We are again assembled this morning to continue the duties and
services of our Conference, and I am requested by President Young to
state that he is in the enjoyment of comfortable health and in
excellent spirits. He regrets very much the circumstances which render
it inexpedient for him to meet with you this morning, and hopes the
time may soon come when he will again enjoy that privilege, also the
privilege of bearing testimony to the glorious work of the last days,
in the public congregation. He desires and appreciates the prayers and
faith of the Saints; he thinks that it is quite proper that any man
before he is thoroughly qualified to rule shall learn to be
ruled—that he shall learn to obey before he learns to command. All
these lessons in their time and in their season are proper for us to
When we realize the malignity of the spirit of persecution which is
aimed at the Latter-day Saints in these valleys, we need not wonder
that we have to contend with vexatious lawsuits and with illegal and
unjustifiable prosecutions, for the influence of the pulpit and the
press when controlled by the spirit of lying is very great for evil,
but God is greater—his power is more omnipotent; and although
thousands of prophets, priests and wise men in the earth have been
compelled to lay down their lives for the cause of Zion, and for the
sake of the principles of the gospel of peace, and in doing so they
have acquired honors that could not be attained in any other way;
their reward is certain, eternal and sure.
I wish to call the attention of the elders who have been in years
past, on missions, to one important item of duty. It is well known
that our emigration annually brings some thousands of persons among
whom our missionaries have labored and with whom they are acquainted,
and among whom are many who still look to them for fatherly advice and
encouragement, but many of the elders who return immediately forget
that they have been missionaries. When they reach home they perhaps
find their affairs a little deranged, business having stopped in their
absence, money making or procuring the means of living having gone
rather behind hand, they drop right into a groove as it were to catch
up, and they forget their duties, and the people whom they have been
acquainted with and who have treated them with kindness and generosity
are also frequently forgotten and neglected. The emigrants come into
these valleys and fall perhaps under influences that are wrong and
wicked, for men inspired with a spirit of hostility to the work of God will take more pains to poison their minds than those who feel
all right do to give them correct information. I wish to say to all
such elders and to all the brethren, that when they get home their
mission is not consummated, and that when newcomers arrive we should
take pains to look after their welfare, give them counsel and
instruction, aid and comfort, and realize that we are missionaries all
our lives, and that it is our duty to instruct such in the things of
the kingdom, to encourage them and set before them principles of
intelligence, such as will be for their benefit.
I wish further to say to the Elders and to the brethren who have
emigrated, that they should remember their friends they visited before
they came here, or when they were on missions in the old world.
Remember the poor family that went without their provision, perhaps,
to give you a feast, or the family that to make you warm and
comfortable gave up their beds to you, themselves enduring cold,
discomfort and inconvenience to do so; or the family that opened their
doors to shelter you from the storm when their neighbors hooted and
scouted them, as it were, for entertaining a stranger. You
missionaries in your experience have all met with such families, and
many of them are there yet without the means to get here. Perhaps they
have said to you, "Will you help me when you get home?" and you may
have given them a look of encouragement, a half promise, or expressed
a hope that you might be able to do so. Have you forgotten it? Perhaps
a little effort on your part and on the part of your neighbors might
bring these families to this country and place them in a position to
acquire lots, farms, and homes of their own, redeem them from thralldom
and bondage worse than slavery, and place them in a position of
independence on their own soil, enjoy the fruits of their own labors
and help to build up and develop the rising, spreading glory of Zion.
I have heard there is an Elder who, when on a mission borrowed some
money of a widow that had not means enough to get away, but had a
little she could spare until she could acquire enough to bring her
family here; and that Elder, peradventure, has forgotten to pay it. I
have heard there is such an Elder in Utah. Shame on him if there is!
Under such circumstances we should not only pay punctually and
faithfully what we owe, with good and reasonable interest, but all of
us European missionaries should be prepared to do something handsome
annually to help those from the bondage and thralldom in which we found
them, and where they must remain until means are obtained to deliver
them. I am calling now for the donation to the Perpetual Emigration
Fund. A hundred thousand Latter-day Saints in Utah, and can we not
help a few thousand that yet remain in the old missions, and bring
them here? "Well," some may say, "they will apostatize if they come."
That is all right, they must have the privilege. I understand that we
have brought some men here with the Fund that have apostatized,
betrayed the Saints and done all in their power to stain their
garments in the blood of the prophets; but that is not our fault, it
is theirs. We should gather the Saints and they themselves are
responsible for the use they make of the blessings which God bestows
upon them, even if they come through our hands and exertions. Look at
the tens of thousands of families now in Utah in comfortable
circumstances with houses, farms, wagons, cattle and horses of
their own, many of them with carriages, and these families taken by
the contributions of the Latter-day Saints from the most abject
servitude and poverty from the bowels of the earth, from within the
walls of factories, where but for this fund they must have remained
for their lives; but now they are in comparative independence and
enjoying the blessings of freemen.
After President Young returned from St. George for the purpose of
voluntarily placing himself in the custody of United States Officers,
as is well known, I received a letter from an eminent gentleman in the
State of Massachusetts, who said that the prosecution against him
could be nothing more nor less than a put-up job, and that the people
of the country understood it as such; "and the fact is," said he,
"Brigham Young has done more for the benefit of large bodies of people
than any other living man on the earth." That is true. By the
inspiration of Almighty God through his servant Brigham Young, this
Fund was organized, and he has been the President of it, and through
his energy and enterprise and the aid of the Latter-day Saints—his
friends—he has gathered tens of thousands that could never have owned
a rod of ground or a house as long as they lived, but would have been
at the mercy of employers who looked upon them only as a portion of
their property, and the question with them has been how much of this
man's labor can I get for the smallest pittance; but through the
exertions and counsels of President Young and his brethren they have
been delivered from this bondage and placed in comparative
independence. I say God bless such a man, (Congregation said Amen) and
God bless every man and every woman who will contribute to carry out
this glorious purpose.
I am very anxious to wake up the Elders to labor at home, to keep
alive in the hearts of the Saints the spirit of truth. While all those
who so desire are free to apostatize, it should not be for the want of
proper information, care and instruction, or in consequence of the
neglect of the Elders to do their duty. I exhort the Latter-day Saints
to unite in carrying on the work of gathering. A few years ago we
thought that we would gather them all. When we had raised what means
we could, and had expended it, we found the Elders were baptizing
about as fast as we were bringing the Saints away. That is all right.
Let us get the old and faithful Latter-day Saints away, and keep
baptizing all that desire to be baptized. In the Scandinavian Mission
the number of baptisms keep up, and some years a little more than keep
up, with the emigration. There are families from year to year that can
be brought away by a little assistance; they have part means, and only
need a little more to emigrate. I do think that the history of the
Perpetual Emigration Fund is a wonderful one. The Latter-day Saints in
Utah sent from here two hundred wagons one year, three hundred another
year, four hundred the next, and for two years five hundred wagons
each year, each wagon having four yoke of oxen, or their equivalent in
mules and horses, and bore all the expenses consequent upon bringing
people across the Plains, bringing from one to four thousand persons a
season. This is certainly creditable, and it has been done through the
influence of Brigham Young and the united efforts of a free-hearted
and noble people. We have got a railroad now and do not have to send
the wagons; the business assumes another shape. The emigration is
brought here with less labor and in less time, but with more outlay.
I have now laid before you my views on the emigration of the poor
Saints from abroad. Consider upon and think about them. Make your
calculations, and feel in your pockets and contribute to help on the
work, and carry with you to all the settlements of the Saints a spirit
that shall bring home to Zion the brethren and sisters from abroad. In
that way the work can continue. May God bless all who aid in this
glorious work is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
- George A. Smith