Forty-four years ago today, the Kingdom of God was organized on this
earth, for the last time, never to be broken up, never to be
confounded or thrown down, but to continue from that time, henceforth
and forever. This kingdom was not organized by man, nor by the wisdom
of man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, he having guided and
directed, by revelation, everything in regard to its organization, and
bestowed authority upon his servants to perform the work, and they
being only agents or instruments in his hands.
All other Christian denominations for many long centuries, have been
organized without revelation. The organizers of these various
denominations did not even pretend that God had given them any
information from Heaven; they did not even pretend that there was one
sentence which had been received in their day from the Lord, in
relation to the organization of their institutions. In this respect
the Latter-day Saints differ widely from all Christian denominations!
It is an essential difference, a peculiar characteristic, and one of
the utmost importance. Every person with a little reflection, can see
that without divine information, man is utterly unable to organize the
Kingdom of God on the earth. He may organize kingdoms, empires,
republics and various kinds of civil government and a great variety of
governments in a religious capacity, and when he has organized them
they are without foundation and authority. The Lord communicates
nothing to them, but they are compelled to ponder over that which had
been revealed in former ages, and get all the information they can
from what God spake formerly. But how impossible it is for people to
learn their duties from what God said formerly to somebody else. We
might as well, in the organization of a civil government, say, "the
canon of laws is sealed up, we need no legislators or Congressmen." If
the question be asked why we do not need them, the answer is, "Oh, we
depend upon the laws which were made by our fathers; they are
sufficient for our guide." Just fancy the people of this great
republic being governed by the laws enacted in the first Congress
after the revolutionary fathers framed the constitution. Only think of all the people now appealing to those ancient laws, made
before any of them were born, and having nothing further to govern them!
This would just be as consistent as it would be to suppose that God
some eighteen hundred years ago, gave all the information that he ever
intended to give in relation to the government of His kingdom and His
affairs here on the earth. You know that in civil governments laws are
continually required, circumstances call them forth. Laws made last
year are not always suitable to the circumstances of this year, and
those made ten years ago, might be altogether unsuitable for events
now happening, and hence the necessity of something new, direct from
the lawmaking department. So in regard to the kingdom of God. God
spake to the ancients, but many of the words he spake then are not
binding upon the people now. Some few of the great moral principles
revealed to the ancients are binding forever, but the great majority
of the revelations from Heaven were only suited to the individuals to
whom they were given. Take, for instance, the case of Abram. He was
living in Chaldea, the land of his fathers. The Lord spake to him, and
commanded him to arise and leave his native country, and journey to a
strange land, which was promised to him for an inheritance. Now, I
ask, was any other people upon the face of the whole earth bound to
obey this divine law given to Abraham? No; it was suited to him and to
him only. If we were all under this ancient law, then every one of us
would have to go to Chaldea; and after we got there we should have to
leave that country and go to some land which we should expect to
receive for an inheritance, which would be the very height of
Again, when God led forth Abraham into the land of Palestine, we find
that he not only communicated laws to him, but that he also made
precious promises relating to him and his seed, which did not pertain
to all the nations and kingdoms of the earth. God commanded Abraham on
that occasion to arise, and to pass through the length and breadth of
the land, and to go out on to a certain high place and to cast his
eyes eastward and westward and northward and southward, for said the
Lord unto him, "All this land which thou seest shall be given to thee,
and to thy seed after thee for a possession." Under this law have I
been commanded to go to the land of Palestine and walk through the
length and breadth of the land? Never. Have you been commanded to do
it? Never. It is not a law that is binding upon us, neither was it
binding upon future generations after the days of Abraham.
Again, when God made the promise to Abraham that he should have that
land for a possession, and his literal seed after him, he did not mean
you nor me, nor the generations of the earth who are not the literal
descendants of Abraham.
Again, when God revealed himself to Moses, and told him to go down
into Egypt and deliver Israel from bondage, that was a law binding
upon Moses and Moses alone. The Latter-day Saints are not under that
law, neither are any other people. So we might continue to multiply
instances by thousands where God spake to individuals, and they, and
they alone, were the persons who were to give heed to his laws. Again,
where he spoke in some cases to the nation of Israel, Israel and
Israel alone could obey those laws. But sometimes he would reveal to
an individual or to a people certain great moral principles
that were binding upon them and upon all people unto the ends of the
earth, when they were made manifest unto them. Such laws are
everlasting in their nature. Sometimes God revealed ordinances as well
as commandments and laws. These ordinances were binding just as far as
God revealed them for the people to attend to. For instance, the law
of circumcision was binding upon Abraham and his seed, and was to be
continued for a certain season, but by and by it was to be superseded
by some other. God also revealed, in the days of the introduction of
the Gospel, many eternal laws, different from those that had been
revealed in former times. He revealed many things afresh and anew when
he came personally on the earth, which had also been revealed prior to
his day. For instance, we will take the law of faith, and repentance.
These principles were taught in every dispensation, and were binding
upon all people in the four quarters of the earth, and in all
generations before Jesus came; they were eternal principles, and were
to be continued forever. We will take, again, the law of baptism for
the remission of sins. Wherever the Gospel was preached this ordinance
was binding upon the people. Wherever men were sent forth with the
fullness of the plan of salvation to declare to the children of men,
the law of baptism accompanied that message, and all people, as well
as Israel, were required to obey that sacred ordinance.
In the latter days, when God establishes his kingdom on the earth for
the last time, there will be thousands and tens of thousands of
precepts and commandments revealed to certain individuals, which will
be binding upon them alone. Then there will be other commandments that
will be adapted to all the Church, and they will be binding upon the
Church and upon the Church alone. Then there will be certain
commandments that will be binding upon all nations, people and
tongues, and blessed are they who give heed to the commandments and
institutions and ordinances which pertain to them and which are
adapted to their circumstances, and which are given for them to obey.
But we will return again to the Church and kingdom.
Forty-four years have rolled over our heads since God gave commandment
to a young man, a youth, to organize baptized believers into a Church,
which was called the kingdom of God, not organized in its fullness,
for there were not materials enough at that time to institute all the
officers that were needed in that kingdom. The kingdom needed
inspired Apostles, Seventies, High Priests after the order of
Melchizedek; it needed the Priesthood of Aaron—the Levitical
Priesthood, which the ancient Prophet said should be restored in the
latter days. The kingdom needed all the appendages and blessings of
these two Priesthoods, and there were not a sufficient number then
baptized to make the organization perfect and complete; but so far as
there were individuals the organization was commenced, although there
were then only six members. Two of these were Apostles, called of God
to be Apostles; called by new revelation to be Apostles; called by the
ministration of angels to be Apostles; ordained by the laying on of
hands of immortal personages from the eternal worlds. Hence, being
ordained by this high authority, called by this high and holy calling,
and chosen to go forth and organize the kingdom, and to preach the
message of life and salvation among the children of men, they
were obedient; and the other four individuals were organized in
connection with them, upon the foundation that had been laid by the
Lord himself, and not upon a creed that had been concocted in some
council of uninspired men; not upon some articles of faith that were
framed by uninspired men to guide and govern them; but what they
received was by direct revelation. Not one step was taken without
obtaining a revelation in regard to the manner of proceeding in
relation to the laying of this foundation.
How very different this from the Methodists, the Baptists, the
Presbyterians, the Church of England, and the various societies and
denominations that exist throughout all the Protestant world; not one
of them was organized in that way! Supposing that some of these
Christian denominations should happen to get the form pretty nearly
correct, and yet not have the authority, that would make all the
difference. The form with the authority is one thing, and the form
without the authority and divine appointment and ordination is another
thing. One has power, but the other has not; one is recognized by the
Lord Almighty, but the other is only recognized by man. I think we can
see the difference between man's churches and God's Churches, between
man's organization and God's organization. In the first place there
never were a people, since Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to
the present day, who were acknowledged of God, unless they were
founded and directed and counseled by him; unless there were a
Priesthood having authority from him; unless God spake to them, and
sent his angels to them. There never was a people, in any age of the
world, whom God recognized as his people, without these
characteristics. Says one, "How very uncharitable you Latter-day
Saints are! You exclude the whole of us, you do not except one of our
churches or good Christian denominations, and there are very good,
moral people in them." We do not dispute but what they are a very
good, moral people; that is one thing, and a Christian Church is
another. Morality is good in its place, and it must be in the
Christian Church. Morality may exist outside of the Christian Church,
but both cannot exist together without God organizes the Church.
Perhaps I have spoken sufficiently long upon the subject of the
organization of the Church. I might enter fully into the investigation
of these matters, and give you the particulars about the angels of God
who descended from heaven and conferred the authority upon chosen
vessels. I might tell you about the day which God set apart, and upon
which he commanded that his Church should be organized, for the very
day was mentioned by revelation. I might also relate to you many
instructions that were given at that time to all the members of the
kingdom of God. But I have other subjects upon my mind that seem to
present themselves before me.
There have been probably scores of revelations given from time to time
during the last forty-four years, which are not binding now, neither
were they binding upon all the people at the time they were given. For
instance, God gave a revelation, through his servant Joseph, on the
14th day of November, 1830, to your humble servant who is now
speaking, commanding him to go forth and preach the Gospel among the
nations of the earth, preparing the way of the Lord for his second
coming, and to lift up his voice, both long and loud, and cry
repentance to this crooked and perverse generation. I ask this
congregation if there is an individual present here, but your humble
servant who is under this direct command? No. If you have been
commanded to do the same, you have been commanded by a distinct
revelation. The revelation given to me was not given to any other
individual, and was not binding upon any other. So in regard to the
gathering up of the Saints. We were dwelling in the State of New York,
and on the second day of January 1831, God commanded that all the
Saints in that State, the State in which the Church was organized, and
all who were dwelling in all the regions round about, should gather up
to the State of Ohio. Is that a commandment binding upon any of this
congregation? Not one of them, it was only suited to the circumstances
that then extend, and when fulfilled it was no longer even binding
upon them. The Lord gave a commandment after we had gathered up to the
land of Kirtland, that some of his servants should go forth, two by
two, preaching through Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Missouri, that they
should meet together in general Conference on the western boundaries
of the State of Missouri, and that the Lord God would reveal unto them
the land which should be given unto them for an everlasting
inheritance. These persons were commanded to do this. This commandment
was binding upon them and them alone. They were the individuals who
were commanded to do this work—it was not required of the rest of the
Church. They fulfilled their appointment—as many as were faithful went
through, two by two, on different routes, preaching and calling upon
the people to repent and be baptized, confirming them by the water
side, and organizing Churches. Finally those persons thus commanded
assembled in August and September, on the western boundaries of the
State of Missouri, in Jackson County. Then the commandment was
fulfilled; and it was no longer binding upon those to whom it was
given. Thus you see that what is suitable for this month is not always
suitable for next month, and what is suitable for today is not always
suitable for tomorrow. It needs new revelation.
When these missionaries assembled in Jackson County, the Prophet
Joseph, being with them, inquired still further, and a commandment was
given on that occasion, before the Church had gathered, except one
small branch, called the Coalsville Branch, and that commandment was
to be binding upon all the Latter-day Saints who should gather up to
that land. What was it? That all the people who should gather to
Jackson County, the land of their inheritance, should consecrate all
their property, everything they had—they were to withhold nothing.
Their gold and silver, their bedding, household furniture, their
wearing apparel and everything they possessed was to be consecrated.
That placed the people on a level, for when everything a people has is
consecrated they are all equally rich. There is not one poor and
another rich, for they all possess nothing. I do not know but you
might call that poor; but they have something in common, namely, that
which they have consecrated, and this brings me to an item which I
happened to think of just about half a minute before I arose.
I will now read to you what took place on this American continent
thirty-six years after the birth of Christ. Jesus appeared here on
this continent and organized his Church. He chose twelve disciples and com manded them to go and preach the Gospel in both the land
south and the land north, and they did so. This extract gives us a
little information about the repentance of the people—
"And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all
converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites
and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among
them, and every man did deal justly one with another. And they had all
things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond
and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly
Now, was not that a marvel? Perhaps you may ask how it was that they
were all so easily converted. That would be a very natural question to
arise in the minds of many, for they must have been a very different
people from those living nowadays. We have preached, year after
year, and have only converted here and there one. But all those
millions, inhabiting both North and South America, were converted unto
the Lord. Was not that a wonderment? If I explain a little what took
place beforehand, it will clear up the wonderment a little.
Just before Christ was crucified in the land of Jerusalem, the people
on this land had become exceedingly wicked, and it was foretold to
them by their Prophets that, when Jesus, their Savior, should be
crucified in the land of their fathers, there should be great
destruction come upon those who were wicked in this land, and that
many of their cities should be destroyed—they should be sunk and
burned with fire, and God would visit them in great and terrible
judgments if they did not repent and prepare for the coming of their
Savior, for they expected him to appear after his resurrection. The
wicked did not repent, and all those destructions came, just as the
Prophets foretold. Darkness covered the face of this land for three
days and three nights, while at Jerusalem it was only three hours.
Three days and three nights they suffered darkness upon all the face
of this land, and very many of their cities, which were great and
populous, were sunk, and lakes came up instead of them; a great many
were burned with fire, a great many were destroyed by terrible
tempests, and a great destruction came upon the wicked portions of the
people, who had stoned and put the Prophets to death, and only the
more righteous portion of the people were spared.
In the latter part of the year in which Jesus was put to death, he
descended among a certain portion of the people on this continent,
gathered in the northern part of what we term South America. He
descended from heaven and stood in their midst; and on the next day,
when a larger multitude were gathered together, he came a second time
and there were a great many thousands on that occasion. He often
appeared to them after that period, within the course of one or two
years, and he chose twelve disciples, and so great was the power made
manifest before those thousands, that when they went forth into the
north and south and preached the word, according to the commandments
of God, the more righteous portion of the people, who had been spared,
and who had humbled themselves and partially repented, but did not
understand the fullness of the Gospel, were easily converted, and that
is the reason why all the people in North and South America were
converted unto the Lord; and in the thirty-sixth year, reckoning from
the birth of Jesus, they were not only all converted upon the
face of this whole land, but they were all organized upon a common
stock principle, and there were no poor among them, and they dealt
justly one with another.
Says one, "They did the same thing in the land of Jerusalem." Yes, but
they did not keep it up in the land of Palestine—they seem to have
failed, for we have no account that this common stock principle, as at
first organized, continued among the Saints on the Asiatic Continent.
Churches were built up in various parts of Asia and Europe, one in one
place, another in another, and they all seem to have had property of
their own; and I believe, myself, that they were unprepared, in their
scattered condition, to enter into this order of things. There was too
much wickedness at Ephesus, in Galatia, at Corinth, and in the various
places where small branches were organized, to enter into this common
stock principle, and carry it out successfully. But on this continent
there was a fine opportunity for all the people, millions and
millions of them were in the same faith. How easily, then, could they
be guided and directed, and put in their property, and organize it as
a common stock fund; and they did so, and were exceedingly blessed and
prospered in their operation. And I will tell you how long it
existed—about one-hundred and sixty-five years. But in the year two
hundred and one after the birth of Christ, the people began to be
lifted up, on this continent, in pride and popularity, and began to
withdraw their funds from this common stock, and take them into their
own hands, and call them their own, and they continued to do this,
until the great majority of the people had corrupted themselves and
withdrawn from this order. Then, after having broken up this common
fund in a great measure, only a few individuals here and there still
holding on to it, they became proud and highminded, and lifted up in
their hearts, and looked down upon those who were not so prosperous as
themselves, and in this way a distinction of classes was again
introduced, and the rich began to persecute the poor; and thus they
continued to apostatize, until, about three hundred and thirty-four
years after Christ, they began to have great and terrible wars among
themselves, which lasted about fifty years, during which millions of
them were destroyed. Finally, they became so utterly wicked, so fully
ripened for destruction, that one branch of the nation, called the
Nephites, gathered their entire people around the hill Cumorah, in the
State of New York, in Ontario County; and the Lamanites, the opposite
army, gathered by millions in the same region. The two nations were
four years in gathering their forces, during which no fighting took
place; but at the end of that time, having marshalled all their hosts,
the fighting commenced, the Lamanites coming upon the Nephites, and
destroying all of them, except a very few, who had previously deserted
over to the Lamanites.
Before this decisive battle the Nephites, who had kept records of
their nation, written on gold plates, hid them up in the hill Cumorah,
where they have lain from that day to this. Mormon committed a few
plates to his son Moroni, who was a Prophet and who survived the
nation of the Nephites about thirty-six years, and he kept these few
plates, while all the balance of them were hid up in that hill; and
then, Moroni, being commanded of God, hid up the few plates from which
the Book of Mormon was translated.
I make mention of these circumstances for the purpose of showing you
that, when people have been once enlightened as the Nephites were, and
have had all things common, and have been blessed with an abundance of
the riches of the earth, working together in harmony, until riches
were poured out upon them in vast abundance, and then withdraw
themselves from the order of God, they soon bring swift destruction
upon their heads. We see the Nephites, after taking this course,
descending lower and lower in their wickedness, going into idolatry,
offering up human sacrifices unto their idol gods, and committing
every species of abomination that they had ever known or heard of, all
because they had been once enlightened and had apostatized from the
truth, and withdrawn from the order of God, in which their forefathers
had had a long experience.
The Lord gave a caution to the Latter-day Saints, when he told them,
in a revelation, given in 1831, to enter into the same order
pertaining to our possessions in Jackson County. Prior to that, he
gave us a promise, saying, that if we would be faithful we should
become the richest of all people; but if we would not be faithful in
keeping his commandments, but should become lifted up in the pride of
our hearts, we should, perhaps, become like the Nephites of old.
"Beware of pride," says the Lord, in one of these revelations, "lest
you become like the Nephites of old."
I have no doubt that you Latter-day Saints are the best people on the
face of the earth. God has gathered you out from among the nations;
you were the only people, to whom the message of life and salvation
was sent, who received the missionaries of the Most High when they
came to your respective nations. You not only received the Gospel of
repentance and baptism, but you hearkened to those missionaries and
the counsels of God, and gathered to this land. Hence, you have done
better than all other people, and you have been blessed above all
other people. But there is danger, after having been made partakers of
the Holy Ghost, and having had the gifts of the Spirit made manifest
more or less according to our faith, if we become lifted up in the
pride of our hearts and think, because we have gathered an abundance
of the wealth of this world, that we are a little better than our poor
brother who labors eight or ten hours a day at the hardest kind of
labor. Any person having the name of Latter-day Saint who feels that
he is better than, and distinguishes himself from, the poor and
supposes that he belongs to a little higher class than they, is in
danger. "Beware of pride, lest you become like unto the Nephites of
In order that this pride may be done away, there must necessarily be
another order of things in regard to property.
Why does pride exist at all? Let us make a little inquiry about this.
Do you know the reason? It all arises out of the love of riches. This
is what generally constitutes pride. Now supposing you were all
brought on a level in regard to property by a full consecration of
everything that you have into a common stock fund, would there be
among that number one who should thus consecrate all that he had, who
would have anything to boast of above his neighbor? Not at all. He
might have the use of property, one man might have perhaps a hundred
times more than another, to use as a steward or agent for this general
fund; but when he has used it he has his living out of it—his
food, his raiment, the necessaries and comforts of life, whether he
handles hundreds of thousands or merely a small stewardship, for the
man that takes charge of a great manufacturing establishment would
require more funds than he who has a small farm, but the funds would
not belong to him, he only has his food, raiment and the necessaries
and comforts of life. But here is another branch of business, just as
important, as far as it goes, as this large manufacturing
establishment. What is it? To make mortar, to lay up our buildings,
for without them we should soon suffer. The man who makes mortar,
then, is just as honorable as the man who takes charge of a large
establishment which requires five hundred thousand dollars to carry it
on. But in both cases, the surplus of their labor, after taking
therefrom the necessaries of life, goes to the common stock fund; and
the man who has had charge of the large establishment has nothing that
he can boast of over the man who makes mortar—one is just as rich as
the other.
But I know there are many Latter-day Saints who have formed an
erroneous idea or opinion in regard to this common stock fund. Some
for want of reflection, may suppose that every man and every woman
must have the same fashioned houses to live in, or there would not be
an equality; they must have the same amount of furniture, or there
would not be an equality. Some may suppose that all must have the same
kind of bedding and everything precisely alike or there would be no
equality. But this is not the way God manifests himself in all the
works of his hands. Go to the field, the pasture or meadow, and learn
wisdom. Search from one end of the pasture to the other and see if you
can find two blades of grass that are exactly alike. It cannot be
done, there is a little deviation, a little variety, and hence we see
from this that God delights in variety. But because one blade of grass
might be formed a little more pleasing to the eye than another, would
the first have any right, if it could reason, to say, "I am above that
other?" Not at all. It was made for a certain purpose, and so in
regard to everything else. No two men upon the face of the earth have
the same features. We have the general characteristics of the human
form, and we do not look like the original of man according to
Darwin's idea; we do not look like the monkey or baboon, from which
Darwin says man originated. Men the world over, have many features
bearing a general resemblance, and their form is molded in the image
of the Most High. But when you come to scan the features of man
minutely, you will see some deviation in the countenances of all men
throughout all creation. Now, are they not equal? Do those little
distinguishing characteristics in the features make them unequal? Not
in the least. Then, because it might fall to my lot to make mortar,
and to another man's to take charge of a great store of merchandise,
both of us being agents, that does not make the mercantile agent any
better than the man who makes the mortar, and I should not expect to
wear the same kind of apparel that the man did who was behind the
counter. If I was making mortar I should not want on broadcloth, silk,
or satin; I should want apparel adapted to the particular class of
labor I was engaged in. Hence, there will be a distinction in these
Then again, do you suppose that when we come together it would be
pleasing in the sight of God for every man and every woman to
have on a Quaker bonnet or dress, or to pattern after the Shaking
Quakers; that each of the ladies should have on a ribbon that should
come under the bonnet, and be of just the same length? Not at all. God
delights in variety; we see it throughout all the works of his hands,
in every department of creation. Therefore men and women will dress
according to their tastes, so far as they can get the means.
You draw your means from the common stock fund, and if you have
stewardships set apart to you to manage, and you make little in the
stewardships, the Bishops who take charge of these matters will not
begin to inquire of you, "Well, brother, what kind of a hat have you
worn? Was it straw, and was the straw just so fine or just so coarse,
or was it a palm leaf hat you wore? I should like to know what kind of
a hat band you have had? Was it a hat band having a bow knot, and, if
so, was it any longer than your neighbors?" No such questions as these
will be asked; but each man, each family in the stewardship, whatever
they make, can exercise their own judgment in regard to many of these
things, as they do now; and when you come together on Sunday, it is
not expected that every man's and every woman's tastes would be to
dress precisely like their neighbors, but have variety, and that out
of the means of your stewardship.
But when you come to render up an account of that stewardship to the
Bishop at the end of the year, there may be some prominent, leading
questions asked, but not about these little matters. It will be asked
if you have squandered your stewardship unnecessarily; have you been
very extravagant in things unnecessary, and neglected other things of
importance? If you have done these things, you will be counted an
unwise steward, and you will be reproved; and perhaps, if you have
gone too far, you may be removed out of your stewardship, and another
person more worthy may step into it, and you be dropped because of
doing wrong. But there never will be any Bishop, who has the Spirit of
the living God upon him, who will inquire whether you have the same
size stoves in your house, and the same kind of plates, knives, forks,
and spoons as your neighbor; but you will have to give an account of
those prominent items. That is the way I look at this common stock
Then again, I do not know that the common stock operation which God
commanded us to enter into in Jackson County, Mo., will be suitable in
the year 1874. I commenced my discourse by showing that what was
suitable one year was not always suitable the next. I do not know but
here in Utah it may be necessary to vary materially from the principles
that were commanded to be observed in Jackson County, Mo. I do not
know but we may be required here to not only consecrate all that we
have, but even ourselves as well as the property we possess, so that
we may be directed by the Bishops and their counselors, or whoever may
be appointed, in regard to all our daily avocations. I do not know how
it will be. I have not heard. Down in Jackson County they were not
thus directed. Every man got his stewardship, and he occupied it, and
rendered an account of the same from time to time. But I do not know
but it may be necessary here in Utah that we should be directed
oftener than once a year, it may be that we shall be told weekly, and
perhaps in some cases daily; and perhaps the Bishop or overseer may say today, "Here, brother, I would like you to do so and so
today," and tomorrow he comes along and says, "I would like you to
stop that now; we have something else on hand; come with me, I will
put in my hands as well as you, for, although you have selected me by
your own voice to take charge, I am no better than you are, therefore
I will take hold with you and do all I can in connection with you,
and let us go at this business today." Tomorrow there may be
something else, and the next day something else, perhaps, according to
the judgment of the Bishop and those who are appointed with him. In
this way we could, perhaps, more effectually carry out the mind and
will of God here in this desert country, than we could if we tried to
imitate the pattern which was given to us in another country.
We cannot work here as we could in Jackson County, Mo. In that
country we did not have to irrigate. We could settle on a piece of
rising ground there, and the rains of heaven watered it. We could
settle in the valley, and there were no ditches to be made. We could
settle in any part of the county, or of the counties round about, and
the rains of heaven would descend and water our land. And furthermore,
there was timber all around, groves of timber, and we could go out
before breakfast and get a load of wood, and in the course of a few
days split rails enough to fence considerable of a patch of ground.
Here we have to labor under other circumstances. Here we have not
timber so that every man can fence his little farm or stewardship; we
have not strength enough. If we happen to farm on some of these high
grounds, it is very difficult to dig canals and water ditches to water
our little steward ships. What shall we do, then? Join in together, be
of one heart and one mind, and let there be a common stock fund, so
far as property is concerned, and so far as our own individual labor
is concerned. Consequently, we need not think, because we may not be
organized precisely according to the law that was adapted to Jackson
County, that this counseling is void of the Spirit of God. Do not let
any person begin to think this. You need to cooperate together in
your labors. This is necessary in fencing a great many of our farms.
You need to cooperate in getting out your water from your
water ditches to water your land, and you need to do it in a great
many other respects.
For instance, these mountains, which rise so majestically on the east
and on the west, are full of rich minerals, this is one of the richest
countries in the world. Will not some of the Latter-day Saints
eventually be required to act in the department of mining as well as
in the department of agriculture? Yes. Can one individual do as well
as half a dozen, or as well as a hundred, at mining? It may require
the experience of a vast amount of labor in order to develop the
resources of these mountains, and in that case cooperation will be
absolutely necessary.
"But," says one, "the Gentiles have already done that." But very
little, I will assure you. Here and there they have opened a mine, but
not one thousandth nor one ten-thousandth of that which exists and
which will be developed hereafter. Now, in all these departments the
Latter-day Saints must learn to be united, and I am glad to see, I
rejoice exceedingly to hear, that the President has been moved upon,
not only before he left Salt Lake City to go down South, but while he
has been there, to alter the order of things that has existed
for many years here in these mountains, among the Latter-day Saints.
In what respect? To bring about a united order of things in regard to
their property and labor, and the development of the resources of our
farming land; in regard to raising flocks and herds, building, and
developing the mineral resources of our mountains. In all these
respects the President has seen the necessity of beginning to bring
about, gradually, as the way may open, a different order of things
that will strike the axe at the root of this pride and distinction of
classes. I am glad; I rejoice in it. Several of the Branches of the
Church south have already entered into this order.
Inquires one, "What is it, what kind of an order is it? Tell us all
about it." I would tell you as much as I thought was wisdom, if I
understood it myself; but I do not; I have had but very little
information about it. Suffice to say that I know that the order of
things that could have been carried out successfully in Jackson County
cannot be carried out here, on the same principle, without a little
variation. It cannot be done—circumstances require different laws,
different counsel, an order of things suited to the condition of this
desert country.
"Are all the people going directly into this thing at once." "Yes, if
they choose;" but you may depend upon it that in all cases whenever God
has moved upon his servants to introduce anything for the good of the
people, it takes time for the people to receive it—they do not receive
it all in a moment. The Lord is long-suffering—he bears with the
weaknesses and traditions of the people for a long time. When, by the
mouths of his servants, he counsels the people to do this, that, or
the other, and they are a little backward about it, he does not come
out in judgment as he did to ancient Israel, and cut them off by
thousands and tens of thousands. He does not do that, but he bears
with them, waits year after year. How long he has borne with all of
us! Forty-three years ago we were commanded to become one in regard to
our property. Forty-three years we have been in disobedience.
Forty-three years have rolled over our heads, and we are far from
oneness still. God has not cut us off, as he did ancient Israel, but
he has borne with us. Oh, how patient and long-suffering he has been
with us, perhaps thinking, "Peradventure, they will, by and by,
return, reform, repent, and obey my commandments that I gave them in
the first rise of the Church. I will wait upon them, I will extend
forth my hand to them all the day long, and see whether they will be
obedient." That is the way the Lord feels towards us. Should we not
pattern after him? If this order of things should reach Salt Lake
City, if these different wards should begin to be organized in some
measure, and the people begin to be divided, some entering into the
order and others refusing, should we not bear with those who do not?
Yes, bear with them, just as the Lord has borne with us, and not begin
to think that we are better than our neighbors who have not entered
into the order, and flatter ourselves that we are above them, and
revile and persecute them, and exercise our influence against them,
saying, "Oh, they do not belong to the united order of God, they are
outside of it, and consequently we have not much respect for them." We
must not do this, for perhaps, though we may think we are on a firm
foundation, it may slip from under us, and we also may be brought into straightened circumstances. If we exercise patience,
long-suffering, and forbearance with the people until they learn by
experience what God is doing in our midst, many of these rich people
may come into the order, who now say in their hearts, "We will wait
and see whether this thing will prosper." If they are honest in heart,
they will finally come to the conclusion that the people in the united
order are a happy people; they are not lifted up in pride one above
another, and they will say, "I think I will go there, with all I have;
I will become one of them;" and in a little while they will come
along, while others, perhaps, will apostatize entirely. However, if
they want to go, let them go, they are of no particular benefit if
they feel to apostatize from anything which God has established for
the benefit of the people. May God bless you. Amen.