It is always exceedingly interesting to listen to missionaries
expressing their feelings either before going on missions or after
their return, especially when they return possessing the Spirit of
God, having fulfilled their missions honorably. I, for one, can
testify, and I presume that all can who have listened to the brethren
today and last Sunday, that if they go forth possessing the spirit
they have manifested in their remarks here, and are influenced and
guided by it in their addresses to and associations with the people
during their absence, the result will be great glory to themselves and
salvation to the honest in heart with whom they come in contact.
There is an influence and power attending the testimony of an honest
man inspired by the Spirit of God, that carries conviction to the
souls of those who are unprejudiced, and who listen dispassionately to
what he has to say, and when the inhabitants of the earth hear these
testimonies borne in meekness and simplicity, and, through prejudice,
reject them, condemnation falls upon them. If all who have heard the
gospel, and have received testimonies of its truth, had embraced it,
the Church of Jesus Christ, today, would have numbered millions.
There is a testimony accompanying the words of truth spoken in
soberness that carries conviction to the heart of every honest person
who hears it, and there is no man or woman to whom it is declared but
what has a secret conviction that there is something more in it than
they are willing to allow.
It has been truly said that it makes but little difference in what
direction our labors are applied. We have learned by experience,
individually and as a people, that God our Heavenly Father knows what
is best for us. He knows our wants and circumstances, and how our
labors can be best applied, and in directing us He is always guided by
infinite wisdom. It makes but little difference what will be the
results of the labors of these brethren. If they do not bring many to
a knowledge of the truth, they, at least, can return with a
consciousness of having done what was required at their hands, and
their garments will be clear of the blood of the people. The Lord has
said that after the testimonies of His servants He would send other
testimonies, which should bear witness of the truth of that which they
had spoken. These testimonies have been, and are being, sent among the
people, and they are being increased; and, no doubt, thousands of the
honest-in-heart through the nations of the earth, whose minds have
been darkened by the precepts and traditions of men, will be aroused
to reflection, and will have their feelings of prejudice removed by
the circumstances through which they are called to pass, and
they will see truth as they never saw it before. Hence, there is a
constant necessity for the elders to go forth and proclaim the gospel
among the nations of the earth.
We are living in a very eventful period; the events now transpiring in
the nations have been predicted to us years and years ago. We were
almost as familiar with them before they came to pass as we are now.
Scarcely an event has befallen our nation but what we had an
intimation of long before it transpired. I recollect very well that in
the fall of 1860, while going to England, we were invited at Omaha to
preach the gospel to the people of that city. A good many of the
leading citizens procured the Courthouse for us, and br. Pratt
preached. By request, I read the revelation given through Joseph
Smith, on the 25th of December, 1832, respecting the secession of the
Southern States. It created a great sensation, the election of Abraham
Lincoln having just been consummated, and it being well known that
there was a great deal of feeling in the South in relation to it. A
great many persons came forward and examined the book from which the
revelation was read to see the date, to satisfy themselves that it was
not a thing of recent manufacture. The revelation was in the Pearl of
Great Price, which was published 1851. And when the people saw this
they were struck with surprise, and were more especially impressed
when, in the course of a few hours afterwards, the news reached Omaha
that South Carolina had passed the Ordinance of Secession. There was a
direct confirmation of the words of the Prophet Joseph spoken
twenty-eight years previously. But who in that congregation were
prepared to receive that prediction as one that had emanated from
Heaven? We understood and were prepared for it. It made no difference
to us whether South Carolina had then seceded, or whether secession
had been deferred for years, we knew that the words of God must be
fulfilled, and that the words which He had spoken by the mouth of His
servant would come to pass.
There are a great many who have been stirred up to reflection by
recent events, which have been mapped out, as it were, before the
Saints of God through the spirit of inspiration and prophecy, which
our Heavenly Father has poured out upon His servants and people; and
if we continue to be diligent, humble, and faithful, there never will
be a time from this time forward, so long as the earth endures, that
we will be destitute of the knowledge necessary to guide us. There
never has been a time since we came to these valleys that we have been
ignorant of the course that we should take. It is true that many
invidious remarks are made by those not of us upon the men who preside
over us. They do not know how it is that President Young has been able
to lead us through every difficulty as he has done. They imagine that
it is all attributable to his superior wisdom and smartness, and that
what we term revelation and the spirit of prophecy are the concoction
of his brain or the fabrication of those who are immediately
associated with him. But we who, from the organization of the Church
until the present, have been led by the spirit of inspiration, know
that it is nothing of the kind, but that God our Heavenly Father does
actually make known His mind and will to His servants in these days as
He did anciently.
Men's ideas differ very much in relation to what a prophet is or
should be; they have certain ideas and opinions as to how he
should receive the gift of prophecy and revelation, and if a man
professing to be a prophet or servant of God does not conform to those
ideas, he is, of course, set down as an impostor. The spirit of
revelation is not so mysterious and incomprehensible as many imagine
it to be. Men have imagined that it is something they cannot
understand, and that men in possession of it must differ very
remarkably from those who are destitute of it. But the Lord in His
dealings with the children of men never did produce these
monstrosities. His servants were not so remarkable in appearance as to
strike everybody who saw them with surprise, but on the contrary they
were natural men, similar in form, feature, and apparel, and speaking
the same language as others, and because of this men could not
entertain the idea that they were the servants of God or were intimate
with His purposes, or that they could possess more wisdom than man
obtains by the exercise of his natural mind. My brethren and sisters,
it is a glorious privilege that we possess, of living so before the
Lord our God that we can have the testimony constantly within us that
we are operating and laboring in conformity with the requirements of
There is one subject that I wish to speak upon in connection with the
departure of these missionaries. There has been a movement made in
some of the wards to raise the means necessary to send the
missionaries from these wards to the nations to which they have been
appointed. I do not know how many wards are engaged in this movement,
but it is desirable that the whole people should do what they can to
assist in sending the missionaries, and also to assist their families
while they are away. It will probably be easy for the 13th, 14th, and
20th wards to send the brethren who are called from them, but there
may be some wards that are too poor to assist to the extent that is
needed, and a unity of action on the part of the people generally may
therefore be necessary. President Young desires that all who are here
this morning should do what they can, and that all who come this
afternoon should come prepared to do the same. And all here are
requested to notify all they can to this effect. A few years ago an
exertion was made to raise a Missionary Fund, and for a time that fund
was tolerably well sustained, but by degrees the feelings of the
people became cool, whether for the want of being reminded or not I do
not know, but for some time this matter has fallen into disuse.
A good many are now being called to go on missions, and as we have
done very well in this matter in the past we must not be unmindful
now. It is true we have a great many labors to perform; we have to pay
our tithing, and in various ways have to contribute of our means for
the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God, and it is by taking a course of
this kind that we shall become a great and mighty people. We have
proved this to our satisfaction. We have proved that we can go to the
nations of the earth and spend years, if necessary, in proclaiming the
gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and then come back and accumulate
means as rapidly as if we had never gone. And those who remain at home
and devote their energies and means to building up the Kingdom of God
increase in wealth and material advantages far more rapidly than they
who have neither given their time abroad nor their means at home. We
are surrounded with the blessings of God, and He can multiply or
withdraw them as seems good in His sight, and it ought to be,
and I have no doubt that it is, a pleasure to the Latter-day Saints to
do all they can to roll forth His work. When we have gone, seemingly,
as far as we can, the Lord opens our way and makes it plain before us,
just as He does for the elders when they go forth to preach.
There have been times with the elders abroad preaching when it seemed
as though they could do no more—all was dark before them, every door
seemed closed, and they did not know where to get food to eat, raiment
to wear, or a place of shelter; and, when they could do no other
thing, God has opened the way for them, their faith has been
increased, and they have gone forward with renewed energy to perform
the labors devolving upon them. So it is with us here, my brethren and
sisters. I look upon the training we are receiving as essentially
necessary. God is testing us and trying our faith. Our means are
comparatively very limited, but by their proper use, and the exercise
of faith, God will open up our way before us. This people, called
Latter-day Saints, have performed the mightiest works ever
accomplished with the least means. It is in consequence of their
faith, and it will be more and more the case as we progress in the
things of the kingdom; and if we continually comply with the
requirements of Heaven we shall become heirs of God and joint heirs
with Jesus Christ. And if we are heirs of God and joint heirs with
Jesus Christ we expect to have control over many things, and there is
reason to believe that our dominion will be very extensive. But before
we attain to that dominion we must learn to be wise rulers over the
few things that God has placed in our charge, and to use them for His
glory and the advancement of His purposes on the earth. When He sees
that our eyes are single to His glory, and that our hearts are pure
and free from avarice and every sordid and selfish feeling, He will
multiply His blessings upon us, because He will then know by testing
us that we are fit to be trusted, and it will be said to us according
to the words of the Scriptures, "You have been faithful over a few
things and you shall become rulers over many things."
We cannot say what good will follow from our exertions, though very
feeble and like bread cast upon the waters, yet if we perform the
duties devolving upon us in the Spirit of the Lord, and pray that His
blessing may attend them, great results will follow to us and others.
We all ought to have learned this long ago, and I doubt not that, with
few exceptions, we all have; and the spirit that has been awakened
within us of late, respecting keeping the Word of Wisdom and other
things of a kindred character, ought to keep us keenly alive to the
importance of using to the best advantage all the means God places in
our hands. I recollect very well a saying of President Young, some
seven years ago, I think, this coming summer, in speaking of the
missionaries who were then going abroad, he said that when he was in
England he hesitated to spend a penny for fruit or anything of that
kind, because he thought of what that penny, or a few pence, would do
if judiciously expended for the benefit of the work of God. We should
all feel like this, and should endeavor to deny ourselves of a great
many things that are injurious to us that we may be better prepared to
help to roll forth the work of God our Heavenly Father. If we have
obeyed the counsel given at Conference we have already saved something
in denying ourselves of some of those things which we call luxuries,
and we can donate that, if no more; but we might as well donate
something in anticipation of the amount we will save during the coming
year by strictly following the counsel that has been given to us. By
so doing we will confer a blessing upon those going on missions, and
we will have the satisfaction of knowing that our means has been used
for the accomplishment of God's purposes.
I have been very much pleased, as an individual, to hear the
instructions which have been given on these points. I called in at a
Bishops' meeting the other evening and heard some remarks which were
being made on this subject. I would have liked very much, if
circumstances had permitted, to have added something to what was said.
I do not like to hear anybody express himself as though this movement
in relation to keeping the Word of Wisdom is one got up and sustained
only by enthusiasm. I do not call that enthusiasm which prompts people
to walk up to the line of their duty and renounce evil practices, and
when I hear men say—"I have seen the people get enthusiastic about the
Word of Wisdom before, but they have soon relapsed into their old
habits," I consider it wrong. We ought not to require to be talked to
and counseled on points so well recognized and established as this.
God has given to us a most positive promise on this subject, and we
should be diligent in carrying it into effect without waiting to be
counseled, getting up an excitement, or acting on the spur of the
moment and after awhile returning to old habits. I do not think any
person will be benefited by acting in this manner. There should be a
well settled conviction in the mind of every person belonging to this
Church that it would be a real benefit for him or for her to observe
the Word of Wisdom, and to carry into effect the counsel God has given
on any point. If I do not see the evils that result from smoking and
chewing tobacco, drinking liquor, tea, and coffee, or eating meats to
excess, and the benefits that would result from abstaining, what
anybody else may see would only have a temporary effect upon me. I
must feel in my own heart that it is injurious to me to indulge in
these things, there must be a well settled conviction within me that
this is the case, then when I am thrown in contact with persons who
use them, and inducements are offered me to do the same, it is easy
for me to decline, because I am satisfied in my own mind that they are
injurious, and there is no need of excitement or enthusiasm to enable
me to refrain.
Our teachings during Conference will, at any rate, induce parents and
guardians to keep their children from learning pernicious habits,
which in early life are so easily acquired, and which when acquired
retain their hold upon us with such tenacity, and if, in addition to
this, five hundred people throughout the Territory are induced to keep
the Word of Wisdom I do not think that our preaching will have been in
vain. But I anticipate far greater results than this. It is true,
probably, that there are many points concerning our welfare that may
not have been touched upon by our Heavenly Father in the Word of
Wisdom, but in my experience I have noticed that they who practice
what the Lord has already given are keenly alive to other words of
wisdom and counsel that may be given. I would consider that for a
person who was in a profuse perspiration to go into the wind without
being properly clothed would be more foolish and injurious than to eat
meat or to drink tea or coffee to excess. There are a thousand
ways in which we can act unwisely; our attention has been directed to
some few points, and if we observe them the Lord has promised us great
treasures of wisdom, which will enable us to see a thousand points
where we can take better care of our bodies, preserve our health, and
which will enable us to train our children in the way of the Lord. The
result will be that our children will be healthy and strong, and we
will raise up a generation that will be a blessing to us, and through
whom the Lord can accomplish His great and mighty works in the earth.
These things are very desirable, my brethren and sisters, and I hope
that no person in this congregation will consider that the teachings
we have had during Conference, or their results, arise from
enthusiasm, but attribute them to the right source, the promptings of
the Spirit of God. This is the true view of the matter, and it is for
everyone of us to carry them into effect. We do not wish the people
to be coerced or asked, even, to make covenants to observe these
teachings. It is not desirable or wise that this should be done. If
the bishops and teachers in their wards and blocks choose to ascertain
how many will observe this counsel, it may be wise to do so, but it
would be decidedly unwise to go and exact covenants of this character,
because I have noticed that when we make covenants there is a power
brought to bear against us, and temptations thrown in our path to
cause us if possible to break them. We should be exceedingly careful
in these things, and, if we wish to carry them out let us resolve to
do so upon principle and by the help of God, and not in our own
strength, or because somebody else tells us to do so. This is the
course for us, as Latter-day Saints, to take, then the benefits
re sulting will be permanent. It is the design of the Lord to develop
within every man and woman the principle of knowledge, that all may
know for themselves. He has poured out His holy spirit upon all of us,
and not upon President Young nor upon bro. Joseph alone. The Lord
designs that the principle of knowledge shall be developed in every
heart, that all may stand before Him in the dignity of their manhood,
doing understandingly what He requires of them, not depending upon nor
being blindly led by their priests or leaders, as is the universal
custom, and one of the most fruitful sources of evil to the people on
the face of the earth. God intends to break down this order of things,
and to develop in the bosom of every human being who will be obedient
to the gospel and the principles of truth and righteousness, that
knowledge which will enable them to perform understandingly all the
labors and duties he requires of them.
If we, in our experience, have not yet proved the truth of the words
of the prophet—"Cursed is he that trusteth in man, or maketh flesh his
arm" —probably we will do if we live long enough. There is a curse
attending every man and woman who does this. If we will watch the
operations of the gospel of Jesus Christ among us, we will see that it
has a tendency to develop knowledge in the bosoms of all, and it is
the design of Providence that it should be so. We must all learn to
depend upon God and upon Him alone. Why, the very man upon whom we
think we can rely with unbounded confidence, and trust with all we
possess, may disappoint us sometimes, but trust in God and He never
fails. We can go before Him at all times, and upon all occasions, and
pour out our souls and desires before Him, and we feel that we
lean upon a rock that will not fail, and upon a friend that will not
desert us in the day of trial. He is omnipotent, and in Him only can
we trust under all circumstances, therefore we perceive why the
prophet has said—"Cursed is he that trusteth in man, or maketh flesh
his arm."
God, our Heavenly Father, designs that all who will observe truth and
righteousness should possess wisdom and understanding for themselves,
and He is bringing us through circumstances that will develop within
us that portion of the Godhead or Deity which we have received from
Him, that we may become worthy of our high and glorious parentage.
This being His design respecting us, we should seek by every means in
our power to aid Him in carrying it out, until the whole people are
enlightened by His Spirit, and act understandingly and in concert in
carrying out His designs. In other systems the design is to keep the
people down in ignorance and darkness respecting the principles that
are taught them, to keep the knowledge in the hands of a select few,
upon whom the people are forced to depend, but this is not the genius
of the kingdom of God. The spirit of the church of God is that
manifested by Moses when, in answer to Joshua, who wished him to
reprove some who were prophesying, he said—"No; but I would to God
that all were prophets." That is the spirit of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. The genius of the kingdom with which we are associated is to
disseminate knowledge through all the ranks of the people, and to make
every man a prophet and every woman a prophetess, that they may
understand the plans and purposes of God. For this purpose the gospel
has been sent to us, and the humblest may obtain its spirit and
testimony, and the weakest of the weak may obtain a knowledge
respecting the purposes of God. This is the difference between the
church and kingdom of God and the creeds and institutions of men. The
idea that prevails in the world concerning us is that we are
hoodwinked and led blindly by our leaders; but the contrary to this is
the case, for it is the wish of every man who comprehends this work
that the people should all understand it. The bishops and teachers, if
they have the right spirit, wish their wards to understand the
principles of the gospel and the requirements of heaven as they
understand them, and so it is through all grades of the priesthood and
through all the ramifications of the church of God. If we take this
course continually we will become a great and mighty people before the
Lord. If we do anything let us do it understandingly. If we hear any
principle taught from the stand that we do not understand let us seek
to comprehend it by the Spirit of God. If it be not of God we have the
privilege of knowing it. We are not required to receive for doctrine
everything that we hear. We may say—"I do not know whether this is
true or not, I will not fight it, neither will I endorse it, but I
will seek knowledge from God, for that is my privilege, and I will
never rest satisfied until I have obtained the light I require." If
you hear a doctrine that does not agree with your feelings, or that
you do not believe, take this course; do not reject nor endorse
hastily, without knowing or understanding. By taking this course you
will develop the principle that God designs we should possess, and we
will thus become a wise and understanding people, for we will be based
on the Rock of Revelation.
May this be the case with you, my brethren and sisters, until
you are brought back into the presence of God, to dwell at His right
hand eter nally, is my prayer for Christ's sake. Amen.
- George Q. Cannon