After our usual custom we have met in a general council of the church
to receive instruction in those things which are necessary for the
government and well-being of the people, and to be instructed in that
which is calculated to promote our best interests. At our Conferences
a general interchange of thought and feeling in the midst of Israel
takes place. At these meetings we receive great blessings; rich
treasures of knowledge and understanding are opened up, and made known
to the people throughout the valleys of the mountains. We come here to
be instructed; we gather from the nations of the earth that we may be
taught in the ways of the Lord and that we may learn to walk in His
We can see a glorious future before us; we can dwell upon the words of
the holy prophets and picture to ourselves great things in time to
come concerning the beauty and glory of Zion, when she shall be built
up. We can talk of exaltations in the Kingdom of God, of thrones,
dominions, principalities, and powers, but how are we going to attain
to these things? It seems as though, when we receive the Gospel and
our hearts are lit up with the spirit of truth, we expect, without any
particular effort on our part, at some time in the future, to attain
to these great excellencies and glories. We are a good deal like
children. We tell them of reading and writing, but they will never be
able to do either, unless they take the trouble to learn. We often
hear it said that if we wish to have a heaven we shall have to create
it for ourselves. There is considerable truth in this. In the days of
Joseph could he have accomplished with this people what can now be
accomplished in the days of Brigham? No; it would have been
impossible. I remember hearing him talk, and seeing his endeavors to
establish merchandising on a similar footing to that which has been
recently introduced among the Saints; but there were difficulties in
the way.
In those days there was a tendency of feeling that each should share
alike in everything, so much so that it was impossible for any man to
do business in the mercantile line. A good brother who was needy would
think it was selfish if he could not go to a store and get what he
wanted without paying the money for it. It was a good deal so when we
first came here. Let a brother commence the mercantile business, and
the first thing he knew his whole capital stock was credited out to
the brethren. He could not refuse to credit a brother. O, no! If he
did it was said at once that he was selfish and was no friend to the
poor. I have never seen the time when cooperation could have been
established in the midst of the people until the present. Some
will doubtless find fault with it now; but we do not expect to be
clear of faultfinders. We have to be instructed; and the Lord has
been merciful and kind. He has sought all the day long to train us in
the way we should go. We never can learn the principles pertaining to
the building up of the Kingdom of God while scattered abroad; hence,
the necessity of gathering together that we may be instructed in the
ways of the Lord.
There is a great tendency among the people to go into the business of
trading, and to shun the more laborious pursuits and avocations of
life. A great many seem to think that trading or merchandising is more
genteel, and that it is more gentlemanly not to learn some profitable
trade or business. A considerable number who have been engaged in
mercantile pursuits, owing to this change in our system of business,
will no doubt be thrown out of employment; they will have to seek
other avocations. Some persons who possess capital will have to seek
other avenues in which to invest that capital. In a new country like
this there is a variety of ways open to them for its safe and
profitable investment.
A man may invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in goods and put
them on his shelves, and in his warehouses, and dispose of them again
to other parties; but what does such a man produce or create with his
means that is beneficial to his fellow creatures? Nothing; it is
merely an interchange. It is useful and necessary in its way and
place, and it is all well enough; but sufficient should be done and no
more than sufficient. Trading is overdone; there are too many employed
in this kind of business; they should seek employment in some other
way, and find other channels for investing their capital that are
better calculated to produce something from the earth, and bring forth
from the elements that which is necessary for the comfort and
well-being of man and beast. Just think how many things could be
raised and manufactured here, that, if we had them today, would fetch
very remunerative prices. Butter, for instance, that at the present
time is selling for a dollar and a quarter a pound, in a country like
this should not bring more than twenty-five cents. Cheese the same.
These two articles are imported twelve or fifteen hundred miles, and
then the Territory is not near supplied. Wool and flax, too, might be
raised profitably; not near enough of these is raised; and in these
articles our surplus means might be safely and profitably invested.
There is not near enough grain raised in the Territory. Wheat is
selling today at four dollars a bushel, when it should not be more
than half that price, and even then would well remunerate the
producer. It is so with every other article of our own consumption and
that is required for the sustenance of our animals; and the same may
be said of the animals themselves. Stock raising offers a profitable
avenue for the investment of means. Here are many avenues in which
they, who have been overturned in their mercantile pursuits, can
invest their means, which will pay larger profits, and which are far
less liable to fluctuation, because mercantile pursuits are often
subject to great depression through being overdone, or through
scarcity of money and other causes. If a person has a farm his produce
will keep until he can obtain remunerative prices, and he is more free
and independent than the merchant; for the earth being his banker, he
is not called upon to meet his bills and obligations by any
particular and specified time, as the merchant is. By turning our
attention in these directions our capital may be safely and profitably
invested, and many who are now but little better than idlers in Israel
might be remuneratively employed.
I should say let every young man, and woman too, learn some way to
procure their own subsistence, and to promote their own independence;
this is incumbent upon all. No person should be above learning some
useful occupation, trade, or business that is calculated to produce
something for his own and the general benefit. Hundreds and thousands
of articles are imported here that might just as well be made in our
midst, and if they were made here it would render us, as a people, a
great deal more independent and comfortable than we are now. That man
only is truly rich who knows how to provide for himself and his
household. I do not care how much means he has in his possession, he
only is independent who has the means of subsistence within himself,
who has the capability of going forth, and, by his own industry,
drawing from the elements those things which are necessary for his own
I remember reading an anecdote of Stephen Girard and of a young man he
had had in his employment a long time, who had received some
encouragement, and had large expectations from him, that when he had
attained his majority he would set him up in business. When that time
arrived, instead of giving the young man a draft for a certain amount
of money, he told him to go and serve an apprenticeship to some useful
trade, by which, in case of a reverse of fortune, he would be enabled
to earn his own subsistence. The young man went and bound himself to a
cooper and learned that trade. In a year's time he went back to his
patron with a barrel of his own make. The old gentleman examined the
barrel, and asked the price he could afford them at, and was told "a
dollar each." Mr. Girard said it was a good article, and worth the
money, and if he could make as good barrels as that for that price, he
had insured to himself a living in any event that might happen. For
his obedience in going and learning a trade as the old gentleman had
directed him, he was rewarded with a check for twenty-five thousand
dollars to set him up in business.
In case of any reverse of fortune this man had something to fall back
upon. I have always thought this was a very good principle to act
upon. I would like to see all of our young men learn some useful trade
or occupation which would produce for them an honorable living by
their own industry; and if they acquire this in early life, habits of
industry and order become natural.
By industry we thrive; industry, in the mechanical and agricultural
pursuits, is the foundation of our independence, and they who obtain a
livelihood by habits of industry are far more honorable members of
society than they who live by their wits.
I heard recently of a city that the outsiders are endeavoring to
start, called Corinne, which it is said is to be the great city of the
interior West. Who are going there to expend their labor? Can cities
be built without labor? I think not. I have no idea that a great city
will be built in the location designated, unless a different class of
people go there than is to be found in such places generally. I have
no doubt that the soil is rich, and that by industry the elements
necessary for the building up of a great city could be developed. But any person who expects that a large city is going to be reared
without industry and hard labor reckons without his host. There may
be a rush there, for a short time, of speculators, loafers, and
rowdies; but if these are the only classes of people who go there—as
there is good reason to believe—this great city that is to be, like
others of the same class, will soon die out, and the people be
scattered to some other places.
Can men be industrious and follow the various avocations and pursuits
of life and still be servants of God? Yes, such things are conducive
to good morals. It is said that an idle brain is the workshop of the
devil, and it is far more likely to be so than the brain of a person
who is occupied with some useful employment. Can a person work on the
railroad, for instance, and be associated with the wicked without
being contaminated by them? O yes, if he is so disposed. An elder of
Israel should wrap himself as with a mantle, from sin, whether he goes
to preach the Gospel to a wicked world, or whether he goes to labor
among the wicked. Such a man will lose nothing, but he will gain the
esteem even of the wicked themselves, by being faithful and true to
his calling, keeping the commandments of God, and observing the Word
of Wisdom; and no matter what society he may be in he will be
respected, and will be far more likely to be so for the strict
observance of the principles of the religion he professes than he will
be if he does not observe them. I do not know that it is any excuse
for a man to smoke, chew, drink whiskey, take the name of God in vain,
swear, or drink tea or coffee because he mingles with those who do
such things. Do you think your associates would respect you the more
for it? No, not a whit; but they would re spect you more for not doing
such things. They would have greater confidence in you, and if they
had money they wished to entrust to the care of anyone, they would
sooner entrust it to the care of a man who was faithful to the
principles of his religion than to their associates who get drunk,
gamble, swear, and commit every abomination.
This people have been awakened to a sense of their duty in keeping the
Word of Wisdom, yet many of them think it a sufficient excuse for them
to use hot drinks, if they happen to be where others use them; in this
way they are falling back to the use of tobacco, and are smoking their
pipes or cigars, and are drinking tea and coffee or a little whiskey
now and again, and are letting those old habits grow on them again.
This is wrong; they should not do it. I mention this in order to stir
up your pure minds by way of remembrance. We should not forget that we
have entered into covenant not to do so. Latter-day Saints should
remember that there is not a day, hour, or moment in which they can
afford to lay aside the armor of righteousness; there is no time but
what the adversary is at their elbows ready to enter in, take hold,
and lead them into forbidden paths. It is and ever has been a struggle
with this people to trample the wickedness of the world under their
feet. It rises before us continually and we are never without it. We
do not expect to be without it in our midst if this is the kingdom of
God. I suppose Jesus had as good an idea of what constituted the
kingdom of God as any of us, and he said it was like a net cast into
the sea which brought forth all kinds both good and bad; therefore let
no one say this cannot be the kingdom of God because there are some
who are not righteous in our midst. Be cause the wicked and
unrighteous are in the world, must we be partakers of their
wickedness? By no means; it is not at all necessary that it should be
so. Let us endeavor to eradicate from our own bosoms all sin. It is
not a matter of enthusiasm, to last for an hour, a day or a week and
then die out; it is in this way that people forget God and do
wickedly. You know that the Scriptures inform us that they who do
wickedly, and all the nations who forget God, shall be turned into
hell. The paths of virtue and truth are the paths of peace. The paths
of union, that the leaders of this people are striving incessantly to
introduce among us, are calculated to create excellence, greatness and
power in our midst. By pursuing these paths we shall grow in every
virtue and excellence until we shall attain to those great glories
that are for the faithful, about which we sing and pray, and the
contemplation of which always lights up our minds with so much joy and
bliss. By faithfully observing the counsels given to us we shall
actually come into possession of these things as naturally as a child,
by constant instruction, comes to attainments in learning. It will be
done by gaining item by item, by living our holy religion day by day,
hour by hour, and all the time.
Blessed is that person, man and woman, who can retain, from youth up,
a good, holy and righteous influence; who have never committed an
overt act, preserving themselves righteously before the Lord in all
good faith and conscience all the days of their lives. I say blessed
are such persons. Persons are liable to be overtaken in liquor; but in
Zion we should be free from these practices to a far greater extent
than in the world. It is to overcome the evils that exist in the world
that the Lord is gathering His Saints together. Why, if every man and
woman who gathers to Zion were determined to follow their own ways,
the state of things that exists in the world would soon be established
here, and the object of the Lord, in gathering His people together,
would be frustrated. Yet there are many people here who cannot see
this; and they feel themselves infringed upon. Why, such persons are
greater than the Savior of the world in their own estimation! He came
here to do his Father's will, and in his greatest agony he prayed that
the cup might be taken from him, if it were possible, "Nevertheless,"
he said, "not my will, but Thine be done." His own will was swallowed
up in the will of his Father; and yet we, poor, miserable mortals can
stick up our noses and say, "We will do as we please," if anything is
brought forth by the inspiration of the Almighty that seems to cut our
corners. Are we a band of brethren, standing shoulder to shoulder
under the banner of Emanuel --him who said, "Let not my will, but,
Thine be done?" If we are, we shall walk in the path marked out for us
by the Captain of our salvation. "Oh!" says one, "I think I understand,
comprehend, and know better than anyone else; I am not going to do as
such a one tells me--my Bishop, President, or someone else in
authority over me; he does not know as much as I do." Perhaps not, the
sequel will show who know most.
If we have a proper conception of the counsels given to us, we shall
never utter such sentiments, or let them have place in our hearts. It
is difficult sometimes to get into our ears and hearts what is
required of us, hence the amount of instruction that has to be given
to the people. It was years and years before we got the people
to take hold of the Word of Wisdom. There have been such things as
reformations in the midst of the people of God, I suppose because of
the proneness of the people to relapse into the ways of the world.
Hence, it becomes necessary every once in a while to arouse Israel to
a sense of their duties, that they may sustain the Kingdom of God.
There are a great many people who cannot see the Kingdom of God,
although the events, long since foretold, which should transpire in
connection with that Kingdom are actually transpiring before their
eyes. The people of the world are blind, they cannot see the Kingdom;
and a great many Saints, and pretty good at that, who should see the
Kingdom of Heaven in the introduction of a new principle, oftentimes
fail to do so. Is the Word of Wisdom of the Kingdom of Heaven? Yes. Is
cooperation of the Kingdom of Heaven? Yes. Is union in the midst of
this people of the Kingdom of Heaven? Yes. Is the one-man power, with
which the world find so much fault, and talk about so much, of the
Kingdom of Heaven? Yes, if God is our Father and is at the head of it,
it is. Then why should there be so much dread and fear of the Lord
establishing His government in the world? Did it ever do anybody any
harm? O, no. Did it ever do anybody any good, or is it calculated in
its nature to do anybody any good? Yes, the greatest good. Then why so
much dread and fear of it? Because the people cannot see the Kingdom
of God in it. But is it not very far from them; God is not very far
from them, nor from any of us, and His work is established and is
transpiring right before our face and eyes. The government of God is
being established on the earth, and the world does not know it; yet it
is like a city set on a hill for everybody to gaze upon and
investigate. Yet they treat it as if it were of no moment to them.
Time will show that it is of the utmost importance to them. Let no
person pass it by as an idle tale, for time will disclose that it is
of the utmost importance to every son and daughter of Adam. They had
better, at least, give it a passing notice and investigate it with
honesty of purpose. Our hopes for the present and future, our
happiness and prosperity, and even existence itself, are bound up in
the Kingdom and government of God. What else is there now upon the
face of the earth but what has a tendency to destruction? Look at the
stream of vice and corruption that is flowing on, bearing its votaries
to the gulf of despair. Who can stem the torrent? People can see it,
but can they stop it? No, it bears them along on its surface, and they
are lost forever. Is it not time that some standard should be erected
on the earth, around which those who are disposed to do right, may
rally, where they will be safe from this great gulf-stream of
destruction? I think it is time, because the Lord has thought so, and
He has commenced His work; He has erected His standard, and is calling
to the people and pointing the way to safety. Not that He or anyone
else expects this stream to be checked or stopped in its mad career;
it will bear its onward course until, finally, it finds its depths.
But we may save one here and another there, and so the Lord may get to
Himself a people. It is like being snatched as brands from the
burning. He will bring them to a place where they can be instructed.
This has been the case with us. The Lord has brought us together and
He is seeking to instruct us, that we and our children after us may
escape those great evils which are so prevalent in the world. I
need not mention them, they are patent to the eyes of all. The people
have forgotten God; they do not know His ways, although there are
many well-intentioned people who are seeking to do their duty and are
living in the hope of a blessed reward hereafter. They will obtain it.
They are trying to stem the torrent of evil as far as it is in their
power; but they do not know "the only true and wise God and Jesus
Christ whom He has sent," "whom to know is eternal life;" and another
evil is, they do not try to know Him, or they would investigate and
try to find out God and His Kingdom.
The Lord is not responsible for all the evil of which I have been
speaking, neither for all the diversities of religion in the world. He
created man upright, but man has sought out many inventions. If the
people would seek after the Lord and be content to walk in His ways,
do you think the diversities in regard to religion that now exist
would be known? By no means; we should all come, then, to a unity of
the faith.
The Latter-day Saints have great cause to rejoice, because they are
blessed above all other people. They are learning the ways of the
Lord; and more blessed are they still, if they follow in them. They
are laying a foundation that will stand forever. There is no
principle of virtue, truth, holiness and righteousness but what is
calculated to exalt man in time and forever and ever. Those who build
not on these principles are building on sand, and their superstructure
will be washed away when the tempest comes; while they who build on
the rock of truth will be able to withstand all opposition, and they
will eventually obtain that glory and exaltation that the Saints now
talk about.
These principles are true and can be depended upon. God is their
author; He is at the helm. He is our Father and we may come to
exaltation in His presence if we will live for it; and in this earthly
probation we can be co-workers with Him in the establishment of His
kingdom on the earth if we will serve Him and keep His commandments.
We may come to Him on His own platform, on His own terms, but not on
our own. That is the trouble with Christendom, and the world at large.
They are trying to make the Lord's ways correspond with theirs. Why,
they would tear Him to pieces if they could have their wishes carried
out; they would dethrone Jehovah and overturn His power and kingdom.
Could He exist if the world could have their own way? A great many
called Latter-day Saints feel a little the same way; perhaps they do
not know it, but it amounts to no less. I have known people come for
counsel when they had their own minds made up about the course they
intended to pursue. All they wanted was to receive counsel that
corresponded with their notions. If they received that, all right;
otherwise it would not do. All the world is after is to try to make
the Lord come to their terms; He cannot do it.
It would be well for us, sometimes, if we could see a few of our own
inconsistencies, and what we require of the Lord. The plan of
salvation is amply sufficient to save to the uttermost. How? In our
own way? No, in the way that the Lord has devised. If we are saved in
His Kingdom we shall have to bow to His laws; we cannot be saved
without. He has a right to dictate; He has done so, and it is for us
to do His bidding.
We are blessed in having the living oracles in our midst, and in
having a standard erected around which we can rally. The Bible
is good, and we believe in it more than any other people. The Book of
Mormon and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants are the word of God, and
they contain many precious gems; every line is full of knowledge,
intelligence, and truth, and is calculated to be a benefit to us; but
yet, above and far beyond all, we have the living oracles in our midst
to tell us what to do today. A great portion of the Scripture we have
was the living oracles to the people in the day in which it was given,
and it has become Scripture because it was given by the inspiration of
the Almighty. It was applicable to the day in which it was given. We
have the living oracles in our midst to give us that which is
applicable to our day. Let us make our ways correspond to the Lord's,
for we read that "as high as the heavens are above the earth so are
His ways higher than our ways, and His thoughts than our thoughts." We
are blessed in having His ways made known to us, because He knows
best. He has more knowledge and understanding and greater ability, and
can perform and accomplish more than any other power that exists; and
that people only may be said to be blessed who walk in His ways and do
His bidding.
I feel sometimes as though I had never lived, in reality, until I
became acquainted with the principles of the Gospel; I feel as though
my whole existence had been a waste. In one sense it has. I did not
know how to serve God acceptably in His sight. I did not comprehend
righteousness, neither did I know how to sanctify myself before Him.
We are taught that obedience is better than sacrifice, therefore let
us go to, brethren and sisters, with our mights to serve God and keep
His commandments, so shall we come, finally, to inherit those
blessings which are promised to the faithful, which I pray we may
ultimately attain for Christ's sake, Amen.
- Daniel H. Wells