country; and that great
and powerful nation, now consisting of some forty millions of people,
will be wasted away, unless they repent.
Now these are predictions you may record. You may let them sink down
into your hearts. And if the Lord your God shall permit you to live,
you will see my words fulfilled to the very letter. They are not my
words, but the words of inspiration—the words of the everlasting God,
who has sent forth his servants with this message to warn the nations
of the earth. The Book of Mormon contains many of these predictions. This book has now been printed forty-nine years, and the
prophecies contained in it are being fulfilled with great rapidity;
and every prediction yet in the future, recorded in that book, will be
fulfilled literally, according to the words that are spoken. The Lord
our God has already destroyed two great and powerful nations that once
occupied the western hemisphere, because they fell into wickedness and
would not repent. We have a record of this. The first nation he
brought upon that hemisphere, were a people from the Tower of Babel.
They were led by the hand of the Lord. They were located upon the
north wing of that continent, and they became a great and powerful
nation. They inhabited the land for some sixteen or seventeen
centuries after they came from the Tower of Babel. But the Lord made a
decree, when he first led them forth to that land, that if they or
their descendants should fall into wickedness, and would not repent,
that he would visit them with utter destruction. He did so. About 600
years before Christ, that great nation was entirely swept off by the
judgments of Almighty God, and their bones were left bleaching upon
the plains and mountains of that land—left unburied by the numerous
armies that went forth slaying and being slain, and another colony was
brought from Jerusalem in their stead, being a remnant of the tribe of
Joseph. The same decree was passed respecting one branch of that
colony, that was made regarding the first nation. Said the Lord to
them, "Inasmuch as you keep my commandments, you shall prosper in the
land; but inasmuch as you keep not my commandments in the land, you
shall be destroyed from the face thereof." That was literally
fulfilled. After living upon that land till nearly the close of the
fourth century of the Christian era, they fell into wickedness and
were destroyed, with the exception of a few who went over to the
opposite army.
And the Lord also made a similar decree, recorded, too, in the same
book, in regard to the present great populous nation called the people
of the United States. They must perish, unless they repent. They will
be wasted away, and the fullness of the wrath of Almighty God will be
poured out upon them, unless they repent. Their cities will be left
desolate. A time is coming when the great and populous city of New
York—the greatest city of the American Republic, will be left without
inhabitants. The houses will stand, some of them, not all. They will
stand there, but unoccupied, no people to inherit them. It will be the
same in regard to numerous other cities, or, in the words of the Lord,
"I will throw down all their strongholds, and I will execute vengeance
and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not
heard." It will all be fulfilled. But there will be a remnant who will
be spared. It will be those who repent of their sins; it will be those
who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and are willing to obey his
commandments, willing to hearken to his voice, willing to be baptized
for the remission of their sins, willing to be born of the spirit, or
receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, willing to walk
uprightly and honestly with all men, and justly one with another.
These and these only will be spared, for it is the decree of Jehovah;
and this is not all. We have thus far, only told you that
which will take place upon the people of Great Britain, upon the
European nations, and upon the people in the United States. But great
tribulations will also be among all of the nations of the earth, who
will not repent. They will be wasted with various judgments; but the
heathen will be spared longer than these Gentile nations who have had
the scriptures in their midst, but would not obey them.
You have had the Bible multiplied by millions of copies, and
circulated in almost every family. You can read it at your leisure.
You can see the glorious light of truth, recorded in these prophecies,
in these doctrines, in these heavenly and holy principles, and yet in
the face of all this light, knowledge, truth and divine revelation,
you reject the servants of God, reject the ancient Gospel, when it is
preached in its fulness, refuse to repent of all the iniquities and
abominations into which the nations are fallen.
It is because of this, of the light that the nations have in their
midst, which they will not receive that the Lord will visit them
first; and when he has visited and overthrown them, he will lay his
hand heavily upon the heathen nations in Asia, and also those who are
in Africa, and they will be visited with severe judgment, but they
will not be utterly destroyed. A portion of the heathen nations will
be redeemed. Why? They will see the power and glory of God that will
be manifested among the tribes of Israel, who will be gathered out
from their midst and return to their own land. They will see the glory
of God manifested as in ancient times and they will say, "surely
Jaggernaut is no longer my God." "Surely I will not worship
crocodiles, nor serpents; neither will I worship the sun, or the moon,
for there is a God manifested among that people, Israel, who is worthy
of the natures and attributes of a God. I will cast my Gods to the
moles and bats, and I will worship the God of Israel. Then will be
fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet Ezekiel, "then shall
the heathen know that I the Lord am God." And it will come to pass,
after that period, when Jesus shall have raised all the righteous from
their graves, that he will descend with all the hosts of heaven
accompanying him, and will stand upon the Mount of Olives, and he will
go out of Jerusalem, and the Jews will go out to the mount to meet him
and will acknowledge him as their Messiah and King; and then it shall
come to pass, that the heathen nations will also more fully recognize
him as the true and only God. Then will be fulfilled that which is
written in the last chapter of Zechariah, that every nation round
about Jerusalem, shall come up from year to year, to worship the King,
the Lord of hosts, at Jerusalem, and also to keep the Feast of
Tabernacles. There will be a great many of those solemn assemblies and
feasts that were commanded in ancient times, that will be
reestablished in the midst of Israel when they shall return. And the
Lord Jesus will be there. His Twelve Apostles who wandered about with
him, while he was in the flesh, will be there; and they sit upon
twelve thrones, and assist our Lord and Savior in judging the twelve
tribes of Israel. But Jesus will have a throne as well as these twelve
disciples. Where will be his throne? A temple is to be reared in
ancient Palestine where it formerly stood. Ezekiel saw it in
vision, and he describes the building of that house when it shall be
complete, and he saw the glory of God coming by the way of the East,
and this glorious personage entered through the East Gate of that
temple, and entered into the temple; and Ezekiel, being full of the
Spirit of God, was picked up and carried into that court, where Jesus
had entered, and he heard a voice speaking unto him, Behold, the
place of my throne, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of
Israel forever, and they shall no more defile my name, but I will
dwell with them forever.
This will be a glorious period. It will be a time when all will know
who the true God is, and who is commissioned to speak in his name, and
to declare his truths among the people—if we do not find it out
before. If we will not repent of our sins; if we will harden our
hearts, that the Spirit of God has no place within us, to reveal to us
the truth, we shall know then who it is that will be saved. We shall
know then, that there is a Lord God, and that he is in the midst of
Israel, and his throne is among them, and he will reign over the house
of David, and all Israel, forever and ever. Do you not suppose that
the Twelve Apostles, who were with him, who suffered persecution, and
finally the most of them were martyred—do you not suppose that they
will have thrones? John the Revelator saw the thrones of those that
were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God; and he
says, they will sit upon these thrones as judges. So there will be
twelve thrones built, when the temple of God is built in Jerusalem,
beside the throne of the Messiah, for these twelve men to sit upon,
when they shall come forth from their graves to reign as kings, and to
eat and drink at the table of the Lord. "What?" some might exclaim,
"eat and drink after the resurrection from the dead? Yes, did not
Jesus eat and drink with his disciples after he came forth from the
tomb? He did. He ate the broiled fish and the honeycomb, in their
presence. Immortal beings can eat if they choose to do so. Hence it is
written, "You that have followed me in the regeneration," meaning
these twelve disciples, "inasmuch as you have followed me in the
regeneration, you shall sit upon twelve thrones and shall eat and
drink at my table, and you shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel."
That will be better than to be judged by imperfect mortals. Men who
are called here to be judges are not always perfect in their judgment.
They err; the best of them, the wisest of men may err in their
decisions. But not so with these great judges that come forth out of
the tomb, raised to immortality, clothed with light as with a garment,
purified and made white before God. Their minds are full of
intelligence, and it beams forth from their countenances, and they
know how to judge by the Spirit that is upon them, and their
decisions will be in righteousness.
How pleasant it would be to walk into one of those beautiful rooms
that will be constructed in the temple of our God at Jerusalem, and
behold the beautiful table spread, on which the luxuries of our earth
shall be served to those immortal beings, and then to see the Master,
the great King, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings rise up and
minister to his disciples; wait upon them; setting them an example. He
that is immortal and as far above mortality as the heavens are
above the earth, condescending to administer to their happiness. Would
not this be delightful? Who, that has any desire for holiness, and
purity, and honesty, and virtue in his heart, would not be enraptured
at the thought of having the privilege of being an invited guest, to
go in, even if you did not sit down to the table; to see them when
they were partaking, with their Savior, of this feast? And these will
be the men that will be with Jesus when he descends upon the Mount of
Olives, after the graves of the just have been opened. In the
resurrection, they will come forth immortal, eternal, clothed upon
with the fulness of that glory that pertains to the celestial kingdom.
They will also reign as kings and priests here on the earth. To some
of the raised Saints there will be given ten cities to rule over. To
others there will be given five cities to rule over, according to
their works here in this life. All will not have the same power. All
will not have the same rule. The Twelve shall have twelve thrones—one
throne each, to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribes will
need judging, during the whole thousand years they live on the earth;
they will need judges in their midst, to make manifest unto them that
which is important for men, and women, and children, to know.
These twelve men who are appointed to judge these twelve tribes of
Israel cannot be as it were the judges over all the earth at the same
time. They cannot be everywhere present at the same moment, and hence
there will be other judges, other men of God, those who are accounted
Worthy in the sight of the Most High. Hence we read in the revelations
of St. John that he heard them singing a new song, a glorious song.
About what? Their future glory and their future happiness and their
future home, Where? On the earth. What? People in heaven singing about
coming to the earth? Yes. When it is redeemed it will be a glorious
mansion, it will be a glorious world, it will be worth living on; and
it will be sanctified, and the knowledge of God will cover the earth
as the waters cover the deep. All beings will have knowledge. All
people will have understanding. They will comprehend the things of
God, and perform them. The Lord will make this earth one of the most
glorious habitations, inasmuch as the people will prepare themselves
for it, one of the most glorious habitations that can be given to men.
It will be peopled by immortal beings throughout eternity. But before
that it will have to die. The earth will have to pass away the same as
our bodies do, and the dust thereof be mingled in a chaotic form. But
that same being who organized the earth will again speak, and eternity
will again hear his voice, and the materials of our earth will come
together again, and when it unites them in one, and forms them into a
world, it will be a glorious world, a habitation for immortal beings;
for kings and for priests, and for those that have been faithful to
the end. They will dwell upon it, and the generations of their
children will dwell upon it, till they become sufficiently numerous to
need another creation. What generation? Generations do you say, Mr.
Pratt? Do you mean to say that these immortal beings are going to have
posterity? I do. I mean just what I say. Those who are accounted
worthy to inherit this earth, when it shall be made heavenly,
celestial beings will people the earth with their own
offspring, their own sons and their own daughters; and these sons and
these daughters which will be born to these immortal beings, will be
the same as you and I were before we took these mortal tabernacles.
Now do you understand it? How were we then? Perhaps some stranger
present may ask, "What position did we occupy before we took these
mortal tabernacles? We were in the presence of God the Eternal Father.
We were with our Elder Brother. Who is he? The scriptures say that he
was Christ. The scriptures say that he was our Lord and Savior Jesus
"the firstborn of every creature." Indeed! Does that mean his birth
in the stable? No. Do the scriptures really say that? Yes. Who are the
others that were born? It was all the human family, who were once in
the celestial kingdom from whence our spirits came, when they took
possession of these mortal tabernacles. As Jesus came down from the
Father, being the eldest of the family, and took upon him a mortal
tabernacle, even so have his brethren and sisters come from the same
region of glory, and have taken upon them mortal tabernacles to follow
in his footsteps, if they will. As he was with the Father, before the
foundation of the world was laid, so were we, and all the rest of the
human family. I don't mean this flesh; these bones, I do not mean the
mortal part of man, but I mean that being that is within these flesh,
and bones. I mean that being that feels, that reflects, that thinks,
the being that is godlike in its nature, inasmuch as it keeps the
commandments of God. That is the being that lived, before these mortal
tabernacles were framed. We were there when the foundations of the
earth were laid. We were number ed among those sons of God, whom the
Lord speaks of to the patriarch Job. "Where wast thou," "speaking to
Job," "when I laid the corner stone of the earth, when all the sons of
God shouted for joy, and the morning stars sang together?" Job where
were you at that time? He was among them; he was there, perhaps he did
not remember it, any more than we do. This is a principle that was
taught in ancient times. God is the Father of our spirits, God is the
author of all the intelligences, that have ever come into this world.
He begat them. He is called the Father of Spirits. Have we to become
like him? What is the promise Latter-day Saints? What is the great
promise made to all Saints, ancient-day Saints, as well as Latter-day
Saints? The promise is that they shall become like him. In what
respect? Like him with an immortal body. He will purify these vile
bodies of ours and fashion them after his own body, cleansed from sin
and prepared to dwell in his presence, having immortal bodies of flesh
and bones as our Savior has; and if there is no end to the increase of
our Savior's kingdom, there will be no end to the increase of the
kingdom of his younger brethren. Here then, we see the propriety of
what I, a little while ago, stated, that this earth will become a
habitation of immortal beings and there shall be no more death nor
sorrow, for the former things have passed away and all things have
become new. They will spread forth and multiply as the stars in yonder
heavens or as the sand on the seashore, that cannot be numbered by
mortal man. These offsprings will be spirits, not bodies with flesh
and bones, till they have proved themselves as we have done, when
they shall be sent upon a new earth, and receive tabernacles
the same as we have done, and if they are willing to keep the laws of
God, as the Saints keep the laws of God, they will also be redeemed,
and there will be a mansion prepared for them, namely, the world that
is erected for their habitation. Thus creations will be multiplied
upon creations, a universe of worlds will be constructed for the
kingdoms of our God, all becoming or being subject to him that sits
upon the throne, who sways his scepter over all worlds and dominions,
and we in connection with him will reign upon thrones and in our
mansions, that are given unto us. Hence, says the Apostle Paul, the
man is not without the woman in the Lord, neither the woman without
the man. People may think they can get a fulness of celestial glory,
without having a wife. They may think so, but they will be mistaken.
The Lord our God ordained that the male and female should be united
for eternity. A marriage covenant for time alone, is not the order of
heaven. God designed that man and woman, being immortal beings, should
be each others companion, husband and wife, while eternal ages shall
roll around, and to enjoy all that is intended for them in the eternal
worlds. This is the object that the Lord had in view. These marriages
that are celebrated by the gentile nations are well enough in their
places. They do very well for those who have no knowledge of the
truth. They do well enough for those who have no knowledge of the
Gospel. They are human marriages, or, in other words, marriages
performed by human authority, marriages that are necessary in human
governments, or governments established according to human laws, but
all such marriages, and institutions, and ordinances will crumble
away, with human governments, and after the resurrection they have no
force. But that which is of God will endure forever and ever.
Marriages that are ordained of God are eternal. What he has joined
together never can be plucked asunder, if the two persons shall remain
faithful to their covenants, and faithful to the Lord their God. Hence
eternal marriage was ordained by him for the purpose of multiplying
intelligent beings after we leave this world. No marriage in the next
world. This is the world for all ordinances as well as the ordinance
of marriage. If you want to be baptized, do it here. No such thing as
being baptized for yourselves in that world. If you want to be
confirmed, have it done here, for there is no confirming there. If you
want to partake of any of the ordinances of the Lord our God, this is
the place for us to attend to them. Hence it is written, that they
neither marry nor give in marriage in that world. Why? Because it is
supposed that people will have secured to them, in this life, all that
pertains to their future exaltation and glory; and if that thing be
neglected here, such place themselves in a condition not to occupy the
fullness of the glory, ordained before the foundation of the world, to
be given to the sons and daughters of the Most High. Amen.