It is with humility, desiring that the Spirit of the Lord may rest
upon you, my hearers, as well as upon myself, that I arise to address
you. I am requested to "blow the Gospel trumpet." I do not know that I
shall be able to make myself heard by this large congregation, unless
all keep quiet and exercise that faith which it is our privilege to do
when assembled in a worshiping capacity.
If we are in the line of our duty, we are engaged in a great and
glorious cause. It is very essential to our individual welfare that
every man and every woman who has entered into the covenant of the
Gospel, through repentance and baptism, should feel that as
individuals it is their bounden duty to use their intelligence, and
the agency which the Lord has given them, for the promotion of the
interests of Zion and the establishment of her cause, in the earth.
Those who are not faithful in the discharge of these duties cannot be
wholly acceptable to God; for they are more or less in the condition
of the Church which was complained of by the angel to the
Apostle John, as being neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm, and
therefore only fit to be "spewed out," or to be disowned of God.
Manifoldly more deserving of this rebuke and chastisement are those
who are not only indifferent to the interests of the cause of God and
its growth in the earth, but who murmur and find fault and who,
instead of putting their shoulders to the wheel, actually try to
retard its progress by using what little influence and means they
possess to obstruct the onward march of the kingdom.
It was said by the Son of God, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." This
was said to Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, who evidently believed
that Jesus was sent of God, but who went to him by night, being
ashamed to be seen seeking so humble a person in the day time, having,
no doubt, that feeling of worldly pride which animates the bosoms of
many of the present generation, he dared not identify himself with the
Savior of the world, because his reputation and standing in society
would be sacrificed. But he marveled at the saying of Christ, and
upon further inquiry the Savior explained by declaring that, "Except a
man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God." And I may say still further, that being born of the
water and the Spirit alone, will not enable a man to enter into the
kingdom of heaven. There is something still beyond, which is just as
necessary as this, the first ordinance of the Gospel, which must be
observed and honored by those of this new birth in order that they may
obtain the full salvation which is sought after.
On this particular occasion the Savior was speaking of Baptism, and in
order to impress it upon Nicodemus, that it might be understood then,
as well as to be in force in all future time, so that people need not
be deceived, he spoke thus emphatically on this point of doctrine. It
therefore matters not how devout, honest, or sincere we might be in
the profession of our faith in God, or in the system of religion we
might have adopted, and which we believe to be the everlasting Gospel,
without this ordinance of baptism we cannot be saved—but first having
repented of our sins with that repentance which needeth not to be
repented of, in other words, putting away from us every evil, and
shunning even the appearance of sin, then to be baptized by one
authorized of God for the remission of those sins, and for the
reception of the Holy Ghost, we thus becoming heirs of God, and joint
heirs with Jesus Christ; true branches, having been grafted into the
true vine, bearing fruit of the good seed, bringing forth an hundred
fold to the honor and glory of God. I repeat, it matters not how
honest we may be or profess to be in our convictions, without this
repentance and baptism and reception of the Holy Ghost, which
constitute the new birth, we are not of the family of Christ, but are
aliens, estranged from God and his laws, and in this fallen condition
we shall remain, whether in the body or in the spirit, for time and
for eternity, unless we render obedience to the plan devised in the
heavens for the redemption and salvation of the human family,
The Latter-day Saints may say, We were taught this doctrine by the
Elders in our native lands, and we believed it and repented of our sins, and were baptized, and we received the gift of the Holy
Ghost, which was a testimony to us that we had done the will of the
Father, and since then our testimonies have often been confirmed
through the manifestations of the power of God, and the renewal of His
spirit in our hearts. Why, therefore, say they, is it necessary to
refer to these things now? Perhaps a reason may be found for so doing
in the fact, that, judging from the actions of many who profess to be
Latter-day Saints, it would seem that they had come to the conclusion
that they had completed their work, that the requirements of the
Gospel were all complied with, and nothing now remained but for them
to enter upon the inheritances promised to the faithful. We perhaps
forget, in consequence of the things of time, which so tempt our
fallen nature, that, having been born anew, which is the putting away
of the old man sin, and putting on of the new man Christ Jesus, we
have become soldiers of the cross, having enlisted under the banner of
Jehovah for time and for eternity, and that we have entered into the
most solemn covenants to serve God and to contend earnestly for the
establishment of the principles of truth and righteousness on this
earth continually while we live. And having been "bought with a
price," that is, having been redeemed from the power of sin through
the atoning blood of the Savior, as the Apostle says, "We are not our
own;" we are his, and we are dependent on him, not only for the light
and knowledge which we have received by virtue of the Gospel restored
in this dispensation through the Prophet Joseph Smith, but for all
temporal blessings, and even for our very earthly being. Therefore, it
is not consistent with our high and holy calling to allow ourselves to
become careless and indifferent to the interests of the cause we have
espoused, lest we fail through our inconsistency, and return "like the
sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire," and peradventure be
found traitors to the sacred cause in which we have enlisted, and
forfeit the gift of eternal life to which we have been made heirs.
There is a course marked out for us to walk in—it is that strait and
narrow path which leads back to the presence of God; the lamp to light
our onward march is the Holy Ghost, which we received on or after our
new birth. If we falter and turn aside, our lamp will burn dim and
finally go out, when lo, the Comforter, the source of revelation, will
leave us, and darkness will take its place; then how great will be
that darkness! In proportion to the light we possessed will darkness
overpower us, and unless a speedy repentance is made the darkness will
increase within us, until we lose sight of our calling and forget Him
who redeemed us and claimed us for his own. The Apostle Paul, in his
First Epistle to the Corinthians, says: "Know ye not that ye are the
Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man
defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the Temple of God
is holy, which Temple ye are." His language is applicable to us as
Latter-day Saints, and destruction must overtake us, which is as
certain as it is that God is a just being, if we render ourselves
unworthy of the calling and name we bear by failing to perform the
duties devolving upon us.
In referring to the subject of baptism as essential to salvation, it
may be asked by some, What would become of those who heard not
the Gospel, and who therefore had not the opportunity of being
baptized, claiming as we do that the Gospel was taken from the earth
in consequence of its being rejected when proclaimed by Jesus and his
Apostles. I would say to such that God has made ample provision for
all his children, both the ignorant and the learned; those who have
not had the Gospel preached to them in the flesh, will hear it in the
spirit, for all must have the plan of salvation presented to them for
their acceptance or rejection before they can become amenable to the
law. "For," says Paul, "where there is no law there is no
transgression." To those who have not heard the Gospel in the flesh,
if they have not already heard it preached in the spirit, they most
assuredly will, and that, too, by men who have previously preached it
on the earth, who have died faithful servants, they will continue
their labors in the spirit world, and those who receive the Gospel
from them will "live according to God in the spirit," and all who hear
it will "be judged according to men in the flesh," "for," says the
Apostle Peter, "for this cause was the Gospel preached also to them
that are dead." (1 Peter 4:6.) When, therefore, the law is revealed
to them and they become instructed in it, then will they be held
responsible. If they receive it, their kindred or friends who remain
upon the earth perhaps, during the Millennium, will act for them, that
is, they will be baptized for and in their behalf, for the remission
of sins, and be confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ, in
the same manner as that work is being done now; there being only one
faith, one Lord, and one baptism, which law is eternal and
unchangeable, and therefore it is applicable to the dead as well as
the living in all ages and climes; and further, no living creature who
has become subject to sin and the power of death in consequence of
mortality, can evade this law and be redeemed, for it is the door to
the fold of Christ, which fold cannot be entered, only through the
door. So great and important is this labor, and so necessary for the
salvation of the human family, both the living and the dead, that, as
the Prophet Joseph said, it will occupy the whole period of the
Millennium to consummate it.
In connection with this work is that spoken of concerning Elijah the
Prophet, namely, "the turning of the hearts of the children to the
fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children," which if not
done the whole earth will be smitten with a curse.
The kingdom of God must be erected upon the principles which Christ
has revealed, upon the foundation of eternal truth, Jesus himself
being the chief cornerstone. These holy and sublime principles must
be observed and honored in our lives, in order that we may obtain an
exaltation with the sanctified in the kingdom of God.
The beauty of these principles is they are true, and the satisfaction
derived from their adoption is the knowledge which we receive
convincing us of this fact. We have not believed a fable, neither are
we cherishing a cunningly devised scheme, but we have been inducted
into the truth, having Christ for our head, who is our forerunner, our
great High Priest and King. It is true, there are few comparatively
who acknowledge allegiance to him, and there are many of these who do
not apparently comprehend the im portance and binding character
of their covenants, or allegiance. This is greatly to be regretted, not
that the loyal and faithful subject will lose anything in consequence;
but because they who refrain from exercising themselves in his cause
will sustain the loss, a loss, too, which they cannot now estimate. It
is indeed sorrowful that any should be indifferent to this
all-important matter. Who is there of those that have been, or now
are, associated with this Church, who have not felt the power of the
Holy Ghost, and realized in some measure the benefits of that Spirit
through the knowledge which it imparts? This question will meet all of
us, those who turn away from the truth, and those who are and will
remain indifferent to the cause of Zion, as well as the faithful, when
we shall appear before the bar of God, to render an account of our
deeds done in the flesh.
The Holy Ghost is a personage who acts in Christ's stead. Just before
the risen Redeemer left the earth he commanded his disciples to tarry
in the city of Jerusalem until they should be endued with power from
on high. They did so, and agreeable to promise the Comforter came
whilst they were met together, filling their hearts with unspeakable
joy, insomuch that they spake in tongues and prophesied; and the
inspiring influence of this holy being accompanied them in all their
ministerial duties, enabling them to perform the great mission to
which they had been called by the Savior. We are informed that, on a
certain occasion, whilst engaged preaching the Gospel, many who heard
them were convinced of the divinity of their mission, and they cried
out, saying, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" They were not told
to come to the anxious seat to be prayed for, or to believe in Jesus,
for they already believed and were convinced; but "Peter said unto
them, Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus
Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost." The office of the Holy Spirit is to enlighten the
minds of the people with regard to the things of God, to convince
them at the time of their conversion of their having done the will of
the Father, and to be in them an abiding testimony as a companion
through life, acting as the sure and safe guide into all truth and
filling them day by day with joy and gladness, with a disposition to
do good to all men, to suffer wrong rather than to do wrong, to be
kind and merciful, long-suffering and charitable. All who possess this
inestimable gift, this pearl of great price, have a continual thirst
after righteousness. Without the aid of the Holy Spirit no mortal can
walk in the straight and narrow way, being unable to discern right
from wrong, the genuine from the counterfeit, so nearly alike can they
be made to appear. Therefore it behooves the Latter-day Saints to live
pure and upright, in order that this Spirit may abide in them; for it
is only possessed on the principle of righteousness. I cannot receive
it for you, nor you for me; everyone must stand for him or herself,
whether of high or humble birth, learned or unlearned, and it is the
privilege of all alike to be made partakers of it.
I know that God lives, and that he has revealed himself. I know that
the Holy Ghost has been conferred upon the children of men, and that
the Gospel has been restored to the inhabitants of the earth in its
fullness. I know that the Holy Priesthood, which is the power of God
delegated to man, has been restored to the earth. I do know
that God has delivered his people and that he will continue to deliver
us and lead us on in his own peculiar way from conquering to conquer,
from victory to victory, until truth and righteousness gain the
ascendancy in this His earth, inasmuch as we remain true to him and to
one another.
The question may arise in the minds of some, How do you know these
Perhaps I can, in part at least, answer the question by asking
another—How does the child, or youth, immediately know when he
performs the first wicked act of his life? Is there not within him a
consciousness of right and wrong? This is a portion of divinity which
lights everyone who is born into the world, which acts as a monitor
to the heart and soul, and never fails to impress the mind with an
unmistakable sense of right and wrong.
This same spark of divinity, this monitor which speaks unmistakably to
the understanding of the child, disapprovingly of his wrong, will
speak, in just as unmistakable language, approvingly of good and
righteous deeds. Therefore I know what I declare to be true, because
my conscience approves of my obeying the requirements of the Gospel;
this inward monitor testifies to my spirit that in rendering this
obedience I do right, and gives me the selfsame assurance when I am
in the discharge of any other duties, whether officiating in the
capacity of an Elder or in the performance of those duties which, as
an individual, I owe to society.
Is this the only way? No, I know it by the sight of the eye, by the
hearing of the ear, and by the feeling of the heart. I know that
"Mormonism" is true, because the fruits of it are pure and good. The
fruits of our religion can be seen and heard, and their influence can
be felt. For instance, here is a brother who does not take the name of
the Lord in vain; he does not steal, nor lie, nor commit adultery,
neither would he bear false witness against his neighbor; he honors
his parents and seeks to do to others as he would wish to be done by;
he bears the full fruit of the Spirit which he has received by virtue
of his obedience to the Gospel, which is "love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance;" his
influence is good, and you know that he has drunk at the pure
fountain, that he has gathered his figs from the fig tree, for were it
otherwise his actions, the fruits of his life, would be of an opposite
nature. Further, this unmistakable assurance, which is derived through
yielding obedience to and practicing the principles of eternal life,
is continually being confirmed, as it were, by "line upon line and
precept upon precept," through the revelations of the Holy Spirit,
which is a continuous and unfailing source of intelligence, of joy and
happiness, drawing him who possesses it nearer unto God, and will
eventually cause him to appear like unto his Maker.
It is the feel who has said in his heart, "There is no God," and it
would indeed be a weak and foolish mind that would rest satisfied
without knowing beyond a doubt the Author and Source of his
religion when the opportunity of ascertaining the fact is extended to
I know the fruits of my religion are good, they are flavored with the
sweets of heaven, and they impart health and life to the soul, and I
know that God, the Creator of heaven and earth, is its author. No man
need wonder whether this be really true or not, for all may know for themselves, all may partake of the fruit of the vine and eat
and live, all may drink of the eternal spring, and drink and thirst
for more. These things I declare to you to be true and faithful. I
have been acquainted with them from my youth, and I have felt their
influence from my childhood. I have seen the effect of their opposite,
and I know whereof I speak. I cannot deny these things, neither can
any man who has ever known them, although he may apostatize from them,
except he deny himself and his God.
The man who embraces what is called "Mormonism," but which is really
the Gospel of the Son of God, and lives according to its precepts,
will never lie nor steal; he will not dishonor his parents nor despise
his poorer brethren; he will never, no never, speak against the Lord's
anointed, nor be ashamed to own his God, to whom he owes homage and
gratitude now and forever; he will never do a dishonorable act, nor
fail to acknowledge God in all things, neither will he refuse to
render im plicit obedience to the revelations of God which are
applicable to him. It is true, man may err in judgment, he may be
wanting in many things because of his fallen nature, but the system of
salvation is perfect. Jesus, the Only Begotten of the Father, in whom
there was no blemish, is its author; he is the Standard to all the
world, and will be forever. He had power to lay down his life and take
it up again, and if we keep inviolate the covenants of the Gospel,
remaining faithful and true to the end, we too, in his name and
through his redeeming blood, will have power in due time to resurrect
these our bodies after they shall have been committed to the earth.
Let us, then, my brethren and sisters, be valiant for the truth,
maintaining our integrity to God and our brethren in all meekness,
that we may at last come to the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom
he has sent, whom to know is life eternal; this is my prayer in the
name of Jesus. Amen.
- Joseph F. Smith